A powerful theme system for creators in Second Life®
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The Theme-O-Matic is a powerful system designed for Second Life® creators allowing them to give their end-users (customers) the power to modify some aspects of their objects, clothes, furniture... through sets of parameters called themes.
It is very versatile and integrates smoothly with any object, either as stand-alone or with other popular systems like AVSitter.
This website describes the Theme-O-Matic both from the creator's and the scripter's point of view.
Where to get it ?
The Theme-O-Matic is available at Oggy's Scripted Items marketplace store or in-world store.
Do you design and maybe sell furniture, clothes or other objects that you want to have several appearance (texture parameters, glow, color, ...) sets that the customer can switch at the click of a button? Would you like some of the prims that make it change their size, light settings or even their position and orientation? Then this system is for you!
By using the Theme-O-Matic you will be able to record appearance settings - called themes - either into notecards or straight into the object's internal storage (called LSD). Later, when your customers buy your objects, they can activate one theme or another, so that the settings it contains get applied. This can happen by merely clicking the object to cycle between the available themes, or maybe by selecting the theme name in a menu, or on a HUD... you decide, as the Theme-OMatic will interface with your own "client" scripts through a well documented simple interface. Of course, standard client scripts are provided.
The scripts used in the preparation phase have the ability to record the appearance of every face of every prim making your object. Of course depending on what is recorded it can be quite a lot of information resulting in big themes and long load times (especially if stored inside notecards instead of LSD). However, you can select that only a few properties are recorded to have lighter themes, and also which prims and which faces are to be considered while doing so.
Applying themes is as easy as commanding the core to load it from a notecard, or starting with version 2.0 you have the opportunity to have a dramatic speed increase by using extra scripts called preloaders. Version 3.0 also introduced LSD themes (LSD stands for "LinkSet Data"), much faster than notecards, easier to set up than preloaders and almost as fast as preloaders. Notecard reading was also dramatically sped up in version 3.0 and theme speed will no longer be an issue in practice.
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