Parent/Carer Support

As the parent/carer of a child in secondary school you are no doubt starting to think about their futures and career decisions, just like they are.  You can be one of the most influential people in this process so it is important you feel confident in the advice and guidance you provide.  

At Thornden School we have a careers programme that ensures students are provided with a wide range of information from a broad range of sources so they can make informed choices.  Each student will have access to:

That said, research shows that children look to their parents/carers first when they want career advice so we have provided a range of resources below to help you, help your student.


Education providers will often talk about the different levels of education.  Hopefully this graphic helps you to see the possible pathways through the varying educational levels

Students are not restricted to one particular route.  For example, a student could go to college and study A levels, then take on an apprenticeship

USEFUL RESOURCES: General Careers Information/Guidance


T-levels are new, government-backed, career focused qualifications for 16- to 19-year olds. Each T Level is equivalent to three A-levels and they are backed by hundreds of British businesses, who helped to design the courses. 

T Levels are 80% college course and 20% work placement

Subjects available include:

Government Guidance

Info for parents/carers

Find local T-Level providers

USEFUL RESOURCES: Apprenticeships

An apprenticeship is a paid job where the employee learns and gains valuable experiences.  Alongside on-the-job training, apprentices spend at least 20% of their working hours completing classroom-based learning with a college, university or training provider which leads to a nationally recognised qualification. 

Apprenticeships are 80% workplace and 20% college course

An apprenticeship includes: 

Apprenticeship levels

Different apprenticeship levels equate to different qualification levels. 

An apprenticeship can start at any level.  For example, a student can complete their A Levels or GCSEs and then take up an apprenticeship opportunity

If someone is going into a totally new industry it may require them to start at a lower level to build the foundation knowledge before progressing on to higher levels e.g. going into the hair and beauty industry after studying non related A levels would require someone to start at the intermediate level to ensure they had the basic knowledge required in the industry.

Level Equivalent education level

Intermediate 2 GCSE

Advanced 3 A level

Higher 4,5,6 and 7 Foundation degree and above

Degree 6 and 7 Bachelor’s or master’s degree

Parent/Carer Hub

The UKs leading job resource for young people seeking apprenticeships

Parent/Carer Zone

Helping you to explore the world of apprenticeships with your student

National Apprenticeships

Government guidance for parents with students interested in apprenticeships

USEFUL RESOURCES: Higher Education

Choosing a university course - a guide for parents

How can I help my child choose the right university and the right course?

Advice for parents, guardians and carers: university and other options