

Conway, B. & Hammond, E. (2023). Utilizing and revising a teaching and mathematical practices indicator for equity-based instruction. In D. Polly, E. Garin, & C. Martin (Eds.), Clinically Based Teacher Education in Action: Cases from Mathematics Teacher Educators. Information Age Publishing.

Strutchens, M., Conway, B., Mangram, C., Erickson, D., Ratliff, B. (2022). Implementing the Paired Placement Model: Foregrounding the Impact on Key Stakeholders. In D. Polly, R. W. Burns, E. Garin, & B. Badiali (Eds.), Preparing quality teachers: Advances in clinical practice. Information Age Publishing.

Martin, W. G., Lawler, B. R., Lischka, A., & Smith, W. M. (Eds.) (2020). The Mathematics Teacher Education Partnership: The power of a networked improvement community to transform secondary mathematics teacher preparation. Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators, IAP Publishing.

Strutchens, M. E., Sears, R., Whitfield, J., Biagetti, S., Brosnan, P., Oloff-Lewis, J., Clarke, P. A., Stone, J. J., Erickson, D. R., Parrish, C., Conway IV, B. M., & Ellis, R. L. (2019). Implementation of paired placement and co-planning/co-teaching field experience models across multiple contexts. In T. Hodges, & A. Baum (Eds.), Handbook of research on field-based teacher education (pp. 32-63). Hershey, PA: IGI Global. doi:10.4018/978-1-5225-6249-8.ch002 

Martin, W. G. & Strutchens, M.E. (2018). Improving secondary mathematics teacher preparation via a networked improvement community: Focus on clinical experiences. In M.E. Strutchens, R. Huang, L. Losano, & D. Potari (Eds.) Educating prospective secondary mathematics teachers. Monograph Series Edited by Kaiser, G. (pp. 27- 46). Switzerland: Springer. 


Conway, B., Erikson, D., Parish, C., Strutchens, S., & Whitfield, J. (2017, October). An alternative approach to the traditional internship model.  Paper presented at the Georgia Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators, Eagle Rock, GA. Retrieved from

Iiams, M., Sears, R., Ellis, M., & Strutchens, M. (2016). A deeper dive into plan-do-study-act cycles and Measures. In B. Lawler, B. Ronau, & Mohr-Schroeder, M. (eds.), Proceedings of the Fifth MTE-Partnership Conference (pp. 51 – 56). Washington, DC: Association of Public and Land-grant Universities.

Mangram, C., Conway, B., Strutchens, M. Ellis, R., & Erickson, D. (2019). Paired-Placement Internships: Clinical Teaching Becomes A Collaborative and Empowering Model for Ongoing Professional Development. In W. M. Smith, J. F. Strayer, R. S. Jones, K. Callahan, & L. Augustyn, (Eds.), Proceedings of the eighth annual Mathematics Teacher Education Partnership conference. St Louis, MO: Association of Public and Land-grant Universities.

Conway, B. & Stone, J. (2019, June). Sharing and Building Resources to Equip and Empower Mathematics Teacher Educators. In W. M. Smith, J. F. Strayer, R. S. Jones, K. Callahan, & L. Augustyn, (Eds.), Proceedings of the eighth annual Mathematics Teacher Education Partnership conference. St Louis, MO: Association of Public and Land-grant Universities.

Mangram, C., Conway, B., Strutchens, M. Ellis, R., & Erickson, D. (2019). Paired-Placement Internships: Clinical Teaching Becomes A Collaborative and Empowering Model for Ongoing Professional Development. Proceedings at the Mathematics Teacher Education Partnership Annual Conference; St. Louis, MO.

Strutchens, M., Sears, R., Zelkowski, J., Edwards, B. Conway IV, B. & Mangram, C. (2019). Clinical experiences research action cluster report. In W. M. Smith, J. F. Strayer, R. S. Jones, K. Callahan, & L. Augustyn, (Eds.), Proceedings of the eighth annual Mathematics Teacher Education Partnership conference. St Louis, MO: Association of Public and Land-grant Universities.

