Images from 2024

Photo Release: December 28, 2024

The Orion Nebula and Trapezium Cluster

This is a 2-hour image of the Orion Nebula was processed using no filters, the main image was also clipped and processed to show the Trapezium Cluster inside the nebula.
The Orion Nebula (also known as Messier 42, M42, or NGC 1976) is a diffuse nebula situated in the Milky Way, being south of Orion's Belt in the constellation of Orion. It is one of the brightest nebulae and is visible to the naked eye in the night sky with apparent magnitude 4.0. It is about 1,344 light-years away and is the closest region of massive star formation to Earth. The M42 nebula is estimated to be 24 light-years across (so its apparent size from Earth is approximately 1 degree). It has a mass of about 2,000 times that of the Sun. (ref. Wikipedia)
Observation data: J2000 epochSubtype: Reflection/EmissionRight ascension: 05h 35m 17.3sDeclination: −05° 23′ 28″Distance: 1,344±20 lyApparent magnitude (V): 4.0Apparent dimensions (V): 65×60 arcminsConstellation: Orion
Tech Specs: Orion 8” RC Telescope, ZWO ASI2600MC camera running at -10F, 124 Minutes using 60 second exposures, Celestron CGEM-DX pier mounted, ZWO EAF and ASIAir Pro, processed in PixInsight. Image Date: November 3, 2024. Location: The Dark Side Observatory (W59), Weatherly, PA, USA (Bortle Class 4).
LINK to Trapezium Image.

FLICKR Image of the Day - December 28, 2024

Photo Release: December 23, 2024

Planetary Nebula NGC2371/2 in Gemini

NGC 2371-2 is a dual lobed planetary nebula located in the constellation Gemini. Visually, it appears like it could be two separate objects; therefore, two entries were given to the planetary nebula by John Louis Emil Dreyer in the New General Catalogue, so it may be referred to as NGC 2371, NGC 2372, or variations on this name. It has also been called the double bubble nebula.
Observation data: J2000 epochRight ascension : 07h 25m 34.7sDeclination: +29° 29′ 25.6”Distance: 4400 lyApparent magnitude (V): 13Apparent dimensions (V): 44Constellation: GeminiDesignations: NGC 2371, NGC 2372
Tech Specs: Orion 8” RC Telescope, ZWO ASI2600MC camera running at -10F, 108 Minutes using 60 second exposures, Celestron CGEM-DX pier mounted, ZWO EAF and ASIAir Pro, processed in PixInsight. Image Date: November 7, 2024. Location: The Dark Side Observatory (W59), Weatherly, PA, USA (Bortle Class 4).

Photo Release: December 20, 2024

Planetary Nebula IC2149 in Auriga

The small planetary nebula IC 2149 was discovered in 1906 by the Scottish-American astronomer Williamina Fleming photographically and visually-spectroscopically with an 8 inch telescope. She was an assistant to Edwart Pickering, an astronomy professor at Harvard University. The physical structure of this bipolar planetary nebula is not yet completely established. It could be a bright ring of gas that we are looking at from the side, or it could be a jet extending northeast and hitting a shock front. The distance to this PN is estimated to be about 1.1 kpc. (ref:
Observation data: J2000.0 epochRight ascension: 05h 56m 23.862sDeclination: 46° 06′ 17.5″Distance: 3586 lyApparent magnitude (V): 10.6Apparent dimensions (V): 12″Constellation: Auriga
Tech Specs: Orion 8” RC Telescope, ZWO ASI2600MC camera running at -10F, 81 Minutes using 60 second exposures, Celestron CGEM-DX pier mounted, ZWO EAF and ASIAir Pro, processed in PixInsight. Image Date: November 7, 2024. Location: The Dark Side Observatory (W59), Weatherly, PA, USA (Bortle Class 4).

Photo Release: December 14, 2024

Starless Version - North American Nebula in Cygnus - NGC 7000

The North America Nebula (NGC 7000) is an emission nebula in the constellation Cygnus. The name “North America Nebula” was coined by Dr. Max Wolf (ref: Burnham’s Celestial Handbook, Volume 2, by Robert Burnham Jr.) no doubt from his work with E.E. Barnard on dark nebulae. This image was processed by first removing the stars followed by processing the nebula.
The North America Nebula covers a region more than ten times the area of the full moon, but its surface brightness is low, so normally it cannot be seen with the unaided eye (Wikipedia).
Observation data: J2000.0 epochRight ascension:  20h 59m 17.1sDeclination:  +44° 31′ 44″Distance: 2,590 ± 80 lyApparent magnitude (V): 4Apparent dimensions (V): 120 × 100 arcminConstellation: CygnusDesignations: NGC 7000, Sharpless 117, Caldwell 20
Tech Specs: William Optics REDCAT 51 Telescope, ZWO ASI071MC camera running at 0F, 3 Hour Exposure using 5-minute subs, Optolong l-eNhance 2” filter, Sky-Watcher EQ6R-Pro mount, ZWO EAF (ProAstroGear Black-CAT) and ASIAir Pro, guided using a ZWO 30mm f/4 mini guide scope and ZWO 120 mini, processed in PixInsight. Image Date: July 28, 2024. Location: The Dark Side Observatory (W59), Weatherly, PA, USA (Bortle Class 4).

Photo Release: December 11, 2024

Planetary Nebula IC351 in Perseus

IC 351 is a Planetary Nebula in the constellation Perseus. It has a  visual magnitude of 11.9 and I have found very few images of it. The inset image is a clipping from the side field and aggressively stretched to bring out any type of color and details.
Tech Specs: Orion 8” RC Telescope, ZWO ASI2600MC camera running at -10F, 81 Minutes using 60 second exposures, Celestron CGEM-DX pier mounted, ZWO EAF and ASIAir Pro, processed in PixInsight. Image Date: November 7, 2024. Location: The Dark Side Observatory (W59), Weatherly, PA, USA (Bortle Class 4).

FLICKR Image of the Day - December 11, 2024

Photo Release: December 6, 2024

Planetary Nebula IC289 in Cassiopeia

This image shows the planetary nebula IC 289, located in the northern constellation of Cassiopeia. Formerly a star like our Sun, it is now just a cloud of ionized gas being pushed out into space by the remnants of the star’s core, visible as a small bright dot in the middle of the cloud. I last imaged this in August using a refractor and decided to put a bigger scope on it for this image.
Observation data: J2000.0 epochRight ascension: 03h 10m 19.3017sDeclination: +61° 19′ 00.914″Distance: 5,190 ± 500 lyConstellation: Cassiopeia
Tech Specs: Orion 8” RC Telescope, ZWO ASI2600MC camera running at -10F, 81 Minutes using 60 second exposures, Celestron CGEM-DX pier mounted, ZWO EAF and ASIAir Pro, processed in PixInsight. Image Date: November 7, 2024. Location: The Dark Side Observatory (W59), Weatherly, PA, USA (Bortle Class 4).

Photo Release: December 3, 2024

Open Cluster Messier 38 (M38) in Auriga

Messier 38 or M38, also known as NGC 1912 or Starfish Cluster, is an open cluster of stars in the constellation of Auriga. Distance is about 1.066 kpc (3,480 ly) away from Earth. (ref: Wikipedia).
Observation data (J2000.0 epoch)Right ascension: 05h 28m 43sDeclination: +35° 51′ 18″Distance: 3,480 ly (1.066 kpc)Apparent magnitude (V): 7.4Apparent dimensions (V): 21′Other designations: NGC1912Constellation: Auriga
Tech Specs: Orion 8” RC Telescope, ZWO ASI2600MC camera running at -10F, 54 Minutes using 60 second exposures, Celestron CGEM-DX pier mounted, ZWO EAF and ASIAir Pro, processed in PixInsight. Image Date: November 3, 2024. Location: The Dark Side Observatory (W59), Weatherly, PA, USA (Bortle Class 4).

