
I used to maintain a blog back in the 90's dealing with where I worked. I called it 'Diary of a Madman'. This blog definitely won't be as colorful and sometimes, maybe even most times, boring as I am now retired. But you never know when something might come along worth reading.


3/18 I had an EUS performed on me today. A biopsy was taken and am awaiting the results. If it is benign then it will have to be removed. Haven't been able to get the antibiotics they prescribed. VA says it will take a few days and would be easier to get it through Walmart. Frankly, I don't understand what is going on. The more they talk, the more I get confused. They've made it as clear as mud so I guess I'll wait until tomorrow to hear from them. I'm getting pretty fed up with the whole situation.

Guess I'll go play some VR games to take my mind off of things. Dear Lord, give me patience.

1/18 I know it's been a while since I've posted anything. A lot has been going on especially politically. I've just been so depressed from all of it that I found it best to just not say anything. Don't know what's going to happen this week but I will say this, if this election stands, I will NEVER vote again until there is a proper valid voter ID in place.


9/24 I've got my PC out of repair jail and I think it is fixed. At least it's not doing what it used to. Having a bit of problem with some software now but I'm still working on that part. I'm about ready to haul every electronic device I have to the ditch!!!

9/19 Well, I'm still alive and kicking although I'm not kicking nearly as high as I used to. Going through some slight depression right now as my video editing computer is on the fritz. The PC repair people can't figure it out either so I don't feel as bad about not being able to fix it myself. I keep praying that God will give them the wisdom to fix it but only if it is His will.

7/31 As you have probably noticed, my life is so boring that there's not much to write about most of the time. Trying to decide whether or not to keep this thing going. Leaning toward not right now.

6/27 I found out that a friend and classmate has stage 4 bladder cancer. It has metastasized to the lymph nodes. Expected to live a few more months. The good thing is that this person is saved. Still could use prayers though.

6/19 Well, it's been very very quiet these past several weeks but I'm not complaining. I've been spending a lot more time in my VR. I quit watching MSM news a few years ago and now have quit watching local news except for weather. I've just had it with ALL of it. Please hurry sweet Jesus.

6/14 Flag day... get 'em out. My Dad was so proud of Old Glory as am I. He raised that flag every morning for 19 years at a job he held at the post office.

6/1 Sunday service went real smooth yesterday. I wasn't even as nervous as I figured I would be but then again, I sat in the 2nd pew back from the front so I actually didn't see how many were there. That probably saved my nerves a little.

5/27 Happy to announce that the deacons met last evening and we will be having church this Sunday 5/31/2020 back in the building. There will be Sunday School and Sunday evening service. Masks will be optional.

5/19 Had my very first phone conference with my VA Dr. this morning. All went well. Set up an appt. for September when we will do a video conference. It will be my first and their first. She said many of their patients are elderly and don't even have computers so I will be their guinea pig so to speak. Looking forward to it.

5/16 Ordered a new Ipad Mini 5 for the church this morning. It will allow us to continue to record our service for online posting. This is a much more versatile option as opposed to a video camera. It is a full fledged computer only in a smaller version.

5/13 I was informed that we will NOT be meeting at the church building this coming Sunday May 17, 2020 due to unforeseen circumstances. That will be the case until further notice.

5/9 Met with Pastor Rusty this morning and he announced that the Browning Baptist Church will be meeting back (in building) on 5/17/2020. It will be so nice to see the faces of my adopted family again. đź’–

April 2020

4/28 I've made contact with some people about one of the ships that my Dad served on. I've found the Facebook page for it. They've printed the letter that he wrote in 1945 during the signing of the peace treaty. So proud of my Father and I miss him so much.

4/22 Another 3 hours of sleep night. Used to be able to handle it when I was young but now days, not so much.

4/15 I have created a new YouTube page for The First Baptist Church of Browning MO and it will be announced soon. Stay tuned. They can also be seen right on this website.

4/3 It looks like we'll continue to record our Church services for a while. Pastor Rusty has mentioned continuing this even after this the unseen enemy (virus) is defeated... AND IT WILL BE. Stay Safe.

March 2020

3/25 I will be meeting with Pastor Rusty again this Saturday and we will be recording a sermon for posting on Sunday 3/29/2020.