Strutchens, M. (2018). Exploring the AMTE Standards: Social contexts of mathematics teaching and learning and NCTM’s catalyzing change in high school mathematics. In W. M. Smith, B. R. Lawler, J. F. Strayer, & L. Augustyn (Eds.), Proceedings of the seventh annual Mathematics Teacher Education Partnership conference (pp. 17– 22). Washington, DC: Association of Public and Land-grant Universities. 

Strutchens, M., Sears, R., & Zelkowski, J. (2018). Clinical experiences research action cluster report. In W. M. Smith, B. R. Lawler, J. F. Strayer, & L. Augustyn (Eds.), Proceedings of the seventh annual Mathematics Teacher Education Partnership conference (pp. 53 – 56). Washington, DC: Association of Public and Land-grant Universities.

Strutchens, M., Sears, R., Zelkowski, J., & Ellis, M.W.  (2017). Clinical experiences research action cluster report. Smith, W. M., Lawler, B. R., Bowers, J., & Augustyn, L. (Eds.). (2017). Proceedings of the sixth annual Mathematics Teacher Education Partnership conference. Washington, DC: Association of Public and Land-grant Universities. 


Strutchens, M., Zelkowski, J., Sears, R., Conway, B., & Mangram, C. (2020, February, Accepted). Collaborating to Improve Clinical Experiences for Secondary Mathematics Teacher Candidates at Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators: Phoenix, AZ.

Strutchens, M. Sears, R., Gobstein, H., Martin, W., Sutton, J., Zelkowski, J., Conway, B., Mangram, C. (2020, January, accepted). Collaborative research: Attaining excellence in secondary mathematics clinical experiences with a lens on equity. Joint Mathematics Meeting: Denver, CO. 

Strutchens, M. (2019, September). Equity in Clinical Experiences. Co-Planning and Co-Teaching Professional Development; University of South Florida: Orlando, FL. 

Conway, B. (2019, September). Resources to Develop Equitable Teaching Practices. Co-Planning and Co-Teaching Professional Development; University of South Florida: Orlando, FL. 

 Conway, B. & Stone, J. (2019, June). Sharing and Building Resources to Equip and Empower Mathematics Teacher Educators. Proceedings at the Mathematics Teacher Education Partnership Annual Conference; St. Louis, MO.  

Mangram, C., Conway, B., Strutchens, M. Ellis, R., & Erickson, D. (2019, June). Paired-Placement Internships: Clinical Teaching Becomes A Collaborative and Empowering Model for Ongoing Professional Development. Proceedings at the Mathematics Teacher Education Partnership Annual Conference; St. Louis, MO.  

Strutchens, M. E. & Sears, R. (January 2019). Collaborative research: Attaining Excellence in Secondary Mathematics Clinical Experiences with a Lens on Equity (Poster). Joint Mathematics Meeting, Baltimore, MD.

Conway, B. (2019, October). Sharing and Building Resources to Equip and Empower Mathematics Teacher Educators Georgia Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators (GAMTE) Annual Conference; Rock Eagle, GA. 

Amick, L., Franz, D., Lischka, A., McNamara, J., Smith, W., & Strutchens, M., Discussants: Lawler, B. & Martin, W. G. (April 2019). Research Symposium: Collaborating to Improve the Preparation of Secondary Mathematics Teachers. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Research Conference, San Diego, CA.

Strutchens, M. E., Sears, R., & Zelkowski, J., (May 2019). MTE-Partnership Webinar Series: Clinical Experiences Research Action Cluster.

Strutchens, M., Whitfield, J., Erickson, D., Conway, B. Parrish, C., & Ellis, R. (June 2018). Paired-Placement Internships: A Collaborative and Empowering Model for Clinical Teaching. Seventh Annual MTE-Partnership Conference, Denver, CO.