Photo Release: November 28, 2024

Open Cluster Messier 37 (M37) in Auriga

Messier 37 (also known as M37, NGC 2099, or the Salt and Pepper Cluster) is the brightest and richest open cluster in the constellation Auriga. Estimates of its age range from 347 million to 550 million years. It contains over 500 identified stars, with roughly 150 stars brighter than magnitude 12.5. M37 has at least a dozen red giants (ref: Wikipedia).
Observation data (J2000.0 epoch)Right ascension: 5h 52m 18sDeclination: +32° 33′ 02″Distance: 4.511 klyApparent magnitude (V): 6.2Apparent dimensions (V): 24′Other designations: NGC 2099Constellation: Auriga
Tech Specs: Orion 8” RC Telescope, ZWO ASI2600MC camera running at -10F, 54 Minutes using 60 second exposures, Celestron CGEM-DX pier mounted, ZWO EAF and ASIAir Pro, processed in PixInsight. Image Date: November 3, 2024. Location: The Dark Side Observatory (W59), Weatherly, PA, USA (Bortle Class 4).

Photo Release: November 25, 2024

Open Cluster NGC 7686 in Andromeda

NGC 7686 is a moderately-sized open cluster in the constellation Andromeda, containing about 80 stars. At magnitude 5.6, it is an easy target for binoculars and small telescopes.
Observation data (J2000 epoch)Right ascension: 23h 29m 41.(3)sDeclination: +49° 10′ 1(2)″Apparent magnitude (V): 5.6Apparent dimensions (V): 15′Constellation: Andromeda
Tech Specs: Orion 8” RC Telescope, ZWO ASI2600MC camera running at 0F, 54 x 60 second exposures, Celestron CGEM-DX pier mounted, ZWO EAF and ASIAir Pro, processed in PixInsight. Image Date: September 12, 2024. Location: The Dark Side Observatory (W59), Weatherly, PA, USA (Bortle Class 4).

Photo Release: November 22, 2024

Open Cluster Messier 36 (M36) in Auriga

Messier 36 (M36 or NGC 1960) is the first of three large open clusters found in the constellation called Auriga. It lies at a distance of about 4,100 light years away from Earth and is about 14 light years across. There are at least sixty members in the cluster. The cluster is very similar to the Pleiades cluster (M45), and if it were the same distance from Earth it would be of similar magnitude. Burnham states, “The group makes its best impression with a fairly low power (20X to 50X)”. I would add that the entire area looks fantastic through a good pair of binoculars.
Observation data (J2000.0 epoch)Right ascension: 05h 36m 18.0sDeclination: +34° 08′ 24″Apparent magnitude (V): 6.3Apparent dimensions (V): 12'
Tech Specs: Orion 8” RC Telescope, ZWO ASI2600MC camera running at -10F, 54 Minutes using 60 second exposures, Celestron CGEM-DX pier mounted, ZWO EAF and ASIAir Pro, processed in PixInsight. Image Date: November 3, 2024. Location: The Dark Side Observatory (W59), Weatherly, PA, USA (Bortle Class 4).

FLICKR Image of the Day - November 23, 2024

Photo Release: November 19, 2024

Planetary Nebula NGC 1501 in Camelopardalis

NGC 1501 (also known as the Camel's Eye Nebula or the Oyster Nebula) is a planetary nebula that can be found in the constellation Camelopardalis (the Giraffe) and is roughly 5,000 light-years away. You can clearly see the internal complexity of this nebula. It has also been referred to as the Oyster Nebula, from the bright central star peeking out of the cloudy shell around it. The surrounding cloud was formed when the central star blasted off its outer shells.
Observation data: J2000 epochRight ascension : 04h 06m 59.39sDeclination: +60° 55′ 14.4″Distance: est. 4,240 lyApparent magnitude (V): 13.0Apparent dimensions (V): 0.863' (diameter)Constellation: Camelopardalis
Tech Specs: Orion 8” RC Telescope, ZWO ASI2600MC camera running at -10F, 2 Hours and 15 Minutes using 60 second exposures, Celestron CGEM-DX pier mounted, ZWO EAF and ASIAir Pro, processed in PixInsight. Image Date: November 2, 2024. Location: The Dark Side Observatory (W59), Weatherly, PA, USA (Bortle Class 4).

Photo Release: November 16, 2024

The Crab Nebula (Messier 1) in Taurus

The Crab Nebula (catalogue designations M1, NGC 1952, Taurus A) is the result of a supernova that was first observed and then recorded in Chinese astronomical writings in the year 1054. The Crab Nebula is found in the constellation Taurus and is about 6,700 light years away. This explosion was so bright that it was visible during daylight hours for over 20 days and remained visible in the night sky for over two years.
Observation data: J2000.0 epochRight ascension: 05h 34m 31.94sDeclination: +22° 00′ 52.2″Distance: 6500 lyApparent magnitude (V): 8.4Apparent dimensions (V): 420″ × 290″Constellation: Taurus
Tech Specs: Orion 8” RC Telescope, ZWO ASI2600MC camera running at -10F, 4 Hours and 7 Minutes using 60 second exposures, Celestron CGEM-DX pier mounted, ZWO EAF and ASIAir Pro, processed in PixInsight. Image Date: November 2, 2024. Location: The Dark Side Observatory (W59), Weatherly, PA, USA (Bortle Class 4).

Photo Release: November 12, 2024

Messier 52 - Open Cluster in Cassiopeia

Messier 52 or M52, also known as NGC 7654, is an open cluster of stars in the constellation of Cassiopeia. Messier 52 can easily be seen with binoculars. In 10×50 binoculars, it appears as a hazy, nebulous patch of light. 4-inch telescopes reveal a dense, compressed star cluster populated by many faint stars, with a shape resembling that of the letter V. More stars are visible in 6-inch and larger instruments. The cluster occupies an area just less than half of the size of the full Moon.
Observation data (J2000 epoch)Constellation: CassiopeiaRight ascension: 23h 24m 48.0sDeclination: +61° 35′ 36″Distance: 4.6 klyApparent magnitude (V): 7.3Apparent dimensions (V): 13.0′
Tech Specs: Sky-Watcher Esprit 120ED Telescope, ZWO ASI2600MC camera running at 0F, 41 x 60 second exposures, Celestron CGEM-DX pier mounted, ZWO EAF and ASIAir Pro, processed in DSS and PixInsight. Image Date: July 28, 2024. Location: The Dark Side Observatory (W59), Weatherly, PA, USA (Bortle Class 4).

Photo Release: November 7, 2024

NGC 507 Galaxy Group in Pisces

The NGC 507 group is the single richest group of galaxies in Pisces containing 9 NGC galaxies brighter than 15th magnitude. There are also a number of galaxies listed in the IC here as well. NGC 508 is also listed in the Arp Catalog as Arp 229, if you look close you may be able to spot a concentric ring around the center of the galaxy.
Tech Specs: Orion 8” RC Telescope, ZWO ASI2600MC camera running at 0F, 191 x 60 second exposures, Celestron CGEM-DX pier mounted, ZWO EAF and ASIAir Pro, processed in PixInsight. Image Date: September 13, 2024. Location: The Dark Side Observatory (W59), Weatherly, PA, USA (Bortle Class 4).

Photo Release: November 4, 2024

Comet C/2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan-ATLAS)

Close up view of Comet C/2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan-ATLAS) on November 2, 2024.
Tech Specs: Orion 8” RC Telescope, ZWO ASI2600MC camera running at -10F, 42 x 60 second exposures, Celestron CGEM-DX pier mounted, ZWO EAF and ASIAir Pro, processed in PixInsight and DSS. Image Date: November 2, 2024. Location: The Dark Side Observatory (W59), Weatherly, PA, USA (Bortle Class 4).

