What Has Happened To The Recruitment Efforts?

March 9, 2020

According to a news story released relating to a downfall of nations in Thaecia, I found the information to be very troubling. In the article it states by Terentiland, "Thaecia has since declined and is down to 228 nations, a decline of 32 nations or 12.3% this year."

Anyone else find this very alarming?

If no recruitment efforts are being made to sustain the loss of nations, then is this a problem in which we ought to alter? Yes! This responsibility falls on all Ministers to recruit, as there is no current up and running Recruitment Ministry. Recruiting can be difficult at times but giving up is not an option at this point.

I believe, recruiting is what keeps our region fresh and alive, filled with new ideas that can potentially help us in the long run. I've personally seen no recruitment efforts being done. Recruitment efforts needs to happen quickly or I'm afraid it will be far too late to save the region from falling victim to inactivity and turmoil.


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