LECTION 66 - Iesus Again Teacheth His Disciples

Iesus Again Teacheth His Disciples

1. AGAIN Iesus taught them saying, 

God hath raised up witnesses to the truth in every nation and every age, that all might know the will of the Eternal and do it, and after that, enter into the kingdom, to be rulers and workers with the Eternal,

2. God is Power, Love and Wisdom, and these three are One. God is Truth, Goodness and Beauty, and these three are One.

3. God is Justice, Knowledge and Purity, and these three are One. God is Splendour, Compassion and Holiness, and these three are One.

4. And these four Trinities are One in the hidden Deity, the Perfect, the Infinite, the Onely.

5. Likewise in every man who is perfected, there are three persons, that of the son, that of the spouse. and that of the father, and these three are one.

6. So in every woman who is Perfected are there three persons, that of the daughter, that of the bride, and that of the mother and these three are one; and the man and the woman are one, even as God is One

7. Thus it is with God (the Father-Mother) in Whom is neither male nor female and in Whom is both, and each is threefold,  and all are One in the hidden Unity.

8. Marvel not at this, for as it is above so it is below, and as it is below so it is above, and that which is on earth is so, because it is so in Heaven.

9. Again I say unto you, I and My Bride are one (even as Maria Magdalena) whom I have chosen and sanctified unto Myself [as] a type, is one with Me; I and My Church are One. And the Church is the elect of humanity for the salvation of all.

10. The Church (of the first born) is the Maria of God. Thus saith the Eternal, She is My Mother and she hath ever conceived Me, and brought Me forth as Her Son in every age and clime. She is My Bride, ever one in Holy Union with Me (her Spouse). She is My Daughter, for she hath ever issued and proceeded from Me (her Father) rejoicing in Me.

11. And these two Trinities are One in the Eternal, and are strewn forth in each man and woman (who are made perfect) ever being born of God, and rejoicing in light, ever being lifted up and made one with God, ever conceiving and bringing forth God for the salvation of the many.

12. This is the Mystery (of the Trinity in Humanity) and moreover in every individual child (of man) must be accomplished the mystery (of God) ever witnessing to the light, suffering for the truth, ascending into Heaven, and sending forth the Spirit (of Truth) And this is the path of salvation, for the Kingdom (of God) is within.

13. And one said unto him, 

Master, when shall the Kingdom come? 

And he answered and said, 

When that which is without shall be [as] that which is within, and that which is within shall be [as] that which is without, and, the male with the female, neither male nor female, but the two in One. They who have ears to hear, let them hear.

LECTION 67 Entry Into Jerusalem