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First Day in Minecraft by Lestonaco

Lestonaco = Juliette B, Josh B, Jordan B, Zach L, and Avi M

1- punch trees to get wood

2- craft logs into planks

2 1/2- use 4 planks to make a crafting table (now you can use bigger recipes

3- craft planks into sticks

3 1/2- craft sticks and coal to make a torch

4- craft sticks and planks into swords, pickaxes, axes, shovels and hoes

4 1/2- kill sheep to get wool

5- use a pickaxe to mine stone

5 1/2- use 8 cobblestone in a crafting table to make a furnace

6- mine a mountain or build a house out of...

-wooden log or planks -cobblestone (smelt cobblestone to get stone)-stone- dirt!

7- use 6 planks in a crafting table to make doors

8- use 3 wool (same color) and 3 planks in a crafting table to make a bed

9- use a bed to skip night

10- !!!celebrate a great first day in Minecraft!!!

Disney by Lestonaco

Lestonaco = Juliette B, Josh, Jordan B, Zach L, and Avi M

Today I will talk about Disney and it's attributes. Disney+ is the best disney streaming service it has over 1500 movies & tv shows. There are 5 major categories; Pixar, Disney, Star Wars, Marvel, & National Geographic. Hamilton (2016 version) the Broadway musical is now on disney so go watch it now. Disneyland reopened with many saftey measures.

The Epic Sprout At Home Prank by Caleigh A

Breaking news! Jeremy and Ira have pulled a prank on Tyler! Tyler has to be on every class on Sprout-at-Home so Jeremy and Ira play the same songs but 10 seconds off and Tyler was so confused! :)

Jeremy told us (newspaper sprout at home class) today (Friday.) so this has been happening for a week and nobody but Jeremy and Ira knew! Pretty funny.

How We Got Our Dog Mikaela by Shayna K

Last May one of our pugs passed away. We were all so sad. We knew we wanted another puppy but we wanted to wait until we found the right one.

In January of this year we went to a rescue group. We met a few puppies and the woman at the group said she had the most perfect one for us. Her name is Mikaela. She is from Puerto Rico.

Adventure Pug by Maya K

Maya K

Sprout Today by Megan S and Maayan H

Pool: Today only one of the pools is open. The waterslide is open, that allows for plenty of social distancing when climbing up the slide. There have been new additions to the floatie collection including a giant turtle in which George the turtle slept in the box of (ironic).

Garden: The garden now holds peppers, tomatoes, basil, and the year-round mint and lemon leaf. If you can guess who is planting and taking care of the garden you must know the office staff very well. FIND OUT BY FINDING LETTERS LATER IN THE PAPER *cough* R *cough*

Omanut: The only project that has been in “I'm a nut”/omanut since last summer is, *drumroll please* NOTHING!!!!!! Unless one of the office staff is sneaking omanut time.*cough* E *cough* Well, good luck to them.

BREAKING NEWS: GEORGE THE TURTLE IS MISSING!!!!!!!!! He has been missing for over 2 weeks, but do not fear George the turtle is near!!!! He is probably down by the lake in sprout lake living a happy life.

Bunks: Completely EMPTY. Never mind that. The bunks have not only beds, but benches and disgusting bathrooms. COME DO CAMP WIDE AND NORMAL NIKAYON!!!!! WE NEED U!!!!!! *cough* N *cough* The bunks are very dusty even though they put the fans on. (*hmmm… i wonder why* because fans definitely don’t make dust move around the bunk!)

Tevah shack: The tevah shack has been DEMOLISHED!!!!!!! It is gone *cough* A *cough* Don’t worry though it is being rebuilt. We are not permitted to show it for many reasons. So deal with the suspense. You'll just have to come back next summer to see!!!! :)

BK: Tefillah is not happening and the torah is safely stored in the office. We are stuck singing our momomomomomomomomomo alone sad in our houses :(. *cough* N *cough* our Maraboos are more like maraboohoos. And our or oseh shalom turned into oseh shasave me.

