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Art with Ruthie Marchand

Classroom Teachers: Kacie Bottock and Monet Martin

1st grade, Pueblo Gardens Elementary

Ruthie's art classes combine observation with expressionism. She also queries students for their interests and strives to incorporate subjects that are meaningful to them in her lessons. The below collection features drawings of Pikachu, a popular character from Pokémon cartoons.

Art with Trenton Jung

Classroom Teachers: Victoria Hall (Ochoa Community School)

and Michael Kanning (Pueblo Gardens Elementary)

2nd grade

Trenton's art classes highlight the natural world, scientific exploration, and close observation.

When drawing Baby Yoda, an artist still needs a keen sense of observation!

Art with Faith Mendoza

Classroom Teachers: Jeannette Ortiz-Roybal

1st grade, Ochoa Community School

Faith's art classes emphasize step-by-step, follow along drawing, with ample room for students to add their own twist of color! Faith also incorporates student suggestions regarding subjects they are excited to learn to draw. Featured here: two Baby Yodas and a Pokémon character.