3/21 I met with Pastor Rusty at the Church this afternoon. I am currently working on the editing of the videos we recorded and the final 1 will be uploaded to Facebook tomorrow morning. At this time I'm wanting to also upload it to YouTube so I can share it with some of my own family that expressed interest in it.

3/21 Pastor Rusty will be delivering a message tomorrow morning on Facebook. I will be recording and then posting it or possibly streaming it and will accompany him with a song. Please stay calm and we will get through this together.

3/17 Happy St. Patrick's Day. I light of what has been happening here and around the world I would like to say that I haven't bought ANY rolls of TP since all this craziness began. One big reason for that... I know that God's got my back. I'm not at all worried. Keep your eyes on Jesus and not on the storm!!!

3/12 I spent about an hour at PT. The exercises seemed very relaxed but this evening, I'm feeling the soreness in some of my muscles. I guess they know what they're doing after all. Too soon to tell about my back.

3/11 So Thursday (tomorrow) begins the first of 15 physical therapy sessions on my back. This is a requirement of the VA before they can order any scans to check for disc problems. Hoping it will help with the pain in the interim.

3/4 I think another bug tried to take hold of me after last Sunday's Worship service. It failed because I'm feeling better, however, our Pastor was sick but we didn't shake hands as usual because of the illness that's been going around. Actually we skipped meet and greet all together which was a good idea.

February 2020

2/25 I believe I'm back to health now with exception of my normal headaches.

2/23 Feeling much better and will be attending morning worship services today.

2/22 Went upstairs this morning and found 'Jerry' on the carpet. I don't think he was sleeping. Doug = 1 / Mice = 0

2/18 So I felt better yesterday and today not as good. Must not be done yet.

2/18 Went to CoMo for Urology appointment. My PSA numbers have been climbing again so they ordered a PET scan to check and see if the cancer may be spreading into my bones. That will be March 30, 2020. I'm not too worried, the Lord is good.

2/16 It's been quiet in my ceiling until this evening. I heard sounds again so it's not over quite yet.

2/12 Exterminator was here today. I'm relieved to say that the critter(s) I've been hearing in my ceiling are mice. I'll be more convinced after about a week. We'll see. (I hope they enjoy their NEW food supply)

2/12 I went to the VA for my annual yesterday and today I have a sore throat. I just hope it doesn't get any worse than a sore throat.

2/4 I've been thinking about this for a bit now. I was pretty disappointed with the Chief's so called victory parade. You don't profess your faith in Christ and kneel on the field in prayer one day and then chug beer the next. Just not Christlike at all. I know we all make mistakes I know I have... many. I'll just leave it there.

2/3 How about my home town Kansas City Chiefs!!! 2020 Super Bowl Champions.


2/1 Here it is "Chiefsmas Eve" and the excitement is growing.

January 2020

1/28 I'm heartbroken. Received news that a friend I used to play in the Key Stone Down band with has passed. I'm still shocked.

1/26 First Church service for 3 weeks because of ice and snow. What's that expression good things come to those who wait... well, it was worth the wait because today's sermon was nothing short of awesome. Great job Rusty!

1/19 Today was the best day I've had in 50 years... (Sports wise). Kansas City Chiefs won the AFC championship and are going on to play the SF 49ers in Super Bowl LIV (54) on Feb 2. Maybe I can get that ultimate bucket list item filled on that day because one of them was fulfilled today. Did I say "Happy Happy Happy"?

1/11 Had an ice storm last night. Could have been much much worse. I think we dodged a bullet. 1 or 2 degrees colder and I think we could have seen an inch of ice or more.

1/2 So the new year begins with me having to buy an expensive car battery. The car is 5 this year so I guess it was about due.

2020 Let The Decade Begin 2020

December 2019

12/29 Back is still tender but much better. Santa brought me a new computer/gaming chair for Christmas. (It feels real good on the back) A dear friend gave me a new U.S. Navy themed HO scale train engine for Christmas. Haven't run it yet but the time is coming once my back gets straightened out.

12/24 Back is still quite a bit tender. Although I'm walking better and getting out of the chair better. Someone made ruts in my yard yesterday. Still debating whether or not to go to the Sheriff about it. I have videos of it while they did it.

12/20 My back is a bit better. Prayers help indeed.

12/17 Major back pain continuing. :(

12/15 Terribly disappointed that I missed Church services this morning. First one I've missed since I started going back to Church on Easter of 2018. (Excluding the ones called for weather). My back is in a bad way. This happened back in February also but not sure exactly what it was.

