Chapter #11 Gus & Chapter #12 The Law of Receptivity

Connectors on the eleventh and twelfth chapter:

Things from the outside world:

  1. To give effectively, you must be open to receive. Giving and receiving are 2 sides of the same coin. This reminds me that there can be no act of giving without a concurrent act of receiving, just like how you cannot exhale without inhaling. Practice receiving–the next time someone pays you a compliment, simply accept it graciously by saying “thank you” with a smile.

  2. It’s significant to bear in mind that regardless of what profession you have, how experienced you are, or how much you work, the most valued and successful method of approaching things is by considering what you can do for others.

  3. If you wish to be successful in life you need to give, to serve and to you have to put the interests of others before your own.

  4. We spend our lives thinking about how to improve ourselves as person, but you know the moral of the story? Authentically do good, act selflessly, bring value to those around you and you will be rewarded tenfold. It’s as simple as that. Do all those things and you will live a successful and fulfilling life.

  5. In chapter 12, a curious thing happens that often happens in our lives. By simply being kind, genuine and selfless, Joe catapults himself into a state of being that he’s never experienced before; self-fulfillment.

  6. How often our parents advised us to be ourselves, the biggest and most valuable gift you can offer is yourself. Hence, the best gift you can offer someone is your authenticity, simply by being yourself rather than pretending to be someone else.

  7. "It’s better to give than to receive, right? If you’re a good person, that’s what you do, you give. Good people give and don’t think of receiving. But you, you think about receiving all the time, you can’t help it. Which means you’re probably not really a very good person, so why bother trying? All this giving stuff sounds great— for some people. But not for you. It’s just not who you are." In our life we always try to be better human, to do something different even though we don't want to, which means that we don't really like what we do and that makes us unhappy.

  8. The Law of Receptivity"The key to effective giving is to stay open to receiving."