My Why

The origins of Demoiselle.

I am an extremely community-oriented person and would love to bring people together in a fun, creative, and safe space in whatever endeavor I choose to indulge in as an entrepreneur. I believe strongly in using art to express oneself, no matter the form it takes. When individuals come together from all walks of life to share such creative energy it is a positive situation for everyone involved and I want to be the facilitator of such an energy. This ties in with my belief in full, unrelenting self-expression, specifically for those within the LGBTQ+ community and adjacent. My passion for the well-being of others and the arts makes me feel that I could be a helping hand in promoting a business and space that brings all of these beliefs together in one place that both provides physical and mental support for those within the circle. 

My why, while it may come across as simple on the surface, is something that I activate and grow within constantly. I am driven to do everything that I can to facilitate happiness and a “good energy” and approach every up, every down, every interaction I have, and every new situation that I enter into in such a manner. This is both for myself and for those that I put myself around. I want to convince others that this kind of mindset, while it comes with its struggles, can be achieved with a steadfast mindset and forceful optimism. It has taken me much time to be at the place that I exist within mentally and while I acknowledge that it has been easier for me than most because of the circumstances that I have been handed (supportive family members, incredible friends, a stable financial situation, etc.), I believe and desperately want more people to feel that such a headspace is within arms reach.