Living In The Cemetery

Short Stories. Family Legends. Quick Thoughts. Inspirational Quotes.

One Might Call Living In The Cemetery My 'Actual' Blog.


"Why I am the way I am in certain social settings and how I am working on it. This isn't an apology, just a general explanation."

Featuring the concept of childhood traumas and how I personally acknowledge my own in order to work towards overcoming them

Generating Burdens

Generations here

recycle both




without notice

or cause

or lack of


These curses


as nightmares

with the ability to


during the


The things I believe in have concreted themselves mostly into my daily definition of what it is living means to be. To me. To exist with myself and everyone else on an earth, knowing both that my beginning statement is not the same for us all and if it is, the individual beliefs held with grips in our possession are not the same in themselves individually.

One of my generated burdens is not only that one religion has dominated the experience of all, but ignored the voices and beliefs of the outsiders within. I have learned to live with this. I am learning how. I will continue to.

To live as anyone else would be a waste to me and my ability to be.

Why The Graveyard?

Someone I love dearly once showed me a YouTube video. Isn't that how all the great stories start nowadays?In the video the speaker was explaining how majority of the possibilities and potential in the world lives in graveyards. How ironic is that?That people die with so many ideas undone and talents unused. You just have all this untapped potential rotting away in dirt, creating undisturbed soil.After hearing that, The Graveyard stuck with me.I wanted to expose my graveyard while I was still alive.More like, I became obsessed.

A Wasted Love Letter

From A Battered Heart

To A

Blue Eyed

Blond Haired

"Fuck Boy"

Originally Entitled "The Cleanse"


A real close friend keeps asking me about this power you have over me. That I need to acknowledge some form of power you’ve been waving in my face like an hypnotist.

He only said this due to the complete volcanic mess I became after the fact; after the end of us, if there ever was. Me, wearing my happy fluid mask during the day and sizzling and popping like wet firewood at night.

What am I holding onto, and why am I holding on? What is the real reason? Cause let this have been anyone, anyone else… Oh nah, do you know who I am? I don’t mean to hype but I am more than worthy of the compliment.

It is only through the talks and strength of close friends that I have even been able to, boldly in my terms and confidently in yours, say the above statement with strength and power.

After what happened, I just felt unwanted, unappealing, and unapproachable. It didn’t matter. I typically don’t refer to myself in this matter, but I have been called a ‘Bad Bitch’ on multiple occasions. I think this may mean something. Plus, I feel my family is pretty decently attractive, never-mind them not being cohesive.

The point is, I don’t think I’m ugly?

And even if I felt slightly unattractive would you believe me anyway?

All I’ve been wondering this week is ‘what did I do wrong’? I know you claim nothing, but of course, that is not what this mind will allow. Was it too much glitter? Too aggressive? Overbearing? Needy? Just too much in general? I ended up deleting the idea that it had something to do with my attractiveness, these were just my own insecurities arising. I had never had someone handle me in this way.

In other news, here are some things that I would just like to apologize for:

  1. Never watching enough star trek or putting a lot of songs you like on the playlist when it's finally my chance to get on the aux.
  2. Triggering your Dad to make you go get a haircut because I recommended you wear a hair tie.
  3. Interrupting your alone friend time when you wanted to go to The Door (a bar).
  4. Occasionally drooling, jumping, or smothering you during those cuddles from you I love dearly.
  5. Keeping you away from the snow during the snowstorm when it was fresh and daylight. I was being stingy. I know you love that shit.

Maybe there are others. I apologize even for those I have omitted because I cannot not think of them. The point is, I can be prideful and stubborn but would not find clenching onto those personality traits worth losing an amazing human like you.

You say the issue is you feel uncomfortable. You don’t know where you fit into a relationship consisting of us together. That I deserve a perfect relationship and you can’t give it to me. You are having doubts. You are confused and can’t choose not to feel this way.

You’ve yanked all my insecurities straight from the root. You may not know it, but it feels like you’ve dragged them around for the world to see.