FLICKR Image of the Day - November 4, 2024

Photo Release: November 3, 2024

Galaxy NGC185 in Cassiopeia

NGC 185 (also known as Caldwell 18) is a dwarf spheroidal galaxy located 2.08 million light-years from Earth, appearing in the constellation Cassiopeia. It is a member of the Local Group, and is a satellite of the Andromeda Galaxy (M31). Unlike most dwarf elliptical galaxies, NGC 185 contains young stellar clusters. NGC 185 has an active galactic nucleus (AGN) and is usually classified as a type 2 Seyfert galaxy, though its status as a Seyfert is questioned. It is possibly the closest Seyfert galaxy to Earth, and is the only known Seyfert in the Local Group. (ref: Wikipedia)
Tech Specs: Orion 8” RC Telescope, ZWO ASI2600MC camera running at 0F, 81 x 60 second exposures, Celestron CGEM-DX pier mounted, ZWO EAF and ASIAir Pro, processed in PixInsight. Image Date: September 8, 2024. Location: The Dark Side Observatory (W59), Weatherly, PA, USA (Bortle Class 4).

Photo Release: October 8, 2024

Arp 278 - Interacting Spiral Galaxies in Pegasus

Arp 278 is a pair of interacting spiral galaxies in the constellation Pegasus. This image is a small clip from a large image and is overprocessed to bring out some details in the galaxies. You can see several areas of bright knots of star formation throughout both galaxies. The pair are listed in the NGC catalog as NGC7253 and NGC7253A. 
Observation data (J2000 epoch)Constellation: PegasusRight ascension: 22h 19m 28.9sDeclination: 29° 23′ 30.0″Distance: 203.7 Mly (62.46 Mpc) & 200.4 Mly (61.43 Mpc)Apparent magnitude (V): 13.2 & 14.3Apparent size (V): 1.7' x 0.8' & 1.6' x 0.5'
Tech Specs: Orion 8” RC Telescope, ZWO ASI2600MC camera running at 0F, 162 x 60 second exposures, Celestron CGEM-DX pier mounted, ZWO EAF and ASIAir Pro, processed in PixInsight. Image Date: September 13, 2024. Location: The Dark Side Observatory (W59), Weatherly, PA, USA (Bortle Class 4).

Photo Release: October 1, 2024

Galaxy Arp 213 (IC356) in Camelopardalis

IC 365, also known as Arp 213, is a spiral galaxy located in the constellation Camelopardalis (the Camel). The galaxy appears red in color, because it is situated behind the dust of the Milky Way, at a distance of approximately 50 million lightyears. If you look close you can make out some of the dark dust lanes in the spiral arms. Arp included this galaxy in his list of peculiar galaxies because of the odd dark lane that goes from the central region of the galaxy and extends to the 10 o’clock position in my image.
Tech Specs: Sky-Watcher Esprit 120ED Telescope, ZWO ASI2600MC camera running at 0F, 83 x 60 second exposures, Celestron CGEM-DX pier mounted, ZWO EAF and ASIAir Pro, processed in DSS and PixInsight. Image Date: September 8, 2024. Location: The Dark Side Observatory (W59), Weatherly, PA, USA (Bortle Class 4).

Photo Release: September 26, 2024

Planetary Nebula IC289 in Cassiopeia

This image shows the planetary nebula IC 289, located in the northern constellation of Cassiopeia. Formerly a star like our Sun, it is now just a cloud of ionized gas being pushed out into space by the remnants of the star’s core, visible as a small bright dot in the middle of the cloud.
Observation data: J2000.0 epochRight ascension: 03h 10m 19.3017sDeclination: +61° 19′ 00.914″Distance: 5,190 ± 500 lyConstellation: Cassiopeia
Tech Specs: Sky-Watcher Esprit 120ED Telescope, ZWO ASI2600MC camera running at 0F, 81 x 60 second exposures, Celestron CGEM-DX pier mounted, ZWO EAF and ASIAir Pro, processed in DSS and PixInsight. Image Date: September 8, 2024. Location: The Dark Side Observatory (W59), Weatherly, PA, USA (Bortle Class 4).

Photo Release: September 23, 2024

The Snowglobe Nebula - NGC 6781 in Aquila

NGC 6781, also known as the Snowglobe Nebula, is a planetary nebula located in the equatorial constellation of Aquila, about 2.5° east-northeast of the 5th magnitude star 19 Aquilae.The nebula lies at a distance of 1,500 ly from the Sun. It has a visual magnitude of 11.4 and spans an angular size of 1.9 × 1.8 arcminutes. The bipolar dust shell of this nebula is believed to be barrel-shaped and is being viewed from nearly pole-on. The magnitude 16.88 central star of the planetary nebula is a white dwarf. (ref: Wikipedia)
Observation data: J2000 epochRight ascension: 19h 18m 28.085sDeclination: +06° 32′ 19.29″Distance: 1,500 lyApparent magnitude (V): 11.4Apparent dimensions (V): 1′.9 × 1′.8Constellation: Aquila
Tech Specs: Orion 8” RC Telescope, ZWO ASI2600MC camera running at 0F, 81 x 60 second exposures, Celestron CGEM-DX pier mounted, ZWO EAF and ASIAir Pro, processed in PixInsight. Image Date: September 8, 2024. Location: The Dark Side Observatory (W59), Weatherly, PA, USA (Bortle Class 4).

Photo Release: September 20, 2024

Double Star Albireo (Beta Cygni) and Measurements Using Tycho

Albireo (or Beta Cygni) is the 5th brightest star in the constellation Cygnus. Albireo appears to the naked eye to be a single star, but even through a modest telescope you will see a beautiful double star. The brighter yellow star is also a close binary system. The two stars are striking in their color contrast. This was the first double star I ever looked at as a young amateur astronomer in the 1970’s.
Burnham states “Albireo is one of the most beautiful double stars in the sky, considered by many observers to be the finest in the heavens for the small telescope. The brighter star is a golden yellow or ‘topaz’, magnitude 3.09, the ‘sapphire’ companion is magnitude 5.11. The separation is 34.3 seconds, an easy object for the low power telescope”. Burnham’s Celestial Handbook, Robert Burnham Jr., Volume 2.
I used the software package TYCHO to try and measure the separation and position angle. My estimates using 60 x 5 second exposures were 38.2” and a PA of 53.3 degrees. The listed statistics I found online are 35.3” and a PA of 54 degrees. If anyone else is using Tycho for double stars I’d love to hear your process.
Tech Specs: Sky-Watcher Esprit 120ED Telescope, ZWO ASI2600MC camera running at 0F, 60 x 5 second exposures, Celestron CGEM-DX pier mounted, ZWO EAF and ASIAir Pro, processed in Tycho. Image Date: August 23, 2024. Location: The Dark Side Observatory (W59), Weatherly, PA, USA (Bortle Class 4).

Photo Release: September 17, 2024

Galaxy Arp 145 in the Constellation Andromeda

UGC 1840, also known as Arp 145, is a pair of interacting galaxies located 250 million light-years away from the Solar System in the Andromeda constellation. Made up of two galaxies, UGC 1840 NED01 (PGC 9060) and UGC 1840 NED02 (PGC 9062), the two galaxies had recently collided with each other in which the elliptical galaxy has penetrated through the spiral galaxy's nucleus leaving a hole in its middle, thus forming a ring galaxy. Both galaxies are listed as Arp 145 in the Atlas of Peculiar Galaxies which was created by Halton Arp. They fall under the category of objects that have emanating material and both classified as galaxies that have ring systems. (ref: Wikipedia)
Observation dataConstellation: AndromedaRight ascension: 02h 23m 08.4268sDeclination: +41° 22′ 20.031″Type: PeculiarSize: ~131,100 ly (40.20 kpc) (estimated)Notable features: Collisional ring galaxyOther designations: IRAS 02200+4108, 2MASX J02231142+4122047, Arp 145, MCG +07-06-002, PGC 9060 & 9062, CGCG 538-056, HFLLZOA F264, V Zw 229
Tech Specs: Orion 8” RC Telescope, ZWO ASI2600MC camera running at 0F, 162 x 60 second exposures, Celestron CGEM-DX pier mounted, ZWO EAF and ASIAir Pro, processed in PixInsight. Image Date: September 12, 2024. Location: The Dark Side Observatory (W59), Weatherly, PA, USA (Bortle Class 4).

