Publication by Eunseok Yoo

4. Ri, H.*, Lee, J.*, Sonn, J.Y., Yoo, E., Lim, C.**, and Choe, J.** (2019). Drosophila CrebB is a substrate of the nonsense-mediated mRNA decay pathway that sustains circadian behaviors. Molecules and Cells 42, 301-312. *co-first authors; **co-corresponding authors. [PubMed][OPEN Access]

3. Kim, M.*, Jang, D.*, Yoo, E.*, Oh, Y., Sonn, J.Y., Lee, J., Ki, Y., Son, H.J., Hwang, O., Lee, C., Lim, C.**, and Choe, J.** (2017). Rogdi defines GABAergic control of a wake-promoting dopaminergic pathway to sustain sleep in Drosophila. Scientific Reports 7, 11368. *co-first authors; **co-corresponding authors. [PubMed][OPEN Access]

2. Lee, J.*, Yoo, E.*, Lee, H.*, Park, K., Hur, J.-H., and Lim, C. (2017). LSM12 and ME31B/DDX6 define distinct modes of posttranscriptional regulation by ATAXIN-2 protein complex in Drosophila circadian pacemaker neurons. Molecular Cell 66, 129-140. *co-first authors. [PubMed]

1. Ki, Y., Ri, H., Lee, H., Yoo, E., Choe, J., and Lim, C. (2015). Warming up your tick-tock: temperature-dependent regulation of circadian clocks. Neuroscientist 21, 503-518. [PubMed]