Publication by Dongkeun Park, PhD

5. Park, D., Yu, Y., Kim, J.-H., Lee, J., Park, J., Hong, K., Seo, J.-K., Lim, C.**, and Min, K.-T.** (2023). Suboptimal mitochondrial activity facilitates nuclear heat shock responses for proteostasis and genome stability. Molecules and Cells  46, 374-386. **co-corresponding authors.  [PubMed][OPEN Access

4. Lee, S.*, Park, D.*, Lim, C.**, Kim, J.-I.**, and Min, K.-T.** (2022). mtIF3 is locally translated in axons and regulates mitochondrial translation for axonal growth. BMC Biology 20, 12. *co-first authors; **co-corresponding authors. [PubMed][OPEN Access][bioRxiv]

3. Park, D.*, Lee, S.*, & Min, K.-T. (2020). Techniques for investigating mitochondrial gene expression. BMB Reports 53, 3–9. *co-first authors. [PubMed][OPEN Access]

2. Niescier, R.F., Hong, K., Park, D., and Min, K.-T. (2018). MCU Interacts with Miro1 to Modulate Mitochondrial Functions in Neurons. Journal of Neuroscience 38, 4666-4677. [PubMed][OPEN Access]

1. Choi, J., Wang, W., Park, D., Kim, S.H., Kim, K.T., and Min, K.-T. (2018). IRES-mediated translation of cofilin regulates axonal growth cone extension and turning. EMBO Journal 37, e95266. [PubMed][OPEN Access]