Well, after taking a moment and reflecting on my original response, I don’t want the perfect relationship. I want mistakes and figuring things out together. I want blunders and then creative meaningful apologies. I want truth and honesty and openness and the willingness to be vulnerable. I want cuddles and jam sessions and then moments apart where we know we are thinking about each other, but don’t want to make each other sick with our presence.

I want what I thought I was making with you.

Sometimes, maybe we didn’t know what to do or how to act together or in front of others or what we were suppose to ‘look like’ together.

I felt we mushed even when we didn’t.

Maybe you thought I knew it all and always felt okay, but I didn’t.

I did know I was truly happy.

Now, I want to know, What is it that you want?

I saw this post on Instagram:

“Don’t fake it till you make it.” That’s garbage advice.

Face it til you make it.

Get up. Work hard. Fail. Stand back up.

Face it again. Do a little better. Fail again.

Get up.


I’ve been facing you. I’ve been facing the idea of not having you, not having you around. Though, you could never belong to me. You are indeed your own person as I am myself.

I’ve been facing this idea every morning and breathing a day of life into it. Carrying it around for the day to see what it feels like, not really wanting to get use to it. Not wanting to accept the concept.

You’ve taught me more than you know, or you expect. You made me realize things that I had done. Places that I had fucked up. Excuse me, I don’t like being cussed at. You weren’t the one that made me realize that, but I would never curse at you. I honestly now think about everything I ever directed at you.

That also pains me?

To constantly ponder if how I’m presenting myself to the world is somehow now bothering you?

So when do you think of me?

You use to think of me, but not now.

I don’t know what you are thinking of now. What is floating around in that aquarium, huh? That ant farm? But I am not worth that answer as well. That is the reason I am here dancing around letters on this lighted screen.

The same friend has also prompted another question upon me:

What am I worth?

Also, Ricory James - Until Morning is a good ass song. Again not cursing at you. but it makes me think of you so sweetly.

Pink Sweat$ - Honestly is a good jam. I just got put on to it a second ago.

This may sound silly… but, maybe, just maybe this time, you’ll find me worth coming back to and I’ll do the same.

That is in fact,

if you ever plan to

come back.

That’s something someone wouldn’t do for me.


Or return.

Possibly this is the ultimate lesson.

Jazmine Sullivan + Bryson Tiller - Insecure

You will have taught me something greater than I could have


Greater than I could have

asked for.

That sometimes things just aren’t meant to be.

Or what you thought they were.

And you have to accept this.

Appreciate the experience.

And keep moving.

Best Regards



But I am still


College Be Like:

SO basically, I have to finish this paper right... And there is no way I can do this shit. Like absolutely no way. And when you think about it, like really sit down and think about it... It is so silly. I am sitting in a study room with other people who are doing work and I am just trying to look like I am doing work too. Really, I am not. I see you have realized that by now.

The Addict

She felt him. She felt him all the time, every time, and anytime she did anything.

The spark in her soul had begun dying seven months ago. She lied every morning, convinced herself that she was getting better. She denied that she was still waking up in the middle of the night feening for his touch. She claimed she no longer waited for his phone calls, anticipating the ringing of her phone caused triggered by two new body beings she used to fill the void he had left. Their names, she said, were hard to remember. Sometimes she called Abaddon, Abdul or referred to Dimi as Darius. She always found herself trying to rename their existence as if a new identity would fix the destruction they were causing.

Her morning alarm had no time to screech for help before she slapped it back to sleep. Eat, first, shower without closing your eyes and standing under the water for 15 minutes then dress. The bags under her eyes reflecting back at her in the mirror told her she needed to add “sleep” to this list. It’s tiresome pretending to be okay.

She slipped the charm bracelet her grandmother gave her on her sixteenth birthday over the tic-tac-toe marks engraved into her wrist and pulled her shirt over the vines she stenciled down her arm. Her newfound obsession with playing this game on her skin started at the same time as everything else, seven months ago.

She stopped for a second. Her eyes had closed.