12/14 Down on my back today. Didn't anticipate that. Hope it gets better by tomorrow because I need to help with a Church activity.

12/13 Well, the anticipation has come and gone. The GPU that I got tests over twice as fast as my old one. It makes for a much better (smoother and clearer) VR experience. Happy with it so far. :)

12/12 Delivery guy... where are you???

12/11 Tomorrow is Thursday. (Jumping up and down with enthusiasm) {Only in my mind} SAFE WAY to do it at my age. :)

12/9 Extreme anticipation has set in. My Christmas present is arriving on Thursday...

November 2019

11/28 Happy Thanksgiving to all. Can't wait until the house 'smells' up.

11/27 To continue the story from yesterday, we all had certain tasks that we were going to do to get the meal cooked. My little Brother volunteered to do the tossed salad. Needless to say, none of us were Chefs. He made the salad with cabbage instead of lettuce. (Didn't know any better at that time) He had even put apples in it and I have to say... It tasted pretty good for being a mistake. The friend we invited over was the late Keith Artz. Will never forget that guy. Had a heart as huge as the Earth. This all took place in 1985.

11/26 I've always loved Thanksgiving dinner. My family never had huge dinners, just the immediate family. I'll never forget the Thanksgiving the year Mom died that we invited a special friend over. He didn't have any family. It was something I'll remember the rest of my life.

11/24 Our Church had their Thanksgiving dinner today and it was so delicious. Very thankful.

11/22 Found out that a very dear and close friend of mine has stage 2 Pancreatic Cancer. They start Chemo Dec. 5, please pray... God knows who.

11/12 Double Brrrrr!!! 0 degrees this morning.

11/11 Brrrrrr!!!

11/7 Today my Dad would have been 98. I miss him dearly.

11/3 Thanks to a Facebook Oculus Rift S Support Group page, I got the Inateck USB 3.0 card that I installed in my computer 3 days ago to finally work with my Rift S headset. So far, everything is looking good with this newest HDM. Fingers still crossed.

11/2 I'm a little reluctant to say this but my 3rd Rift S VR headset seems to be functioning like it should. I ordered this one from a different source so I'm just hoping that the other source had a bad batch. Fingers crossed.

11/2 Another month has passed. Yesterday was my Birthday. My 'official' retirement day although I've been retired 4 years. Today my Mom would have been 97. I miss her so much.

October 2019

10/31 And a Happy Birthday to my lovely Sister and late Brother.

10/27 Well, the song went rather well at Church today. I want to thank all those who sent prayers for me. They helped immensely. đź’–

10/26 Now, back to my Oculus Rift S VR headset. It WILL get ordered today. So looking forward to sharing some of the pictures I take while in VR of the old farms and even some places I lived in California. Interesting to say the least.

10/26 After sitting 2 or 3 years without being started, I've finally got my snow blower up and running. I needed it badly last winter but alas it sat in the shed because I couldn't get it started. The gas I removed from the tank was totally brown. I couldn't even hardly get it to burn when I tried to get my brush burned using it. I'll be ready this winter.

10/26 I must apologize for not keeping up with this blog. Things have been slow but that's a good thing. I've returned my 2nd VR headset and have ordered a PCI-E USB board to install on my computer. This SHOULD take care of the problems I've been having with these things. At least that's my hope. I will order another one this coming week. If it does the same thing, then I will be satisfied that it is a problem with these and not the computer.

10/15 I found out yesterday that a dear friend passed away the night before. It hit me rather hard. I'll never forget the times we had at work and even hunting. Hadn't seen him for a couple years but that didn't make it any easier. R.I.P. Billy Ray.

August 2019

9/23 For some demos of my Virtual Reality headset, check out my 'Drone Enthusiasts' page on Facebook.

9/17 Got a couple things done today that I've been dreading for a while. One that I've been dreading for months turned out to be a blessing. It seems the person I was dreading to deal with had quit and I had no problem at all getting done what I needed to... so far at least. A little prayer always helps.

Then, since I thought I was on a roll, I decided to contact VIzio support for the 60" TV that I've had a year next month. It developed a couple blotches in the picture that are very distracting with lighter colors. I told them that in my Sony days, it would be called a mislanding on the old CRT TV's. Well, after some online chatting and numbers, I've got a new set to be delivered in 7-10 days. Wow... who woulda thunk it? And yes, I did say a prayer before I started these dreaded tasks. And again I say prayer always helps.

