Calm in Chaos.

Calm in chaos. Be calm in the chaos, for when

you are calm, you miss nothing by the beat.

Though situations may be hot, yet you are not,

sabotaged by the heat. Be transformed by heat.

And you ride the waves. Worldly views can be

distracting, focus on your gaze. Live through

the maze of life and ride the waves of life.

Keep it cool when under pressure, gives you

room to think strategically. Emotion is an

erratic side of nature, sometimes it helps

you plan strategically.

Fleeting thoughts, regulating blood, fighting

diseases, staying healthy and yet, the body

keeps it cool. How do I do it? How does my

body do it? How do I understand how my

body does it?

The world can be quite chaotic, how do I

keep it cool? How can I use the distractions

to my advantage? How can I be calm in the


Sometimes I am trapped in my emotions and

respond out of fear. How can I be calm when

distraction is all I hear?

How do I focus? How do I stay on point? How

do I make up my mind to follow to the end?

Why should I follow till the end? So life can

be an adventure?

Enjoying the highs and learning from the

lows? Since you come from somewhere, there

is also a place that you will go. Go where?

To eternity? Is life an adventure? Keep calm

in chaos.

Freelance Services

Copywriting, Web Development


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