
All of these images are subject to copyright. Do not use without proper permission.

I love doing Scientific Illustrations, an amalgamation of Science and Art, where one can really visualize Science

Figure showing the workflow of FBC Curation (, Made using Adobe Illustrator CS6

Illustrative workflow showcasing the process of comparative genomics analysis of E. bugandensis, evaluating its prevalence and metabolic interactions within the microbial community, and its successful adaptation within the ISS habitat (, Made using Adobe Illustrator CS6

This figure is essentially the topic of my PhD dissertation, exploring microbial interactions through Systems Biology Approaches, Made using Adobe Illustrator CS6

Figure showing the estimation of microbial interactions (MSI: Metabolic Support Index) using a bipartite graph (, Made using Adobe Illustrator CS6

Connecting International Space Station Microbiome (INYAS International Sci-Art 3rd Prize), Made using Adobe Illustrator CS6