Photo Release: September 14, 2024

The Heart Nebula - IC1805

The Heart Nebula (IC 1805) lies about 7,500 light years away from Earth in the Perseus Arm of the Galaxy in the constellation Cassiopeia. The brightest part of the nebula (a knot at its western edge) is separately classified as NGC 896, because it was the first part of the nebula to be discovered. The nebula's intense red output and its morphology are driven by the radiation emanating from a small group of stars near the nebula's center. This open cluster of stars, known as Melotte 15, contains a few bright stars nearly 50 times the mass of our Sun, and many more dim stars that are only a fraction of our Sun's mass. The Heart Nebula is located adjacent to the Soul Nebula forming a view referred to as the Heart and Soul Nebula.
Tech Specs: William Optics REDCAT 51 Telescope, ZWO ASI071MC camera running at 0F, 180-minutes using 5-minute exposures, Optolong l-eXtreme 2” filter, Sky-Watcher EQ6R-Pro mount, ZWO EAF (ProAstroGear Black-CAT) and ASIAir Pro, guided using a ZWO 30mm f/4 mini guide scope and ZWO 120 mini, processed in PixInsight. Image Date: July 28 and August 25, 2024. Location: The Dark Side Observatory (W59), Weatherly, PA, USA (Bortle Class 4).

Photo Release: September 11, 2024

Sadr Region of Central Cygnus

This is a wide field view of the central region of the constellation Cygnus and the star Sadr (the bright star near the center). There are several objects in this image including the Butterfly Nebula (right above Sadr), open cluster Messier 29, and several NGC objects. This is part of a larger project I’ve been working on this summer covering the entire central region of Cygnus.
Tech Specs: William Optics REDCAT 51 Telescope, ZWO ASI071MC camera running at 0F, 180-minutes using 5-minute exposures, Optolong l-eNhance 2” filter, Sky-Watcher EQ6R-Pro mount, ZWO EAF and ASIAir Pro, processed in PixInsight. Image Date: August 25, 2024. Location: The Dark Side Observatory (W59), Weatherly, PA, USA (Bortle Class 4).
Annotated IMAGE.

Photo Release: September 8, 2024

Planetary Nebula NGC 40 Bow-Tie Nebula in Cepheus

NGC 40 (also known as the Bow-Tie Nebula and Caldwell 2) is a planetary nebula discovered by William Herschel on November 25, 1788, and is composed of hot gas around a dying star. The star has ejected its outer layer which has left behind a small, hot star. Radiation from the star causes the shed outer layer to heat to about 10,000 degrees Celsius and become visible as a planetary nebula. The nebula is about one light-year across. About 30,000 years from now, scientists theorize that NGC 40 will fade away, leaving only a white dwarf star approximately the size of Earth. (ref: Wikipedia)
Observation data: J2000 epochRight ascension: 00h 13m 01.015sDeclination: +72° 31′ 19.08″Distance: 1,619 pcApparent magnitude (V): 11.6Apparent dimensions (V): 38″ × 35″Constellation: CepheusDesignations: Bow-Tie Nebula, Caldwell 2, PN G120.0+09.8
Tech Specs: Sky-Watcher Esprit 120ED Telescope, ZWO ASI2600MC camera running at 0F, 81 x 60 second exposures, Celestron CGEM-DX pier mounted, ZWO EAF and ASIAir Pro, processed in DSS and PixInsight. Image Date: August 25, 2024. Location: The Dark Side Observatory (W59), Weatherly, PA, USA (Bortle Class 4).

Photo Release: September 5, 2024

Planetary Nebula NGC 7139 in Cepheus

This is the planetary nebula designated NGC 7139 located in the constellation Cepheus. 

Observation data: J2000 epoch

Tech Specs: Sky-Watcher Esprit 120ED Telescope, ZWO ASI2600MC camera running at 0F, 81 x 60 second exposures, Celestron CGEM-DX pier mounted, ZWO EAF and ASIAir Pro, processed in DSS and PixInsight. Image Date: August 25, 2024. Location: The Dark Side Observatory (W59), Weatherly, PA, USA (Bortle Class 4).

Photo Release: August 31, 2024

The Wild Duck Cluster - Messier 11 in Scutum

The Wild Duck Cluster is one of the richest and most compact of the known open clusters. It is one of the most massive open clusters known, and it has been extensively studied. Its age has been estimated to be about 316 million years. The brightest cluster member is visual magnitude 8, and it has 870 members of at least magnitude 16.5. (ref: Wikipedia)
Observation data (J2000.0 epoch)Right ascension: 18h 51m 05.0sDeclination: −06° 16′ 12″Distance: 6,120 light-yearsApparent magnitude (V): 5.8Apparent dimensions (V): 22.8′
Tech Specs: William Optics REDCAT 51 Telescope, ZWO ASI071MC camera running at 0F, 27 minutes using 60 second exposures, Sky-Watcher EQ6R-Pro mount, ZWO EAF and ASIAir Pro, processed in PixInsight. Image Date: July 8, 2024. Location: The Dark Side Observatory (W59), Weatherly, PA, USA (Bortle Class 4).

Photo Release: August 28, 2024

Messier 76 – The Little Dumbbell Nebula in Perseus

The Little Dumbbell Nebula, also known as Messier 76 (M76), NGC 650/651, is a planetary nebula in northern constellation Perseus. Distance to M76 is currently estimated as 780 parsecs or 2,500 light years. The total nebula shines at the apparent magnitude of +10.1. The Little Dumbbell Nebula derives its common name from its resemblance to the Dumbbell Nebula (M27) in Vulpecula. It was originally thought to consist of two separate emission nebulae so bears New General Catalog numbers NGC 650 and 651.
Tech Specs: Sky-Watcher Esprit 120ED Telescope, ZWO ASI2600MC camera running at 0F, 108 x 60 second exposures, Celestron CGEM-DX pier mounted, ZWO EAF and ASIAir Pro, processed in DSS and PixInisght. Image Date: July 27, 2024. Location: The Dark Side Observatory (W59), Weatherly, PA, USA (Bortle Class 4).

Photo Release: August 26, 2024

Solar Prominence - August 23, 2024

This is a two-panel overlay showing a nice solar prominence on August 23rd. The prominence and surface features were each captured using the best 20% of 2000 frames 
Tech Specs: Sky-Watcher Esprit 120ED Telescope, ASI462MC camera, Daystar Quark Chromosphere, ZWO 0.5x Reducer, Celestron CGEM-DX pier mounted, ZWO UV/IR Filter (2”), focus with a ZWO EAF, captured with SharpCap Pro v4 and processed using Autostakkert and Registax. Image Date: August 23, 2024. Location: The Dark Side Observatory (W59), Weatherly, PA, USA (Bortle Class 4).

Photo Release: August 23, 2024

Solar Mosaic - August 23, 2024

This is a two-panel mosaic of today’s sun in white light, artificial color. From “SUNSPOT NUMBERS AT A 20-YEAR HIGH: For the second month in a row, the monthly-average sunspot number is cruising toward a 20-year high. The current value, around 230, would eclipse every month since Sept. 2001, which occurred during the peak of old Solar Cycle 23. The current cycle (Solar Cycle 25) was not supposed to be this strong, and it may become even stronger before Solar Max is finished.
Tech Specs: Sky-Watcher Esprit 120ED Telescope,  ZWO ASI462MC planetary camera, glass solar filter, Celestron CGEM-DX mount, ZWO IR/UV filter, ZWO 0.5x focal reducer, best 20% of 2000 frames, Autostakkert+Registax, unguided, focus with a ZWO EAF, captured using SharpCap 4.0, controlled with a ZWO ASIAir Pro. Image Date: August 23, 2024. Location: The Dark Side Observatory, Weatherly, PA, USA (Bortle Class 4).

