Research the Model

Join our research team!

If you are a part of MTE-P and are interested in becoming a part of our research grant and work, please complete the provided form. Those who would like to become involved would be required to:

  • Attend Meetings and Conferences

  • Participate in the Administration of the Paired Placement Model

  • Research Related Work

1) Attend Meetings and Conferences

• Online Zoom/WebEx Meetings: Approximately three times per semester, members of the Paired Placement subRAC synchronously convene online to discuss various aspects of the SOW. Typical meeting agendas consist of updates from the subRAC members regarding the implementation of the paired placement model, creation or editing of presentations for conferences, editing of surveys, editing of PDSA cycles, and discussion of funding sources. Attendance and participation at the meetings is required.

• MTEP Annual Conference: Sometime during the summer months, usually in June, all the RACs that formulate the MTEP convenes in 2- or 3-day face-to-face conference. Attendance at the annual conference is mandatory and Paired Placement subRAC members can usually bring one additional member who is instrumental to the paired placement model. For instance, some members have brought graduate students involved in the supervision of the interns (or clinical teachers) or cooperating teachers that have hosted the interns (or clinical teachers).

•Face-to-Face Meetings: The RAC team plans to meet and discuss current progress for Fall and discuss upcoming plans for Spring. Time will also be spent discussing notes, recommendations, and ideas from the advisory board meeting in October. Other time will also be spent preparing slides for the research presentation at NCTM.

2) Participate in the Administration of the Paired Placement Model

• Training Seminars: Because the paired placement model has unique characteristics, it requires special trainings for the interns (or clinical teachers), cooperating teachers, and the university supervisors. In the Paired Placement subRAC, members freely share documents, ideas, and best practices that were created for the training sessions. This sharing of ideas helps to improve the training sessions at each of the subRAC member’s home institution and to identify the similarities and differences of the training components across institutions.

• Course Syllabi and Other Documents: The interns (or clinical teachers) participating in the paired placement model are enrolled in a credit bearing course that require certain documents such as course syllabus, pacing charts, lesson plan templates, observation instruments, reflection prompts, and course assignments. All members of the Paired Placement subRAC are required to share documents they created to help improve the overall quality of the paired placement experience and to better prepare the interns (or clinical teachers) for the teacher workforce.

3) Research Related Work

• PDSA Cycles: Paired Placement subRAC members are required to participate in the creation, implementation, and analysis of PDSA cycles. SubRAC members discuss their institution’s needs and then help formulate necessary PDSA cycles. These discussions occur during the online meetings and at the MTEP Annual Conference.

• Contribution of authorship for Scholarly Work: During time periods where the Paired Placement subRAC is not meeting online or face-to-face, each subRAC member devotes time to scholarly work related to the project. Examples of scholarly work are (but not limited to) authoring of manuscripts, authoring of conference proposals, authoring of literature reviews, data analysis, conducting interviews, administering surveys, completing surveys, and completing PDSA cycles.

• Present Scholarly Work at Conferences/Meetings: One or two times each year (minimum) Paired Placement subRAC members travel to state/national/international conferences to disseminate results of their work. All subRAC members are required to participate in the organization and creation of items needed for the presentation. Typically, this consists of helping to create the slide deck used for the presentation, organizing the data and putting it in a format that is reasonable for the presentation, and outlining the duties of each subRAC member for the presentation.

Deliverables potentially include:

1) Implementation reports

2) Updated syllabi

3) Submission of MCOP2s

4) MTP surveys

5) Completer surveys

6) Completed PDSA cycles

7) Proposals for conferences/meetings

8) Training documents for training of the interns (or clinical teachers), cooperating teachers, or

university supervisors.

9) Samples of intern’s (or clinical teacher’s) work.

10) PDSA cycles to be used during the paired placement experience.

11) Completed manuscripts (submitted and/or accepted).

12) Completed literature reviews.

13) Completed book chapters (submitted and/or accepted).