9/6 This VR system is nothing short of BREATH TAKING!!! I still haven't found any good Bible apps to run with it YET. Actually I haven't found any YET. But I have taken a quick trip to the Temple Mount with Google Earth VR. Further experimentation is required to get on the 'walking street' view. It WILL happen though.

9/4 Excitement looms today as the delivery of my new Oculus Rift S VR system takes place. I'm looking forward to traveling the world through VR. Also have located a Bible app that I'll be checking out.

8/27 Went to the Dr. yesterday for my semiannual visit. Got a call from Urology in CoMo VA hospital this morning. It seems that my PSA numbers are still climbing. They have been for a while now but they're getting concerned now and are talking steroid shots again. (which are the same as chemical castration) I really don't like even using that word. I told them that I would definitely NOT even consider surgery at the point in life. I'm not too concerned about it yet. He would like to do another bone scan to see if the cancer might possibly be moving into other areas of my body. Cross that bridge when the time comes.

8/22 I used my mower tracking app today and found out that I mow 1.2 acres, 2.5 miles, in 1 hr and 8 minutes at 2.1 mph. Very interesting... to me at least.

8/14 Note: Don't ever buy sunflower seeds from this supplier again. Now I've got to figure out a way to re-process them.

8/12 Received 8 lbs of sunflower seeds via mail from Ebay since Walmart is out... again. Before you say anything, I submit that it is a LOT healthier than alcohol and what they cost is a drop in the bucket compared to what alcohol used to cost me per week.

8/3 Been very busy this past week. Also, I really really like the new mower. I'm sure the 'new' will wear off but right now it makes me WANT to mow. Actually thought about lowering it a quarter inch and mowing again the last time. Built a shelf in the carport and ran electricity to it (temporary measure) today.

July 2019

7/24 My new "Green" mower was delivered today. My first time on a zero turn and I was just going to get used to it by running it in the wide open part of my property. Before I knew it, the yard was almost completely mowed. Happy with this mower.

7/18 What a week. Lost my tracfone... found my tracfone. But not without having to dig through a week's trash (which wasn't much) to no avail. It finally came to me while I was in the shower where it MIGHT be and it paid off. I only use it for when I travel but still...

Got a friend's computer restored back to health. Got a new GPU put in my 'new' computer. All success stories so... what's next?

Looking forward to getting drone footage of the Browning Homecoming parade on the 27th so stay tuned to my YouTube channel or my Drone Enthusiasts FB page.

7/8 Went on a field trip today (literally). Got some great drone footage of a friend's pond being dug. Also of him feeding his fish. Not to mention that he himself is a 'fisher of men'. Truly one of a kind.

7/5 I got a ton of footage of fireworks last night. Also got a ton of mosquito bites. I'm allergic to them so today it'll be an itch fest. Don't know how good (or bad) the footage is yet. I'll be putting them into the editor today and trying to assemble a final product. I will post it on FB and YT.

7/2 Been hot, haven't felt good but better now. Got the new rollers for my sliding door installed yesterday with the help of a great friend Kevin. So happy to get that done. It's been pestering me for several years now and I couldn't even open the door a couple times last winter. Metal contracted and made it nearly impossible. Bearings were completely out on the old rollers.

June 2019

6/16 Got the song sang today but not without some minor mistakes. Made it through anyway.

6/9 FYI, I'll be performing another song I wrote in 1982 at Church this coming Sunday June 16, 2019. I'm an equal opportunity singer... since I played on Mother's Day, it's only fair to play on Father's Day.

6/9 Been rather busy. Haven't had time to really delve into the new Puter. Really loving the colors it puts out. (I mean visually). Been having a couple problems getting my mail account set up on it. It will all work out.

6/3 New system just shipped. I'm happy I'm happy... that was a happy dance. Quite a sight to see when an old man does it. lol.

6/1 Posted a video that I used my old computer and old editing software for. Getting anxious for the arrival of the new system. I'll be able to use the 'Davinci Resolve 15' video editing program with it. As it is now, that program crashes my system and is like molasses when trying to use it on this old system.

May 2019

5/28 More flooding today. We got 5.33 inches this last storm. I got more drone video footage and pictures to be posted on my Drone Enthusiasts FB page.

