In the News

Thanks Sampan Travel for highlighting and always supporting our work!

Beautiful series on Stories of Friendship done by documentary maker, Lea Suter

Edo Vader, one of our amazing illustrators, is profiled in the Irrawaddy

...and check out the new Third Story book he is illustrating in the background!

Myanmar Alinn covers our training in Pokokku

As part of the KBZ Child Rights training program, our trainers traveled to Pokokku to teach children at the local Ministry of Information Library about their rights and how to write stories. They played many games that demonstrated lessons about the rights that they have. At the end of the training, they wrote their own stories. After 12 trainings this year, our team will select four stories from the child authors to publish as our next books.

EU Donates 90 Libraries in a Box for a Thingyan Surprise

The week before Thingyan, the EU surprised us with a donation from their staff for 90 Libraries in a Box. It was perfect timing since students from Kantkaw Education Center were headed out to do their service learning projects in 70 different villages. Each student brought a library with them to aid in their teaching.

Readers in Japan got to know Third Story Project!

"Japanese students finished last week, and they worked hard to finish writing articles. It is all written in Japanese, but it is certain that readers in Japan got to know your activities."

--Maho Hidaka, from Japan

Click here to read the article

A new office for Third Story

Come visit us and buy some books at our new office at 191 40th Street. We've got a little reading section and donated books from the US if you are looking for English books for your library.

Third Story Project is in Italy!

Third Story Project Thingyan Sale!

Traveling home for Thingyan?

Bring some books for your community!

From April 3-7, all Libraries in a Box will be on sale for 20,000 kyat.

Come pick them up at our new office at 191 40th street, middle block, 1st floor.

We'll be open from 10-8 every day.

Grand opening and pre- Thingyan party on April 6th from 5-8. Join us!

“Our Stories are Changing Myanmar and the World”

The Third Story Project, a collaborative effort between the Myanmar Storytellers and the Benevolent Youth Association, is creating and producing a series of children’s books in Burmese and other ethnic languages to distribute to children around Myanmar. The stories are written and illustrated by Myanmar artists for a Myanmar audience and address issues of peace, tolerance and diversity. The stories are changing Myanmar and the World!!!

click here for more information.


New books are coming!

We're so excited because our new books are coming!

Guess what this story is about?

When tourists want to make a difference, they can do it with books.

"The Third Story Project is a non-profit social enterprise creating books for Myanmar children in Burmese and other indigenous languages. The books, written and illustrated by local artists, cover a range of key topics for children and are distributed throughout the country free of charge."

Click here for more information

Pass It On!

#PASSITON Pass It On Project by Hla Day!

New postcards to send with Library in a Box!

Thank you for supporting us to send the books to the children!

You can get this at Hla Day

Introducing Third Story Children Books PASS IT ON, a fun new initiative that provides a meaningful way to support access to books and education for children across Myanmar.

click here for more information

Children Literacy Festival

On March 25th, Third Story Project held Children Literacy Festival at Mawlamyine!

Photo Credit : Cartoon Su Myat Htwe

We were in Pakokku

The camera turned to the library of Pakokku, where children were reading Third Story books in Children's Reading Room...Click the link below to see the video.

Good news coming!

Third Story Children Books

The Third Story Project now has 18 books in Burmese and English versions! Because of the generous donations to the site, we were able to produce six new books for children to enjoy. The Library in a Box project will also soon become reality with many schools receiving a box full of books and activities to accompany each book. Thanks for all your support and here's to an amazing 2016 full of colorful pictures, wonderful stories, smiling kids and a new generation of storytellers!

Click here to support The Third Story Project by Richardson Center for Global Engagement


A Book For Every Child!

Children from Ayeyarwaddy Division, Pantanaw Township, Saw Pan BEPS are reading the storybooks.

Thanks Saya U Aye Ko for distributing those books to the kids.

click here for more pictures

"Thanks for donation of storybooks"


"It was difficult to pass exam for them before we read Singer from Flower City. Now the kids have inspiration to pass exam. Thanks for donation of storybooks" --Grade 3 Teacher, Bamauk Township, Kyawe Kaw Gyu Village, Upper Primary.

Thanks to the teacher for letting us know this amazing story. You are a wonderful teacher.

Thanks so much!

"Every child deserve to have their own book"

January activity.

We did have fun and love to use our time with our young brother & sisters.

Thank you very much to everyone who participated in this project.

Gratitude goes to #booksponsor #volunteers #HpuMooLerTheh Blessing Home #wisdomforlife

click here for more pictures

Third Story Project on the Radio

87.6 MRTV (Radio) carried the story of Third Story Project twice.

28.1.2017 5:35pm

29.1.2017 8:35pm

"We discussed about what Third Story Project does, how we do it, and what we are going to do. "

click here to watch the video

Stories for Change training

Another Stories for Change training just started at KBZ Bank, University Avenue.

Thanks #KBZ for providing very nice training room.

Feedbacks on Stories For Change

It was in South Okkala Township,Yangon.

Teacher May Hnin Si sent us feedbacks of our story books! She is using our activities sheets in the #Library in a box.

Her kids' behaviors changed after she read our storybooks to them. Kids are only six years old but sayama is a good storyteller, and the kids are excited to listen to the stories.

The teacher told the story of Phway Phway Won't Litter Anymore when the kids made a mess in their classroom. They memorized the story and never made a mess again. And even after they play, they have good habits to keep the room neat and tidy.

They used to bully kids from other ethnic groups but after the teacher's storytelling, they never did it again.


M-Boutik Christmas Sale, 16 -18 December

It's Christmas Time! M-Boutik, a social enterprise run by and for the women of Myanmar, is bringing the latest products from Bagan all the way down to Yangon, where you can find Myanmar traditional rattan and fabrics that are now designed into stylish scarfs, cushions, jewelry box, bags, i-Pad covers, bracelets.... and more.

Do you want to buy our books?

Please go and check them out there!

Click here for more information

A letter From EDU GREEN

"We would like to express our heartfelt thanks to Third Story Children Books for their contribution in our project. We believe the stories can improve or even change the behaviors and attitudes to become better persons for the world. <3


Team EduGreen"

Come and See Child Rights Storybooks here!

Successfully Hosting 4th Child Rights and Storywriting

4th Child Rights and Storywriting Training was done successfully in Kyaw Poat Monastics Education in Hakha.

It was funded by #AEIF2016 #YSEALI.

Thanks to all the people who made this possible!

In Monastic Education School

Third Story Project shared children books to the students from Shwe Pyi Thar San Monastic Education School, Hlegu township, on November 27, 2016.


Child Rights and Story Writing in BEHS (Branch) Kyauk Phyu!

Special thanks to the local communities for helping us!

Click here for more information

First AEIF Training

Our First AEIF (Stories for Change) Training, Day One is finished successfully.

Child Rights Awareness Training and Story Writing training in Myitkyina, Kachin State.

Kids are from Glory Family Vision.

Thanks Ko Rakhine for arranging this training.

Click here for more information

The President read our books!

Third Story books at the Children's Literature Festival in Naypyidaw

Click here for more information

People in the volunteering programs

Ko Thant Kyaw, who always participates in the volunteer programs and storytelling events with different youth volunteer groups, told a story to the students from Oak Pho Monastic Education school in New Dagon township near Yangon on October 30, 2016.

Our Third Story Project shared storybooks to 90 students.

Click here to watch the video

Myanmar Young Social Entrepreneur Award

It's an honor to accept this award which will be a big milestone to reach our goals.

Thanks to every single person who made this happen.

Click here for more information