Support Us

Standing Order forms.pdf

Support us for less than a Pint a Week!

Want to support the Trust? Not practical? No Worries!

That's why we're launching a new standing order system to give you the opportunity to support us without needing to get mucky. Your regular donation will enable us to support more projects simultaneously whilst buying tools and specialist equipment to do more of the work in-house. Not only that but your contribution will help us to support our Apprentices in their development and apply for grants and unlock further opportunities for growth.

From £10 a month (less than a pint a week) it's so easy. Simply download the forms below, fill them in and return to us at:

The New Perseverance Ironworks,

Parade Busines Park,

Pixon Lane,



PL19 9RQ.

Or email them back to us at,

Standard Membership

We'd love you to join and support The Robey Trust. Membership subscriptions become due on 1 January every year. You are also invited to make a donation to support our engine restoration funds. We have restricted funds in place for various individual projects: The Undertype – A dedicated Education Room – The Visitor Reception Area – Site expansion through land clearance – and Machine Shop Facilities. If you would like to identify with one or more of these, we would be pleased if you could state it.

£14 - Under 18s, Students, Unwaged & over 65s

£22 - Adults & Families

£22 - Overseas (Newsletters sent via e-mail)

£27 - Overseas (Newsletters sent via Post)

​If you join after 1st June in a given year the cost will be 50% of the relevant rate above and will run to 31st December of that year.

Download and complete the form, right, and send back to us.

NB: Members will be approved by the Robey Trust Board of Directors as per Article 6 of the Constitution, which states “ Any member of the public may apply for membership, providing that there is no evidence to suggest that the potential member does not share in the aims and objects of the Trust, will seek to preserve and enhance the good name of the Trust, will not harm its reputation, will look after and wisely and economically use the assets of the Trust, and will not place him/herself or others in any hazardous situation”... Anyone who's membership is refused, will be given a full refund / cheque returned, destroyed.
Membership Forms.pdf
Gift Aid Declaration.pdf

Gift Aid

"Getting Britain Giving" is an initiative introduced by the Government to boost charitable giving. From April 6th 2000 charities have been able to reclaim the tax on gifts of any amount from donors who are UK taxpayers and have completed a simple Gift Aid Declaration. By completing a Declaration you will enable us to claim an additional 25%! This actually means that a subscription of £10.00 is worth £12.50 to the charity.


1. You can cancel the Declaration at any time by notifying the charity.

2. You must pay an amount of income tax and/or capital gains tax at least equal to the tax that the charity reclaims on your donations in the tax year (currently 25 p for each £1 you give).

3. If in the future your circumstances change and you no longer pay tax equal to the tax that the charity reclaims, you can cancel your declaration.

4. If you pay tax at the higher rate you can claim further tax relief in your Self Assessment tax return.

5. If you are unsure whether your donations qualify for Gift Aid tax relief, ask the charity or ask your local tax office for leaflet IR65.

6. Please notify the charity if you change your name or address.

Data Protection Policy


From 25th May 2018 a new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will come into force as well as the Data Protection Act already enacted. The Robey Trust Limited (RTL) is committed to a policy of protecting the rights and privacy of members. We acknowledge the importance of keeping members’ Personal Information safe and secure at all times.


To carry out the work of RTL we ask our members to provide their contact details when they join the Trust. The only Personal Information held in our Database is:

Name and Address + Telephone number

Membership Fee + donation + Date Paid

Email address (if applicable), Yes or No to Gift Aid

Under the Data Protection Act the data held by RTL is defined as Standard Personal data. The level of security must be good and proportionate to the data kept by RTL.

This information is needed for communication on RTL matters.

*The name, telephone number and email address of members within the Trust is known to the Company Secretary, Treasurer and Membership Secretary via the membership database. The database is necessary for validation of all membership purposes.

Access to the information is restricted to:

  1. Those officials having a specific need, as named above.*
  2. Anybody seconded for authorized access by the RTL Board of Directors.
  3. It is RTL policy that no other third party will have access to our membership data base.
  4. Membership details may be released when legally required by a Statutory Authority, e.g. HMRC.


Data is stored in an Excel spreadsheet protected by a password and can only be accessed by authorised RTL officials using the password.

Database Administrator

Our Database Administrator, the Membership Secretary, controls the access to this database by allocating permissions to other Board members solely where necessary. The Administrator is the only person with the authority and access to change a member’s personal details. Members must request in writing or by email in order to authorise changes to Personal Data.

Control over access

The Board will maintain and review the list of those members who have permission to:- View, modify or download the information necessary to their function or send mass emails to all members.


Board members who have direct access to the membership database are not authorised to copy or email lists of personal details to any other person or organisation.

Any password which gives them access to the database must not be shared with anyone else, or written down/recorded.

This Data Protection Policy will be published in The Globe newsletter and on the RTL website. Any update to this policy will republished in a reasonable timeframe.

Lapsed Member Data

On leaving RTL a member’s data will be retained for no longer than 12 months. This helps to cope more efficiently with the member re-joining within that period. The HMRC require that Gift Aid data are retained for 7 years, which is adhered to by our Treasurer.

Sending personal emails

When sending an email, all members should be aware that some people will not want their email address shared with other members. Routinely, RTL will use the Bcc facility which will conceal email addresses from the recipients.

Email Addresses in our Newsletter

Personal email addresses will not be made available for the general public to view. Board members can be contacted by members and non-members by using the published email addresses on the RTL website