Photo Release: August 23, 2024

The Ghost of Cassiopeia (IC 59 and IC 63)

Processing some lost data from last year! This is IC 59 and IC 63 and are found in the constellation Cassiopeia very near the bright star Gamma Cassiopeia. This set of objects is also known as the Ghost of Cassiopeia. Gamma Cassiopeia also has the informal nickname of Navi. The “IC” designation comes from a group of objects discovered between 1888 and 1907, most made possible by photography, and known as the Index Catalog. 
These nebulae are a combination of emission and reflection, they are located about 610 light years from Earth and are about 10 light years across. Gamma Cassiopeia provides the radiation to light up this area of dust and gas, eventually dissipating in the area.
Tech Specs: Sky-Watcher Esprit 120ED Telescope,  ZWO AS2600mc-Pro running at 0C, Sky-Watcher EQ6R-Pro mount, Optolong L-eXtreme filter (2”), 6 Hours 50 Minutes using 300 second exposures, guided using a ZWO 30mm f/4 mini guide scope and ZWO 120 Mini, focus with a ZWO EAF, controlled with a ZWO ASIAir Pro. Processed using PixInsight and DSS. Image Date: September 14, 2023. Location: The Dark Side Observatory, Weatherly, PA, USA (Bortle Class 4).

Photo Release: August 20, 2024

The Andromeda Galaxy Messier 31 (M31)

Here is a quick widefield view of the Andromeda Galaxy and is cataloged as Messier 31, M31, and NGC 224. Also included in this view is the galaxy Messier 32 (also known as M32 and NGC 221) which is the small fuzzy object just to the left of the center of the Andromeda Galaxy, and the elliptical galaxy Messier 110 (M110, NGC 205), just to the bottom right of the center.
Tech Specs: William Optics REDCAT 51 Telescope, ZWO ASI071MC camera running at 0F, 69 minutes using 60 second exposures, Sky-Watcher EQ6R-Pro mount, ZWO EAF and ASIAir Pro, processed in PixInsight. Image Date: July 8, 2024. Location: The Dark Side Observatory (W59), Weatherly, PA, USA (Bortle Class 4).

FLICKR Image of the Day - August 20, 2024

Photo Release: August 16, 2024

Early Morning Conjunction of Mars and Jupiter

Here is a view of the early morning conjunction of Mars and Jupiter in the constellation Taurus. The closest approach between these planets happened over the last two days. Mars will continue its trek eastward through Taurus and will be entering Gemini in early September.
Tech Specs: Canon 6D, iOptron Tracking Mount, Canon EF 17-40mm f/4L USM lens, 32-second exposure, shot at f/4.0 with an ISO setting of 3200 and lens at 19mm. Single frame. Image Date: August 16, 2024. Location: The Dark Side Observatory (W59), Weatherly, PA, USA (Bortle Class 4).

Photo Release: August 15, 2024

Planetary Nebula Abell 50 (NGC 6742)

NGC 6742 (also known as Abell 50) is a planetary nebula in the constellation Draco. Its apparent size is 0.553′. Although the nebula’s magnitude — 13.4 — implies that it’s quite faint, the surface brightness is high enough for you to easily view it through a medium sized telescope. In the closeup view you can start to see some structure.
Observation data: J2000 epochRight ascension: 18h 59m 20sDeclination: +48° 27′ 55″Constellation: DracoAbsolute magnitude (V): 13.4Designations: Abell 50
Tech Specs: Orion 8” RC Telescope, ZWO ASI2600MC camera running at 0F, 54 x 60 second exposures, Celestron CGEM-DX pier mounted, ZWO EAF and ASIAir Pro, processed in PixInsight. Image Date: July 8, 2024. Location: The Dark Side Observatory (W59), Weatherly, PA, USA (Bortle Class 4).

Photo Release: August 12, 2024

Today's sun and giant sunspot AR3780.

Today's sun and giant sunspot AR3780.

Photo Release: August 5, 2024

Widefield View of Messier 17 - The Omega Nebula

Here is a quick widefield view of Messier 17 (cataloged as M17 or NGC 6618), also known as the Omega Nebula or Swan Nebula, it is a star-forming region in the Milky Way galaxy. It's located in the constellation Sagittarius, about 5,500 light-years from Earth. M17 is a vast cloud of dust and gas that's roughly 15 light-years in diameter and has a mass of around 800 solar masses. It's part of a larger cloud that's about 40 light-years in diameter and has a mass of 30,000 solar masses.
Tech Specs: William Optics REDCAT 51 Telescope, ZWO ASI071MC camera running at 0F, 29 minutes using 60 second exposures, Sky-Watcher EQ6R-Pro mount, ZWO EAF and ASIAir Pro, processed in PixInsight. Image Date: July 8, 2024. Location: The Dark Side Observatory (W59), Weatherly, PA, USA (Bortle Class 4).

Photo Release: July 28, 2024

Globular Cluster NGC 7006 in Delphinus

From, “NGC 7006 resides in the outskirts of the Milky Way. It is about 135,000 light-years away, five times the distance between the Sun and the center of the galaxy, and it is part of the galactic halo. This roughly spherical region of the Milky Way is made up of dark matter, gas and sparsely distributed stellar clusters.”
Observation data (J2000 epoch)Class: IConstellation: DelphinusRight ascension: 21h 1m 29.4sDeclination: +16° 11′ 14.4″Apparent magnitude (V): 10.6Apparent dimensions (V): 2.8′
Tech Specs: Orion 8” RC Telescope, ZWO ASI2600MC camera running at 0F, 120 x 60 second exposures, Celestron CGEM-DX pier mounted, ZWO EAF and ASIAir Pro, processed in PixInsight. Image Date: June 12, 2024. Location: The Dark Side Observatory (W59), Weatherly, PA, USA (Bortle Class 4).

Photo Release: July 23, 2024

Globular Cluster Messier 56 (M56)

Messier 56 (also known as M56 or NGC 6779) is a globular cluster in the constellation Lyra. M56 is about 32,900 light-years away from Earth and measures roughly 84 light-years across, containing 230,000. This cluster has an estimated age of 13.70 billion years
Observation data (J2000 epoch)Class: XConstellation: LyraRight ascension: 19h 16m 35.57sDeclination: +30° 11′ 00.5″Apparent magnitude (V): 8.3Apparent dimensions (V): 8.8'
Tech Specs: Orion 8” RC Telescope, ZWO ASI2600MC camera running at 0F, 30 x 60 second exposures, Celestron CGEM-DX pier mounted, ZWO EAF and ASIAir Pro, processed in PixInsight. Image Date: June 12, 2024. Location: The Dark Side Observatory (W59), Weatherly, PA, USA (Bortle Class 4).

Photo Release: July 20, 2024

The Dumbbell Nebula - Messier 27

The Dumbbell Nebula (Messier 27, M27 or NGC 6853) is a bright planetary nebula in the constellation Vulpecula. It is easily seen in binoculars and wide-field photographs. The central star is an extremely hot blueish subdwarf. The nebula was created by a dying star ejecting a shell of gas into space. 
Observation data: J2000 epochRight ascension: 19h 59m 36.340sDeclination: +22° 43′ 16.09″Apparent magnitude (V): 7.4Apparent dimensions (V): 8.0′ × 5.6′Constellation: Vulpecula
Tech Specs: Orion 8” RC Telescope, ZWO ASI2600MC camera running at 0F, 95 x 60 second exposures, Celestron CGEM-DX pier mounted, ZWO EAF and ASIAir Pro, processed in PixInsight. Image Date: July 8, 2024. Location: The Dark Side Observatory (W59), Weatherly, PA, USA (Bortle Class 4).

FLICKR Image of the Day - July 20, 2024

Photo Release: July 16, 2024

Dark Nebula - Barnard’s E Nebula

Barnard's E Nebula (officially designated as Barnard 142 and 143) is a pair of dark nebulae in constellation Aquila. Its size is about 0.5 degrees, and its distance from earth is estimated at about 2,000 light-years
Tech Specs: William Optics REDCAT 51 Telescope, ZWO ASI071MC camera running at 0F, 108 minutes using 60 second exposures, Sky-Watcher EQ6R-Pro mount, ZWO EAF and ASIAir Pro, processed in PixInsight. Image Date: July 8, 2024. Location: The Dark Side Observatory (W59), Weatherly, PA, USA (Bortle Class 4).

