
Book Recommendations by Ilana F

OK so I already wrote some recommendations in the last newspaper but these are some new ones. The first one is Song of The Lioness by Tamora Pierce. This is a fantasy series. The first one is “Alanna The First Adventure”, the second one is ”In The Hands Of The Goddess.” The third is ”The Woman Who Rides Like a Man” and the last is “Lioness Rampant." Another series that is written by the same author is The Immortals. The first is “Wild magic”, then “ Wolf Speaker'' then “Emperor Mage." The last one is “The realms of the gods.” The next series is Savvy by Ingrid Law. The first book is “Savvy” and the second one is “Scumble” That’s it for now but there are lots of books that you should read and you can always search books up online if they aren’t at a library or book store.

Why Minecraft Is the Best Game Ever by Raviv M

Minecraft is the best game ever. Here is why: Most blocks need no gravity so you do not need to waste materials. Minecraft is also extremely educational. For example, you can use all the elements in the periodic table (in education mode) to make more hidden items like a glow-stick or balloons. It also teaches you patience (furnaces) and teamwork (multiplayer). It also teaches you to work for what you want (survival). Robotics and electricity are also included ( redstone). It also allows you to be artistic (creative mode). Minecraft building is now being considered as a type of art.

Why Minecraft Is Not the Best Game by Harlowe M

Hey, First let me say Minecraft is a good game just not everyone likes it. I prefer the game fortnite. It’s a violent game for 13+ but there's no blood, just guns. Minecraft in my opinion is a lot more violent. It can show abuse to animals and average players. Although in the game it’s used for hunting, it could show that such influences could result in animals going extinct. Although fortnite also has content like this in the case of killing sharks. I feel that people should read the rules to both of these games before attempting either of the games. Therefore neither of these are considered appropriate for kids who are not 13+