5/27 For every action, there is a reaction. When you get a 4K drone and your computer won't process the videos without crashing, you get a 4K computer. Coming soon to a drone page near you.

Specs: Intel i7 8700 (6 cores / 12 threads) Gaming PC RGB 4.6GHz 32GB RAM 120GB SSD 2TB HDD Nvidia GTX 1060 6GB Graphics Card Case = Phanteks P300 with 4 RGB Fans ASRock H310CM-HDV Motherboard

5/26 Terrible flooding this morning. I got a lot of drone footage and posted it on my FB Drone Enthusiasts page. I can only remember it being that bad one time and I was a kid then. It was a bit before the flood of '93.

5/24 Why? 3 hours of sleep. Woke up at 3AM and my mind was racing 100 MPH. Now at 2PM I don't feel like doing anything. Another normal day. "sigh".

5/15 Planning on another Rocky Ford trip and a country trip to get footage on farms that are near and dear to me. Also some over water footage coming. Stay tuned.

5/15 Went flying. Got some great footage to post soon on my YouTube channel and Drone Enthusiasts FB page.

5/15 Gonna be a good day to fly. I didn't feel very well yesterday but better today so I'm gonna try and test the distance capability on the new drone. Will fly out east and southeast without the extender first then with... maybe.

5/12 Success. Everybody enjoyed the song. Will do it again with another song I wrote in 82/83. Practice time after a week or 2 of drone time. :)

5/11 Tomorrow is the day of my performance at Church services. Anxiety has kicked in and the Lord has kicked it back out. I'm ready to do this. I only hope that the message in my song will lead someone to know Jesus as their very own personal savior.

5/8 Still learning and have set a lot of camera settings on the drone. This thing got out there about a mile without any problems. Looking forward to shooting some video in the country with no interferences. Ideally this thing will go 4.3 miles but I don't want to push it.

5/3 Quite a learning curve on the new drone. So many camera settings and contoller settings. Loving all the new settings. It should make for a lot better videos and pictures.

April 2019

4/29 Got a new drone today. I named 'her' Lady Maverick.

4/27 For those that peruse this page, I'm giving advance notice of my performance on Mother's Day (May 12, 2019) at the Browning Baptist Church. I will be doing a song I wrote in 1983 entitled 'The Best Thing I Could Do'. All Glory goes to God. You are welcome, as always, to attend.

4/20 Flew my drone to the Easter Egg hunt today. Videos posted on FB page 'Drone Enthusiasts'.

4/19 So how to better break in a new grill than with a 1.62 lb Rib Eye.

4/18 New washer and dryer were delivered today. New BBQ grill was delivered today. Busy busy day. My back is killing me but my clothes are clean and my stomach is full. :)

4/15 A day straight out of .... Get the picture?

4/12 A dear friend brought his 2 wheeler dolly over today and moved the old washer and dryer out. Boy did I have a busy busy busy day... CLEANING. That floor hasn't seen day light since 1993 and it showed. So tomorrow will bring a splash of mop & glow then I'll be ready for the new set with maybe a touch more cleaning involved.

4/10 Got something done today that I've had the parts to do and have been putting it off for a year as I was dreading it so bad. Put new shutoff valves on for the washer. A plumber I am not. Usually if I start on one end, by the time I get to the other end every thing is leaking. I got it done and so far no leaks. I prayed about it quite a bit before I did it though so all thanks to the Lord for His help.

4/9 New washer and dryer purchased.

4/3 Headstone was set today. They did a good job.

4/2 Fought with the dryer vent hose long enough so I replaced it today. Found out that I definitely am NOT a contortionist.

Oldham Monument called today and they will be setting my headstone tomorrow. I am planning on taking some drone videos but the wind might be an issue. Will have to see. Taking the drone to the cemetery anyway just in case.

March 2019

3/27 Got a load of gravel for the carport and driveway today. First gravel in about 25 years. A good day.

3/26 Nearly finished putting together a song I struggled with 50 years ago while trying to remember the words. I will be posting it this coming weekend.

3/21 9:30PM I had to make the hardest decision I've ever had to make in my life and I only hope and pray that I haven't sentenced a person because of it.

3/21 A week of panic attacks.

3/18 A day of panic attacks.

