When you thought of 2021, you may not have imagined us still grappling with a worldwide pandemic and all of the stressors that has entailed. It has been a unique season for all of us, and our campus family has weathered the storm with faith and fellowship. Through it all, the Lord has been good to us!

This year's issue is something special; it is a blend of student work, some tributes to the SAGU of the past, testimonies, humor, and some recommendations around our wonderful Waxahachie.

As seasons have changed, we have found it beneficial to broaden our horizons, so far as our offerings are concerned; we are featuring work from students, alumni, and others in our SAGU family. What you're about to read is the product of many hours of labor from dedicated student writers and editors, collaborating, interviewing, getting release forms signed, and completing a whole host of other tasks.

Our Senior Editor, Stephanie Van Wyk, was put in a new position and delegated a lot of the responsibility, but I can't imagine this issue's success without her hard work and the hard work of the other student editors. Their dedication to producing an excellent issue is evident.

With great pride, we present the 2020/2021 issue of The Image. Thank you for your readership!

Grace and peace to you and yours!
Amy L. George,

Faculty Advisor & Editor-in-Chief

Ask anyone, and they'll tell you that this semester was unique in it's set of challenges. I don't think any of us can pinpoint one specific issue with it. Pandemic. Political strain. Forest fires. Snowstorms. Social issues. It's like playing disaster Bingo. Hopefully someone will fill their card soon, so the game can end and we can all go back to normal!

However, despite all the turmoil that has gone on and continues to go on, we have the assurance that our God reigns. His plan has not changed, and His timing remains perfect. Not only did He get us through this semester, but He provided us with the means of producing this year's issue of the Image.

We didn't have a specific theme this year, so we have a delightful conglomeration of miscellaneous topics and entries. My amazing team worked so hard on getting this out, and I'm very proud of their contributions.

I'm so thankful to Dr. George for giving me the opportunity to lead the production of what I consider to be a work of art. I hope you have as much fun reading it as we did putting it together.

Every Blessing to You,

Stephanie Van Wyk

Senior Editor