Amateur Astronomy Photo of the Day (AAPOD2) for July 7, 2024

Photo Release: July 13, 2024

Globular Cluster NGC 5466

NGC 5466 is a class XII (Shapley–Sawyer - almost no concentration towards the center) globular cluster in the constellation Boötes. Located 51,800 light years from Earth and 52,800 light years from the Galactic Center. (ref: Wikipedia)
Observation data (J2000 epoch)Class: XIIConstellation: BoötesRight ascension: 14h 05m 27.29sDeclination: +28° 32′ 04.0″Distance: 51.9 klyApparent magnitude (V): 10.5Apparent dimensions (V): 11
Tech Specs: Orion 8” RC Telescope, ZWO ASI2600MC camera running at -10F, 139 x 60 seconds, Celestron CGEM-DX pier mounted, ZWO EAF and ASIAir Pro, processed in PixInsight. Image Date: February 6, 2024. Location: The Dark Side Observatory (W59), Weatherly, PA, USA (Bortle Class 4).

Photo Release: July 7, 2024

Supernova 2024jlf in NGC 5690

This is the galaxy designated NGC 5690, a spiral galaxy in the constellation Virgo. The galaxy currently has a supernova designated as SN 2024jlf. During my 30-minutes of collected data, SN 2024jlf showed an estimated magnitude of 15.3.
Tech Specs: Orion 8” RC Telescope, ZWO ASI2600MC camera running at 0F, 30 x 60 seconds, Celestron CGEM-DX pier mounted, ZWO EAF and ASIAir Pro, processed in TYCHO software. Image Date: July 7, 2024. Location: The Dark Side Observatory (W59), Weatherly, PA, USA (Bortle Class 4).

Photo Release: July 5, 2024

Globular Cluster Messier 92 (M92) in Hercules

Messier 92 (also known as M92, M 92, or NGC 6341) is a globular cluster of stars in the northern constellation of Hercules. Located 27,000 light-years from Earth in the constellation Hercules, this globular cluster was first discovered by the German astronomer Johann Elert Bode in 1777. With an apparent magnitude of 6.3, M92 is one of the brightest globular clusters in the Milky Way and is visible to the naked eye under good observing conditions. It can be most easily spotted during the month of July. The cluster is very tightly packed with stars, containing roughly 330,000 stars in total. (REF:
Tech Specs: Orion 8” RC Telescope, ZWO ASI2600MC camera running at 0F, 115 x 60 second exposures, Celestron CGEM-DX pier mounted, ZWO EAF and ASIAir Pro, processed in DeepSkyStacker and PixInsight software. Image Date: May 2, 2024. Location: The Dark Side Observatory (W59), Weatherly, PA, USA (Bortle Class 4).

Photo Release: July 2, 2024

The Ring Nebula - Messier 57 in Lyra

The Ring Nebula (also cataloged as Messier 57, M57 and NGC 6720) is a planetary nebula in the northern constellation of Lyra. The tiny white dot in the center of the nebula is the star’s hot core, called a white dwarf. M57 is about 2,000 light-years away in the constellation Lyra, and is best observed during August. Discovered by the French astronomer Antoine Darquier de Pellepoix in 1779, the Ring Nebula has an apparent magnitude of 8.8. It is easy to find, as it lies about halfway between the two 3rd -magnitude stars “Sheliak” and “Sulafat” which form the bottom of Lyra’s lyre; however, it requires a moderately-sized telescope to see its beautiful ring-like details.  (REF:
Observation data: J2000 epochRight ascension: 18h 53m 35.079sDeclination: +33° 01′ 45.03″Distance: 2567±115 lyApparent magnitude (V): 8.8Apparent dimensions (V): 230″ × 230″Constellation: Lyra
Tech Specs: Orion 8” RC Telescope, ZWO ASI2600MC camera running at 0F, 168 x 60 second exposures, Celestron CGEM-DX pier mounted, ZWO EAF and ASIAir Pro, processed in DeepSkyStacker and PixInsight software. Image Date: May 2, 2024. Location: The Dark Side Observatory (W59), Weatherly, PA, USA (Bortle Class 4).

Photo Release: June 29, 2024

The Draco Trio - NGC 5985, NGC 5982 and NGC 5981

In my view of the Draco Trio you see a close grouping of three very different looking galaxies. There is a spiral galaxy on the top, NGC 5985, the elliptical galaxy NGC 5982, and on the bottom is the edge-on spiral galaxy designated as NGC 5981. All are part of a large group of galaxies called the NGC 5982 cluster. This image is about four hours of collected data.
Tech Specs: Orion 8” RC Telescope, ZWO ASI2600MC camera running at 0F, 240 x 60 second exposures, Celestron CGEM-DX pier mounted, ZWO EAF and ASIAir Pro, processed in DeepSkyStacker and PixInsight software. Image Date: May 1, 2024. Location: The Dark Side Observatory (W59), Weatherly, PA, USA (Bortle Class 4).

FLICKR Image of the Day - June 29, 2024

Photo Release: June 25, 2024

T Coronae Borealis Observation

Here is an updated observation of the star T Coronae Borealis (T CrB) which has the possibility of brightening to be viewed with the naked eye at some point this year. Currently, my magnitude estimate is 10.34 is based on 30 x 60 second images and determined using Tycho software. You can follow along with these observations here:
Tech Specs: Orion 8” RC Telescope, ZWO ASI2600MC camera running at 0F, 30 x 60 second exposures, Celestron CGEM-DX pier mounted, ZWO EAF and ASIAir Pro, processed in Tycho software. Image Date: June 25, 2024. Location: The Dark Side Observatory (W59), Weatherly, PA, USA (Bortle Class 4).

Photo Release: June 22, 2024

Open Clusters Messier 46/47 

Messier 46 or M46, also known as NGC 2437 (on the left) and Messier 47 (M47 or NGC 2422), are both open clusters of stars in the slightly southern constellation of Puppis. 
Messier 46:Observation data (J2000.0 epoch)Right ascension: 07h 41m 46.0sDeclination: −14° 48′ 36″Apparent magnitude (V): 6.0Apparent dimensions (V): 22.8′
Messier 47:Observation data (J2000.0 epoch)Right ascension: 07h 36.6mDeclination: −14° 30′Apparent magnitude (V): 4.4Apparent dimensions (V): 30′
Tech Specs: William Optics REDCAT 51 Telescope, ZWO ASI071MC camera running at -10F, 54 minutes using 60 second exposures, Sky-Watcher EQ6R-Pro mount, ZWO EAF and ASIAir Pro, processed in PixInsight. Image Date: February 5, 2024. Location: The Dark Side Observatory (W59), Weatherly, PA, USA (Bortle Class 4).

Photo Release: June 19, 2024

Markarian's Chain of Galaxies

Markarian's Chain is a stretch of galaxies that forms part of the Virgo Cluster. When viewed from Earth, the galaxies lie along a smoothly curved line. Charles Messier first discovered two of the galaxies, M84 and M86, in 1781. The other galaxies seen in the chain were discovered by William Herschel and are now known primarily by their catalog numbers in John Louis Emil Dreyer's New General Catalog, published in 1888. It was ultimately named after the Armenian astrophysicist, Benjamin Markarian, who discovered their common motion in the early 1960s. Member galaxies include M84 (NGC 4374), M86 (NGC 4406), NGC 4477, NGC 4473, NGC 4461, NGC 4458, NGC 4438 and NGC 4435. (ref: Wikipedia)
Tech Specs: William Optics REDCAT 51 Telescope, ZWO ASI071MC camera running at -10F, 325 minutes using 60 second exposures (5 hours 25 minutes), Sky-Watcher EQ6R-Pro mount, ZWO EAF and ASIAir Pro, processed in PixInsight. Image Date: February 5 and 6, 2024. Location: The Dark Side Observatory (W59), Weatherly, PA, USA (Bortle Class 4).

