Molecular Neurobiology Laboratory

scientists that make a difference

KAIST 생명과학과 분자신경생물학 실험실에서 학부생 internship, 대학원 신입생 및 박사 후 연구원을 모집합니다~!

유전암호의 해독 과정에서 단백질 번역을 담당하는 리보솜의 정체와 충돌, 그로 인한 번역 스트레스의 신호 전달이 어떻게 신경발달, 신경질환 및 노화에 관여 하는지 관심을 가지고 연구하고 있습니다. 생명현상의 근본적인 원리를 분자신경 수준에서 탐구하고자 하는 열정적인 과학도 들을 기다립니다. 

> 연락처 : 임정훈 교수 (

> 생화학분자생물학회 웹진 2024년 1월호 연구실 소개 바로가기

We have been combining the advantage of Drosophila genetics with molecular biology, biochemistry, and brain imaging to understand how molecular and neural pathways shape animal behaviors. While our studies unveiled novel mechanisms underlying molecular clocks and sleep plasticity, they led us to further ask new biological questions in relevant physiology and moved forward our research on neurodegeneration and the underlying mechanisms. 

To this end, we have been diversifying our genetic models (e.g., patient-derived iPSC/iPSC-differentiated neurons; human fibroblast; mouse primary neurons; mammalian cell cultures) while employing new experimental techniques in our studies (e.g., CRISPR-based gene manipulations; transcriptome/translatome analyses by RNA sequencing; single-cell analysis by flow cytometry; functional imaging; hardcore biochemistry). 

Our research group is now transforming into the Molecular Neurobiology Laboratory at KAIST, pursuing unexplored biological questions on various aspects of co-translational dynamics (i.e., ribosomal collisions; RQC; translation stress signaling) and their physiological significance (i.e., proteostasis; neuronal physiology; brain function; neurodegeneration; cellular senescence/aging). 

Equipped with broad ranges of research expertise and experimental models, we are uniquely positioned in the field. Our findings will have a high impact on science and clear implications for developing therapeutic strategies, given their strong relevance to neurological disorders and aging in humans.