Welcome to Mrs. Wahedi's Class - Room 44

Hello Students, Parents, and Guardians,

Welcome to the official website for Mrs. Wahedi's 6th Grade CORE English and History class at Thornton Middle School! This site is your central hub for finding answers to common questions that'll be covered in class throughout the year. Whether you're a student ready to excel or a family member here to support, this platform will keep you in the loop and connected with our school community. If what you are looking for could not be found here, feel free to reach out to me via email or ask me in person when we meet. 

I'm looking forward to an amazing and successful school year! 


Mrs. Wahedi 



I'm excited to start this transition to middle school with our students. I know this year will be a special, fun, and unique experience, especially for our sixth graders. We'll all learn a lot from each other, and I look forward to seeing how much you'll all grow!