An Open Letter from the Premier Office

By Prime Minister Korsinia

March 15, 2020

"We're down to our lowest population numbers", "Our population is decreasing daily", "We have a shortage in numbers for our regional jobs".

Recruitment, population increase and population decrease, these words are what our citizens worry about in daily Thaecian life.

The government has been relatively quiet about its recruitment efforts and plans, which has led to concerned citizens reaching out and contacting government members both privately in direct messages and publicly on the RMB, asking about and urging for increased recruitment.

This concern is understandable but remember this, our core community is still active and we have seen how much it can do.

I am of course talking about the general inactivity Congress faced the last term, from people CTE'ing or generally not participating as much as many desire. The new Members of Parliament and Senators are incredibly active and it fills me with the hope that our region, if it wants to, can overcome any struggle.

I'm writing this open letter to Thaecia to inform you all of what the government is currently doing and what it plans to do in the near future.

We have recently set up a stamp donation program, this program's purpose is to gather enough stamps to send out recruitment telegrams en masse with little to no effort, reaching many nations as we can at once and increasing our population relatively quickly.

This has several times in the past, especially under Andusre’s administration, proven to be a very effective way to recruit and so we wish to try this method once more.

Alongside our plans to send out massive recruitment telegrams with help from your kind stamp donations, we urge everyone to individually carry out manual recruitment as that can also prove to be an efficient method of recruitment when done by enough people.

Since Denmark has very recently shut down most of its institutions, I have taken time out of my days to send out telegrams to new players as well as to contact friends from other regions, urging them to join Thaecia.

On my own, I can only do so much, and therefore am asking you to consider donating as many stamps as you can, I am urging you to take a small amount of time from your day to manually recruit for Thaecia. Every little helps, our government can only do so much without your assistance.

However, I understand that things have not been easy as of late, the Coronavirus Pandemic affects everyone's personal life in some way and many of us are afraid of what the coming days may bring. This affects our stamp donation program negatively as people are potentially less willing to spend money on a game and more focused on ensuring their’s and their family’s safety. We, your government, as people also affected by the current situation, understand this and above all else urge you to be safe and take whatever precautions you need to stay healthy.

If you are unsure about stamp donations and manual recruitment, you are more than welcome to contact me or any of my fellows with your questions.

-Prime Minister Korsinia


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