Select properties

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- Chapter: Creating a theme -

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Recording every (object, prim, face) property inside a theme would result on a very large theme that might take a very long time to load from the notecard. If you're only interested in changing the texture and, say, materials for a few prims it would be an unacceptable thing to do.

The Theme-O-Matic gives you the opportunity to specify exactly which properties are recorded and included in the theme by a simple selection of checkboxes inside the dedicated menus. Always deactivate the properties you do not need to record, as this will result in a much lighter theme. You will also be able to restrict the recording to a few prims and faces thanks to the filters explained in the next section.


To make your selection of properties, you have to open, from the main preparation menu, one of the sub-menus thanks to the Object prop, Prim prop, Prim2 prop and Face prop buttons. The corresponding sub-menu, as shown below, will have a number of buttons representing the properties described in the previous chapter.

Each of these buttons will also have a ✖ or ✔ symbol indicating if it is active or not. Only active properties will be included in the theme. To toggle (activate or deactivate) a property, just click the corresponding button in the menu.

You will also find a Defaults button to revert all properties to their default state, an All/None button to select or deselect all properties at once and a - Back - button to go back to the main preparation, all these special buttons on the bottom row.


Suppose you want to record only the texture and color face properties, and the size prim property in your theme.

Step 1: deactivate all object properties

Navigate to the object prop menu and make sure both properties are deactivated, as shown on the following picture.

Object properties menu

Object properties menu

Step 2: make sure only size is active in prim properties

Due to the large number of prim properties, two menus are available to select or unselect them. In the preparation menu they are available by clicking the Prim prop and Prim2 prop buttons. Use them to unselect all properties except size.

Prim properties menu

Prim properties menu

Prim2 properties menu

Step 3: activate the texture and color face properties

Use the Face prop button in the main preparation menu and leave only texture and color selected there, as shown on the following picture.

Face properties menu

Face properties menu

Now that your selection of properties is made, you can move to adjusting the filters!

About Texture recording

As previously mentioned, the Texture face property is kind of protected by LL, probably as a protection against copybots. To successfully record the texture, one of these two conditions must be met:

The T-O-M Preparation script will not prevent you from activating this property if you do not have full permissions on the object. However, you will get a warning message in the local chat explaining this situation, as the texture itself will probably not be present in the theme (but offset, repeats and angles will).