Strutchens, M.E. (January 2018). The Mathematics Teacher Education Partnership: A networked improvement community of universities and school systems to transform the preparation of secondary mathematics teachers. MTEP Co-Planning/Co-teaching Workshop University of South Florida, Tampa, FL.

Strutchens, M.  E. & Martin, W. G. (January 2018). The Mathematics Teacher Education Partnership: A networked improvement community of universities and school systems to transform the preparation of secondary mathematics teachers. Joint Mathematics Meeting, San Diego, CA.

Strutchens, M. E. & Sears, R. (January 2018).  Collaborative research: Attaining excellence in secondary mathematics clinical experiences with a lens on equity (Poster). Joint Mathematics Meeting, San Diego, CA.

Whitfield, J., Strutchens, M., Erickson, D., Conway, B., & Parrish, C. (2017, April). The Paired Internship Model Presentation presented at The National Council for Teachers of Mathematics Annual Research Conference; San Antonio, TX. 

Other Resources Related to Paired Placements

Bullough, R. V., Young, J., Birrell, J. R., Clark, D. C., Egan, M. W., Erickson, L., Frankovich, M. Brunetti, J. & Welling, M. (2003). Teaching with a peer: A comparison of two models of student teaching. Teaching and Teacher Education, 19(1), 57-73.

Bryk, A., Gomez, L. M., & Grunow, A. (2011). In M. T. Hallinan (ed.), Frontiers in Sociology of Education (pp. 127-162). Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer. 

Gardiner, W., & Robinson, K. S. (2009). Paired field placements: A means for collaboration. The New Educator, 5(1), 81-94.

Goodnough, K., Osmond, P., Dibbon, D., Glassman, M., Stevens, K., (2009). Exploring a triad model of student teaching: Pre-service teacher and cooperating teacher perceptions. Teaching and Teacher Education, 25(2), 285-296.

Guise, M., Habib, M., Thiessen, K., & Robbins, A. (2017). Continuum of co-teaching implementation: Moving from traditional student teaching to co-teaching. Teaching and Teacher Education, 66, 370-382.

Leatham, K. R., & Peterson, B. E. (2010). Secondary mathematics mentor teachers’ perceptions of the purpose of student teaching. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education, 13(2), 99-119.

Leatham, K.R., & Peterson, B.E. (2010). Purposefully designing student teaching to focus on students’ mathematical thinking. AMTE Monograph 7, Mathematics Teaching: Putting Research into Practice at All Levels, pp. 225–239.

Mau. (2013). Letter from the editor: Better together? Considering paired-placements for student teaching. School Science and Mathematics, 113(2), 53–55.

Sorensen, P. (2014). Collaboration, dialogue and expansive learning: The use of paired and multiple placements in the school practicum. Teaching and Teacher Education, 44, 128-137.  7

Ambrosetti, A., Dekkers, J., & Knight, B. A. (2017). Mentoring triad: an alternative mentoring model for preservice teacher education. Mentoring & Tutoring: Partnership in Learning, 25(1), 42-60. 9

Guise, M., Habib, M., Thiessen, K., & Robbins, A. (2017). Continuum of co-teaching implementation: Moving from traditional student teaching to co-teaching. Teaching and Teacher Education, 66, 370-382. 10

Nokes, J. D., Bullough, R. V., Egan, W. M., Birrell, J. R., & Hansen, J. M. (2008). The paired-placement of student teachers: An alternative to traditional placements in secondary schools. Teaching and Teacher Education, 24(8), 2168-2177. 11

Bodger, G. (2016). Factors influencing mentor and student teacher relationships during placement experiences. Journal of Initial Teacher Inquiry, 2, 14-16.

Cross, S. B., & Dunn, A. H. (2016). I didn't know of a better way to prepare to teach: A case study of paired student teaching abroad. Teacher Education Quarterly, 43(1), 71.