His sheets had felt warm that night, welcoming. She had never been upstairs before and she foggily stumbled onto his bed. He had started a movie for them to watch so both their strawberry hazed eyes tried to focus on the screen. He was thinking of her and she was thinking of leaving. Oh, how easily she could have abandoned him, abandoned Carr. How easily it seemed for her to pick up her feet, move them clumsily, one by one, out his door to find her way home.

This is why she tried to never stop, never pause when doing anything. Her eyes opened.

The car outside honked three times. Abaddon wasn’t the type to believe in having patience. He wasn’t the type to believe in anything.

Before she knew it, they were already there. They had gotten there so fast; Abaddon had to have been speeding. Just like how she ended up laying on Carr’s chest that hot summer night. It was like one minute they were two parallel lines and before she knew it she was so close that she could hear the sweat releasing from the pores on his hands. He had rubbed his hands on his pants and she pretended that she didn’t see. Instead she focused on how fast his heart was beating, knowing it was for other reasons than being nervous. She focused on the female shoes by the door that weren’t hers, the number “32” written beside the word “Birthdate” on his ID resting on his dresser, and the baby toy prodding at her back that she was trying to ignore.


Get out the car.

Nova opened her eyes and slammed the car door. She had been doing it again.

They always got her at the right time. It didn’t matter if she emerged herself in the chaos of the world or tried to ignore it, they always made time to torture her thoughts.

Her phone rang loud enough for both of them to hear. It was a text message and she had forgotten to put her phone on silent before she left out the house. She regretted not doing this the moment Abaddon looked up at her. She knew what was coming next.

“And who is texting us?” he asked leaning over her.

Nova hadn’t even noticed that he was now standing behind her. She tended to lose sense of time when her eyes were closed.

She peeked down to see Dimi’s name glowing on her screen. She wondered what was in the message but didn’t dare to open it. He texted her on weekends only. Today was Tuesdays. Today was reserved for Abaddon.

The day she had been at Carr’s house was a Tuesday. She remembered because she had looked at her phone and saw the date. Tuesday, June 22nd. It was 11:12 when he leaned over, introducing his lips to hers. It was 11:16 when she heard the fall of a plastic wrapper, 11:43 when the room became uncontrollably hot, then 12:59 when she realized she would probably regret what was happening the moment she was sober.

“Nobody important. You going to let me pass or what?” she mumbled with her head down.

They walked into Neighborhood, the bar and grill Abaddon spent most of his time at. Nova was two months away from being old enough to drink. That didn’t mean she didn’t already though, she enjoyed drowning her emotions and imagining that they no longer existed. Drinking made her forget what she considered to be the biggest mistake. She had spent most of her teenage years wondering how that moment would happen and whom she'd share it with. It would be special, she told herself. Nova didn’t believe in waiting until marriage because she never thought it made a difference. She just wanted it to be with someone who...

She had managed to make four more mistakes since Carr.

Nova stopped and focused hard to mentally stay in the room. Abaddon wasn’t paying her any attention anyway. She looked over and his eyes were locked on two caramel colored thighs peeking from under a table across from them. She didn’t care. He wasn’t hers.

When Abaddon was ready to go, it was time to go. They got in the car, put on their seat belts in silence, and before they knew it, they were at their destination.

Nova opened the door, walked through her living room, threw her belongings on the kitchen counter, next to psychology assignments she hadn’t finished, undressed herself while walking into her room, and sunk into her bed sheets. They felt just like Carr’s.

The images, the emotions, started all over again. She didn’t need a trigger. She was there again.

She felt everything; every touch, drip of sweat and each hot breathe. They had forgotten that the movie was still playing. She remembered how they wrapped their naked bodies in his sheets and he kissed her forehead before drifting off to sleep. She remembered wondering if the neighbors were cursing her under their breathe for all of the noise she had been making, sounding similar to a dying kitty. She remembered going on a scavenger hunt for her underwear at one point because she refused to walk to the bathroom naked and him kissing her the next day when she left like neither of them were in a relationship with someone else. Nova had slept so peacefully that night and woke up to him smiling in her face. She refused to attempt to understand what had happened to them after that day.

“Just give into it,” she thought to herself.