Photo Release: June 14, 2024

Open Cluster NGC 2420 in Gemini

This is the open star cluster NGC 2420 (also known as Collinder 154, Melotte 69) located in the constellation Gemini and it has an estimated age of 2.5 ± 0.5 billion years. The cluster counts about 685 member stars within a radius of 20 arc minutes, which corresponds to about 39 light years. 
Designation: NGC 2420Right Ascension (J2000.0): 07h 38m 23.8sDeclination (J2000.0): +21° 34' 27"Visual magnitude: 8.3 mag
Tech Specs: Orion 8” RC Telescope, ZWO ASI2600MC camera running at -10F, 54 x 60 seconds, Celestron CGEM-DX pier mounted, ZWO EAF and ASIAir Pro, processed in DSS and PixInsight. Image Date: February 5, 2024. Location: The Dark Side Observatory (W59), Weatherly, PA, USA (Bortle Class 4).

Photo Release: June 10, 2024

Supernova 2024igg in Galaxy NGC 5876

This is the galaxy designated NGC 5876, Barred Spiral Galaxy in Boötes. The galaxy currently has a supernova designated as SN 2024igg. During my 30-minutes of collected data, SN 2024igg showed an estimated magnitude of 14.8. 
Tech Specs: Orion 8” RC Telescope, ZWO ASI2600MC camera running at 0F, 30 x 60 seconds, Celestron CGEM-DX pier mounted, ZWO EAF and ASIAir Pro, processed in TYCHO software. Image Date: June 9, 2024. Location: The Dark Side Observatory (W59), Weatherly, PA, USA (Bortle Class 4).

Photo Release: June 8, 2024

Globular Cluster Messier 3 (M3)

Messier 3 (also known as M3 or NGC 5272) is a globular cluster found in the northern constellation of Canes Venatici. M3 is one of the three brightest globular clusters in the Northern hemisphere (along with M13 and M5). This cluster is made up of around 500,000 stars. It is estimated to be 11.4 billion years old. It is located at a distance of about 33,900 light-years away from Earth.
Observation data (J2000 epoch)Class: VIConstellation: Canes VenaticiRight ascension: 13h 42m 11.62sDeclination: +28° 22′ 38.2″Distance: 33.9 klyApparent magnitude (V): 6.39Apparent dimensions (V): 18′.0
Tech Specs: Orion 8” RC Telescope, ZWO ASI2600MC camera running at -10F, 100 x 60 second exposures, Celestron CGEM-DX pier mounted, ZWO EAF and ASIAir Plus, processed in PixInsight. Image Date: April 15, 2024. Location: The Dark Side Observatory (W59), Weatherly, PA, USA (Bortle Class 4).

Photo Release: June 5, 2024

Spiral Galaxy NGC 2683 in Lynx

NGC 2683 is a spiral galaxy in the northern constellation of Lynx. It was discovered by the astronomer William Herschel on February 5, 1788. My image was done using 2 hours and 42 minus of collected data, I really love the dark dust lanes visible in this galaxy.
Observation data (J2000 epoch)Constellation: LynxRight ascension: 08h 52m 41.3sDeclination: +33° 25′ 19″Distance: 30.53 ± 0.91 MlyApparent magnitude (V): 10.6
Tech Specs: Orion 8” RC Telescope, ZWO ASI2600MC camera running at -10F, 162 x 60 seconds (2 hours and 42 minutes), Celestron CGEM-DX pier mounted, ZWO EAF and ASIAir Pro, processed in DSS and PixInsight. Image Date: February 5, 2024. Location: The Dark Side Observatory (W59), Weatherly, PA, USA (Bortle Class 4).

Photo Release: May 17, 2024

Globular Cluster Messier 13 (M13)

Messier 13 (M13 or NGC 6205) is also referred to as the Great Globular Cluster in Hercules, is one of the brightest and best known globular clusters in the northern skies. It shines at a magnitude of 5.8, is about 22,200 light years away and contains an estimated 300,000 stars.
Observation data (J2000 epoch)Class: VConstellation: HerculesRight ascension: 16h 41m 41.24sDeclination: +36° 27′ 35.5″Distance: 22.2 klyApparent magnitude (V): 5.8Apparent dimensions (V): 20 arcminutes
Tech Specs: Orion 8” RC Telescope, ZWO ASI2600MC camera running at -10F, 2h30m using 60 second exposures, Celestron CGEM-DX pier mounted, ZWO EAF and ASIAir Plus, processed in PixInsight. Image Date: April 15, 2024. Location: The Dark Side Observatory (W59), Weatherly, PA, USA (Bortle Class 4).

Photo Release: May 9, 2024

Irregular Galaxy NGC 4449 in Canes Venatici

NGC 4449, also known as Caldwell 21, is an irregular Magellanic type galaxy in the constellation Canes Venatici, being located about 13 million light-years away. It is part of the M94 Group or Canes Venatici I Group that is relatively close to the Local Group hosting our Milky Way galaxy. This galaxy is similar in nature to the Milky Way's satellite galaxy, the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC), though it is not as bright nor as large. NGC 4449 has a general bar shape, also characteristic of the LMC, with scattered young blue star clusters.
Observation data (J2000 epoch)Constellation: Canes VenaticiRight ascension: 12h 28m 11.9sDeclination: +44° 05′ 40″Distance: 13.08 ± 0.98 MlyApparent magnitude (V): 10.0
Tech Specs: Orion 8” RC Telescope, ZWO ASI2600MC camera running at -10F, 162 x 60 seconds (2 hours and 42 minutes), Celestron CGEM-DX pier mounted, ZWO EAF and ASIAir Pro, processed in DSS and PixInsight. Image Date: February 4, 2024. Location: The Dark Side Observatory (W59), Weatherly, PA, USA (Bortle Class 4).

FLICKR Image of the Day - May 9, 2024

Photo Release: May 6, 2024

 Spiral Galaxy NGC 2841 in Ursa Major

NGC 2841 is an unbarred spiral galaxy in the northern constellation of Ursa Major. J. L. E. Dreyer, the author of the New General Catalog, described it as, "very bright, large, very much extended 151°, very suddenly much brighter middle equal to 10th magnitude star". Initially thought to be about 30 million light-years distant, a 2001 Hubble Space Telescope survey of the galaxy's Cepheid variables determined its distance to be approximately 46 million light-years. (Wikipedia)
Observation data (J2000 epoch)Constellation: Ursa MajorRight ascension: 09h 22m 02.655sDeclination: +50° 58′ 35.32″Distance: 46.0 ± 4.9 MlyApparent magnitude (V): 10.1
Tech Specs: Orion 8” RC Telescope, ZWO ASI2600MC camera running at -10F, 355 x 60 seconds (5 hours and 55 minutes), Celestron CGEM-DX pier mounted, ZWO EAF and ASIAir Pro, processed in DSS and PixInsight. Image Date: February 4, 2024. Location: The Dark Side Observatory (W59), Weatherly, PA, USA (Bortle Class 4).

Photo Release: May 3, 2024

 The Eskimo Nebula - NGC 2392

This is the planetary nebula called The Eskimo Nebula or NGC 2392. It is a double-shell planetary nebula located in the constellation Gemini. Radial velocity measurements reveal that this diameter of the cloud is growing at a rate of 68 miles per second (Burnham, 1978).
Observation data: J2000 epochRight ascension: 07h 29m 10.7669sDeclination: +20° 54′ 42.488″Distance: 6520±560 lyApparent magnitude (V): 10.1Apparent dimensions (V): 48″ × 48″Constellation: Gemini
Tech Specs: Orion 8” RC Telescope, ZWO ASI2600MC camera running at -10F, 35 x 60 seconds, Celestron CGEM-DX pier mounted, ZWO EAF and ASIAir Pro, processed in DSS and PixInsight. Image Date: January 3, 2024. Location: The Dark Side Observatory (W59), Weatherly, PA, USA (Bortle Class 4).

