Emergency Legislation on the Floor of the House

March 16, 2020

Speaker Rayekka has just put a emergency legislation LR.024 Parliament Procedures Reform Act amendment on the HOC (House of Commons) floor for debate. The reason for this is that there are currently two conflicting bills LR.003 and LR.024 as LR.024 did not state that it was going to replace LR.003 so there were two contradicting bills, so Rayekka proposed amendments.

The amendment adds on Article XVII which makes LR.024 the primary parliament procedure act repealing LR.003, while also changing it name.

Article I Adds Article XVII -

i) This act hereby repeals L.R. 003 Parliament Procedures Act, making this the primary legislation for Parliament Procedures until another piece of legislation deems it otherwise.

Article II - Hereby amends the name of L.R. 024 "Parliament Procedures Reform Act" to "Parliament Procedures Act".

DISCLAIMER: Zon Island is a Member of Parliament.


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