
While Helping Hands is based at Sherwood High School, we operate mainly virtually, so anyone is welcome to join from all over! If you can't find a chapter in your area, you can either start one, or just become a member of our overall organization by filling out this form!


I started this organization with a goal to help the most vulnerable groups in society to feel less lonely and more supported. I have seen how society treats prisoners and their children. I have also seen how society can forget about the well-being of their elders and their homeless. I felt that these groups of people were often overlooked by society and therefore vulnerable to harm. I want to help them. We were just about to launch the club, when COVID19 struck. For a while, I thought that I would not be able to help in any way, but then I realized. The club could still be launched, but as a virtual (for now) student led organization! I organized a team of fellow peers to join my club and start our very first project, Handmade Cards!

Who we are

Our organization consists of 100+ highschool students dedicated to helping others. No prior community experience is required to join, just a kind heart. Members help organize and participate in community projects, as well as provide new ideas and methods for future projects.