3/17 Corned Beef and Cabbage day. All went well. Just this year figuring out Bluetooth functions. Got my Ipad paired to the soundbar today and now have Garageband through some good speakers. Paired it to the car stereo this past week as well. Also paired a neat little keyboard to the Ipad a couple days ago. Now I just need to learn to keep my darn fingers off of the settings.

3/16 Almost crashed my computer today. Friendly advice, never install Itunes on a Win 10 pc because when you discover that you can't connect your Ipad via usb cable you have a difficult time un-installing it. Finally got it un-installed and barely was able to get my computer back up and running afterwards. Now the Ipad connects fine. Live and learn.

3/15 I'm off to see the wizard this morning... EUS. The day didn't turn out well. No test results as there was a problem and they couldn't finish the procedure. Depression sets in.

3/10 I've been going to my current Church for a year now and this morning was probably the best sermon I've heard. IMHO.

3/10 "NEED" and "WANT"... if I had stuck with things I needed during my lifetime and not the things I wanted, I would most likely be a millionaire now.

3/9 Rain... Not Snow... Rain for a change. My car needs to be in it but instead sits in a carport. Was afraid of hail last night. I guess a washing is in order before my CoMo trip next week. EGD scheduled.

3/5 I have a dear friend coming over today to see some pictures and videos on the computer. Looking forward to it.

The visit was nothing short of fantastic. We both had a great time looking at old pictures and new videos on the computer and a little story telling was involved as well.

3/4 Cold cold cold again... it was -4.1 this morning and right now it's warmed all the way up to 6.1. Brrrr.

3/1 Cold cold cold. 6 degrees, 20 mph winds, blowing snow. Welcome to Missouri... (Misery).

February 2019

2/1 More guitar practice.

2/2 Fingers are quite sore. Gonna take some time to get them toughened up. Ended up wrenching my back today. Quite a bit of pain. Not as young as I used to be and I need to be more careful I guess.

2/3 Well, I literally had to roll out of bed this morning. Still a lot of lower back pain. Made it to Church though and am feeling a little better this evening. Cousin came by today and picked up my old recliner. I am thankful that some one will continue to get some use out of it. Really nasty muddy outside as melting and thawing occurs. It's 10 minutes away from Superbowl kickoff. I'm finding it very difficult to even watch this game as both (AFC/NFC) championship games had bad calls that would have reversed the outcome of the playoffs. And I didn't watch it.

2/5 Woke up with as much back pain as I had 3 days ago. Gonna give it the rest of the week then re-evaluate.

2/6 Extreme pain again. Was slightly afraid to go out for the mail today as there was a thin sheet of ice on the ground. Ice and a cane = not good but I made it. More ice predicted for tonight and tomorrow so I'm not going for groceries tomorrow. (My normal day out). I am plugging through the pain and am still practicing the guitar daily though.

2/7 Still pain this morning but I believe it isn't quite as bad. Plenty of ice outside.

2/8 Talked to a friend today that has been through major pain in his life and gave me a couple of possibilities that I hadn't thought of with my back pain. Also starting to get some calluses back on my fingers from practicing. Still sore though.

2/10 Past 2 days summed up in 2 words. Pain Pain!!!

2/11 Won't be able to see the Dr. for 2 weeks. Pain meds in the mean time.

2/13 34 years ago today my Mom passed and left a huge void in my life. I miss her so much.

2/14 Pain is getting slightly better. Maybe that is my Valentine present. :)

2/15 More snow on the way. Chair supposed to be delivered Monday weather permitting.

2/16 Felt a little more human today without as much pain. On the mend I hope.

2/17 Felt great to get out and go to Church today. Pain is getting much better. Did some things when I got home that I haven't been able to for the past 2 weeks and actually longer.

2/18 My new power recliner arrived today. So far, so good. Almost like a new car what with the new smell and all. So glad I had them order a different color as opposed to buying the demo model. Hard telling how many people sat in it and these days... you can't be too careful with the danger of bed bugs and all.

2/21 Okay, so I found this PERFECTLY colored wooden sign stake at Walmart today that would have saved me a lot of money on a train layout project I'm beginning. I nurtured this 'stick' all the way through the store taking care not to let it fall out of the cart and to make sure I didn't leave it in the cart at checkout. I successfully paid for the item and made it to the car, got the groceries loaded and got home and inside when I remembered........ I had left it in the cart IN THE PARKING LOT!!!!! Not a happy camper at this point. :/

2/24 I've lived here over 30 years and my driveway is nastier than it's ever been before with mud. Not gonna get any better when the thaw starts. Looking forward to a load of gravel this spring.

