The Dying Dancer


"My experiences with dancing, why I kept going, and where I want to be headed"

Photographed By Camilla Barillas, WhosYourGranny On Instagram

A Six Part Dance

1. The Great Escape

I love dancing

until I walk in,

into that room already booming with loud chatter,

into that mirrored cage.

My beloved place.

They’re stretching

in groups.


in groups.

And I am

the lonely black girl.

the sitting duck.

2. That Reflection

No basic bathroom mirror

could satisfy that crave

to really

see myself.

There is nothing more addictive

than turning in every direction

and seeing

all of you.

3. Working On It

I should really

stretch more

consistently go to the gym

stop skipping meals

drink more water


drink more water

but stop

stop being scared

4. The Truth

Do you ever wonder if you are actually good at something?

At doing something?

Wonder if you will ever be stuck at “just decent”?

5. Different Perspectives

“You did so well.”

“You look like you’ve done this before.”

“You should keep at it.”

Shut. Up.

I can’t do a split on my left side.

My dance teacher use to tell me

I move real stiff,

like a white girl.

I still hear her.


I am sorry.

Thank you.

6. Time

I was never really one

to doubt myself

until everyone,

everyone I was



no longer

looked like


Photographed By Tyler Paul
A Production Choreographed By Me