Dorten: DORTEN BATHROOMS ARE BEING REMODELED!!!!!! (that doesn't mean they won't still be the worst bunks ever! *cough* A *cough* But it's an improvement!!!! The turtle always beats the hare!!!! Just kidding the turtle dies trying to beat the hare.

*Readers, if you have made it this far you have earned the right to see who is keeping our garden alive. The answer is….. RENANA!!!

George Washington by Naama K

Hi, I’m Na’ama Korman and just to say I know a lot about presidents. Speaking of presidents, we’re gonna learn some facts about George Washington. He’s one of my favorite presidents. Do you have a favorite president? Well if you do, great! Here’s a question: does George Washington have teeth? Well the answer is yes but no. He had fake teeth made out of ivory or lead which is like what your pencil is made out of but a very very strong version. Now here’s another thing. Does anybody know about the story where Washington’s dad let him out to play right next to his red cherry tree that he had been growing for a while, and then he found his axe and chopped it down? Well that’s all a lie. It’s like a fox tail or a legend but it never actually happened because we know George Washington was honest, but no he did not chop down a cherry tree. Now raise your hand if you know about the revolutionary war. Well George Washington was The general of the United States who is fighting against British. Well on Christmas Eve George Washington and his soldiers ambushed the Britain army and everybody got to come home on Christmas morning. That is very true. Now this is a weird one, George Washington (and his wife) were so special that their dead bodies where put in coffin shaped graves above the ground with a fence in front of the cave thing that they're buried in.

Bye for now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Gossip with Goldman

Welcome to the best gossip section on the planet, made by the best gossipers on the planet, with the juiciest gossip on the planet:

Gossip With Goldman!

In this section, we care about the emotions of others, so no gossip here is related to people. Instead, we are going to be gossiping about, yes, you guessed it, the animals in the Pinat Chai*, so let the items roll in!

For those of you who are new to Sprout Lake and therefore won’t understand any of the gossip, these animals are:

  • Alpacas

    • Jonah

    • Dash

    • Freckles

  • Goats

    • Sprinkles

    • Frosting

    • Donut

    • Munchkin

  • Sheep

    • Clarence

  • Chicks

  • Ducks

Now that that’s out of the way, you can hear the lowdown on the animals of the Sprout Lake Pinat Chai*!

  1. Okay, first up is a real juicy one: Munchkin the goat has had three kids! That means three more animals in the Pinat Chai*, for the campers to enjoy during free time!

  2. Word on the Sprout Lake street claims that Helene is looking for new animals to bring to camp next summer. The place will be full to the brim with animals, once the new addition comes along!

  3. Recently, Sprinkles the devious goat has developed a habit of standing near the chicken coop, and, yes, crawling inside! Adi, one of the counselors in charge of the Pinat Chai*, has instructed campers not to feed Sprinkles near the coop, so as to discontinue this behavior.

  4. Three of the animals, Freckles, Clarence and Frosting, have formed a little group known as the Shy Crowd, as this reporter calls the crew. Members of the Shy Crowd do not allow campers to touch them, and they mostly keep to themselves.

  5. From pictures seen, Sprinkles has grown a goatee! (Maybe that’s why they call it that.)

*Note from the editor: None of the information in this article is verified. Please look for other sources.

The Sprout BaBayit Prank by Olivia G

Starring Tyler, Jeremy, Ira, and a bunch of Israeli music videos.

On Friday, the Newspaper Staff heard an exciting tale from Jeremy, about an epic prank he and Ira pulled on Tyler. This is how it goes. . .

You know how Tyler keeps several devices on, so that he can be on several Zoom meetings at once? Well, if you didn’t, he does. And you know how Jeremy and Ira play Israeli music videos in their electives? So, for the past week, at the beginning of their Newspaper and Tour of Israel electives, while Tyler listens in, they have been playing the same music videos, just one is ten seconds farther ahead than the other. And all this time, Tyler thought it was a coincidence! Ha ha!