2/25 Added a new member to my musical family. Got a new 'practice' amp. Old amp has been deemed un-safe by me. I spent 30 years in the electrical industry and I know what over heating smells like. "Sigh"

If you wanted to count to a billion, it would take you nineteen years day and night counting at a hundred a minute.

January 2019

1/5 Went to the Rocky Ford today to do some droning. Took a good friend with me and had a great time. A little muddy but hey... it's the Rocky Ford.

1/6 New expression I learned in Church today... would you rather be politically correct or eternally correct? I know my answer.

1/7 I went and picked out my head stone today. Very happy that I finally got that done.

1/8 Quiet day. Not even a stray dog.

1/9 Another quiet day. Finalized the head stone thing and will pay for same tomorrow.

1/10 Paid for the head stone and picked up a few groceries. I sarcastically say that I had to go and get bread & milk before the snow storm that is approaching. Anxiously awaiting the KC Chiefs playoff game this Saturday.

1/11 Snow storm started around 3 PM. Snowing hard when I went to bed.

1/12 Woke up to about 6 inches of snow. By 2 PM there was about 12 inches of the white stuff. The Pastor came and bladed my driveway. Thank you sir.

1/13 Did some droning but it was a bit cold. Camera didn't want to move smoothly but I did get some footage that can be seen on my YouTube channel.

1/15 Actually got some network problems solved. Also increased up/download speeds through GRM.

1/16 Went to CoMo VA for a liver ultrasound today. Thankfully un-eventful.

1/19 Another 6 inches of the white stuff.

1/20 DRAT!!! Chiefs lost but gave them a run. Defensive coordinator... I'd say your time is limited.

1/21 I am close to being ready to release my web site. Still tweaking a bit.

1/25 Dogs!!! Stray Dogs!!!!

1/26 Barking Dogs!!!

1/27 Ditto!!!

1/28 Went to pick up new diabetic shoes today. Stopped in at WM and seen an old friend... Shane. The wind and wind chill is fierce today and only to get worse. It was 38 when I got up and 18 when I left (about 2 hours). Oldest weather station quit working today. 23 years old so I'm thinking the solar battery pack has died. Gonna have to warm up considerable for me to check it out.

1/29 Picked out a new power recliner today. Looking forward to that. My old chair is an Ashley and I wouldn't recommend that brand to anyone. Previous brands were Lane which I had good luck with. This new one is something I've never heard of but I liked the way it was built and the comfort. Homestretch.

7:30 AM Temp -16 °F Dew Point -24.3 °F so it could have been much worse. Still all I have to say is Brrrrrrrr!!!

I remember I believe it was 1983 when the temps dropped to -30 F and remained there for 3 weeks in a row. Transformers were exploding right and left. It was very eerie and deadly. Now days we have one night in the deep freeze and everybody is like 'Oh my, we're all gonna die... we need to shut down the world... oh no'. Like seriously folks, get real.

1/31 Got the fixin's for the Burrito Bake recipe found elsewhere on this site. Looking forward to it.


For the husband/wife who complains when his/her dinner is not on time..... Because he/she is home with me and not with someone else. For the teenager who is complaining about doing dishes..... Because that means she/he is at home and not on the streets. For the taxes that I pay..... Because it means that I am employed. For the mess to clean after a party..... Because it means that I have been surrounded by friends. For the clothes that fit a little too snug..... Because it means I have enough to eat. For my shadow that watches me work..... Because it means I am out in the sunshine. For a lawn that needs mowing, windows that need cleaning, and gutters that need fixing..... Because it means I have a home. For all the complaining I hear about the Government..... Because it means that we have freedom of speech. For the parking spot I find at the far end of the parking lot..... Because it means I am capable of walking & that I have been blessed with transportation. For my huge heating bill..... Because it means that I am warm. For the lady in church that sings off key..... Because that means that I can hear. For the pile of laundry and ironing..... Because it means I have clothes to wear. For the weariness and aching muscles at the end of the day..... Because it means I have been capable of working hard. For the alarm that goes off in the early morning hours..... Because it means that I am alive. And finally..... For Too Much Email..... Because it means I have friends who are thinking of me.