Photo Release: May 1, 2024

 Supernova 2023wrk in Galaxy NGC 3690

This is the galaxy designated NGC 3690 (Arp 299 - intersecting galaxies) in the constellation Ursa Major. The galaxy currently has a supernova designated as SN 2023wrk. It was discovered in November 2023. During my 60-minutes of collected data, SN 2023wrk showed an estimated magnitude of 18.2.
Tech Specs: Orion 8” RC Telescope, ZWO ASI2600MC camera running at 0F, 60 x 60 seconds, Celestron CGEM-DX pier mounted, ZWO EAF and ASIAir Pro, processed in TYCHO software. Image Date: April 30, 2024. Location: The Dark Side Observatory (W59), Weatherly, PA, USA (Bortle Class 4).

Photo Release: April 30, 2024

 Supernova 2024bch in Galaxy NGC 3206

This is the galaxy designated NGC 3206 in the constellation Ursa Major. The galaxy currently has a supernova designated as SN 2024bch. It was discovered on January 29, 2024 by Patrick Wiggins from the University of Utah (USA). During my 60-minutes of collected data, SN 2024bch showed a magnitude of 16.5, significantly dimming from its peak magnitude in early February 2024 and from my observation on March 7, 2024 with a magnitude of 14.7.
Tech Specs: Orion 8” RC Telescope, ZWO ASI2600MC camera running at 0F, 60 x 60 seconds, Celestron CGEM-DX pier mounted, ZWO EAF and ASIAir Pro, processed in TYCHO software. Image Date: April 30, 2024. Location: The Dark Side Observatory (W59), Weatherly, PA, USA (Bortle Class 4).

Photo Release: April 29, 2024

 NGC 2685 - The Helix Galaxy

Explanation Via APOD: NGC 2685 is a confirmed polar ring galaxy - a rare type of galaxy with stars, gas and dust orbiting in rings perpendicular to the plane of a flat galactic disk. The bizarre configuration could be caused by the chance capture of material from another galaxy by a disk galaxy, with the captured debris strung out in a rotating ring. Still, observed properties of NGC 2685 suggest that the rotating ring structure is remarkably old and stable. In this sharp view of the peculiar system also known as Arp 336 or the Helix galaxy, the strange, perpendicular rings are easy to trace as they pass in front of the galactic disk, along with other disturbed outer structures. NGC 2685 is about 50,000 light-years across and 40 million light-years away in the constellation Ursa Major.
Observation data (J2000 epoch)Constellation: Ursa MajorRight ascension: 08h 55m 34.75sDeclination: +58° 44′ 03.87″
Tech Specs: Orion 8” RC Telescope, ZWO ASI2600MC camera running at -10F, 5 hours and 24 minutes using 60 second exposures, Celestron CGEM-DX pier mounted, ZWO EAF and ASIAir Pro, processed in PixInsight. Image Date: February 6, 2024. Location: The Dark Side Observatory (W59), Weatherly, PA, USA (Bortle Class 4).

Photo Release: April 25, 2024

 Messier 108 - The Surfboard Galaxy

Messier 108 (M108 or NGC 3556), nicknamed the Surfboard Galaxy, is a barred spiral galaxy located in the constellation Ursa Major. The galaxy lies at an approximate distance of 45.9 million light years from Earth and has an apparent magnitude of 10.7. 
Observation data (J2000 epoch)Constellation: Ursa MajorRight ascension: 11h 11m 31.0sDeclination: +55° 40′ 27″Distance: 8.8 Mpc (28.7 Mly)Apparent magnitude (V): 10.0
Tech Specs: Sky-Watcher Esprit 120ED Telescope, ZWO ASI2600MC camera running at -10F, 239 x 60 second exposures, Sky-Watcher EQ6R-Pro pier mounted, ZWO EAF and ASIAir Pro, processed in PixInisght. Image Date: December 19, 2023. Location: The Dark Side Observatory (W59), Weatherly, PA, USA (Bortle Class 4).

Photo Release: April 23, 2024


Here is another image from yesterday's solar imaging - check out all the sunspots!
Tech Specs: Sky-Watcher Esprit 120ED Telescope, ZWO ASI071MC camera, glass solar filter, Sky-Watcher EQ6R-Pro mount, ASIAir Pro, processed in SharpCap Pro v4.1 and Registax, best 20% of 1500 frames. Image Date: April 22, 2024. Location: The Dark Side Observatory (W59), Weatherly, PA, USA (Bortle Class 4).

Photo Release: April 22, 2024

 Solar Surface

Spent several hours in the driveway doing some solar imaging - very active sun right now! This is just a section of the solar surface.
Tech Specs: Sky-Watcher Esprit 120ED Telescope, ZWO ASI462MC camera, Daystar Quark Chromosphere, Sky-Watcher EQ6R-Pro mount, ASIAir Pro, processed in SharpCap Pro v4.1 and Registax, best 20% of 1500 frames. Image Date: April 22, 2024. Location: The Dark Side Observatory (W59), Weatherly, PA, USA (Bortle Class 4).

Photo Release: April 22, 2024

 The Witch Head Nebula

As the name implies, this reflection nebula associated with the star Rigel looks suspiciously like a fairytale crone. Formally known as IC 2118 in the constellation Orion, the Witch Head Nebula glows primarily by light reflected from the star. The color of this very blue nebula is caused not only by blue color of its star, but also because the dust grains reflect blue light more efficiently than red. A similar physical process causes Earth’s daytime sky to appear blue. (ref: NASA)

Tech Specs: William Optics REDCAT 51 Telescope, ZWO ASI071MC camera running at -10F, just over 7 hours of collected data using 60 second exposures, Sky-Watcher EQ6R-Pro mount, ZWO EAF and ASIAir Pro, processed in PixInsight. Image Date: February 5 and 6, 2024. Location: The Dark Side Observatory (W59), Weatherly, PA, USA (Bortle Class 4).

FLICKR Image of the Day - April 23, 2024

Photo Release: April 18, 2024

 T Coronae Borealis Observation - April 15, 2024

This is an observation of the star T Coronae Borealis (T CrB) which has the possibility of brightening to be viewed with the naked eye at some point this year. Currently, my magnitude estimate is 10.15 is based on 55 x 60 second images and determined using Tycho software. There are only four stars like this in our galaxy and you can read more about this upcoming event from NASA (
Tech Specs: Orion 8” RC Telescope, ZWO ASI2600MC camera running at -10F, 55 x 60 second exposures, Celestron CGEM-DX pier mounted, ZWO EAF and ASIAir Pro, processed in Tycho software. Image Date: April 15, 2024. Location: The Dark Side Observatory (W59), Weatherly, PA, USA (Bortle Class 4).

Photo Release: April 16, 2024

First Quarter Moon

Last night’s first quarter moon from the observatory
Tech Specs: Orion 8” RC Telescope, ZWO ASI2600MC camera running at -10F, best 20% of 1000 images, Celestron CGEM-DX pier mounted, ZWO EAF and ASIAir Pro, processed in AutoStakkert and Registax. Image Date: April 15, 2024. Location: The Dark Side Observatory (W59), Weatherly, PA, USA (Bortle Class 4).

Photo Release: April 12, 2024

Open Cluster Messier 38 (M38) in Auriga

Messier 38 or M38, also known as NGC 1912 or Starfish Cluster, is the third Messier open cluster in the constellation of Auriga. Adjacent to M38 you can also spot the small open cluster NGC 1907 (to the upper right).
Observation data (J2000.0 epoch)Right ascension: 05h 28m 43sDeclination: +35° 51′ 18″Distance: 3,480 lyApparent magnitude (V): 7.4Apparent dimensions (V): 21′
Tech Specs: Sky-Watcher Esprit 120ED Telescope, ZWO ASI2600MC camera running at -10F, 81 x 60 seconds, Sky-Watcher EQ6R-Pro pier mounted, ZWO EAF and ASIAir Pro, processed in DSS and PixInisght software. Image Date: November 13, 2023. Location: The Dark Side Observatory (W59), Weatherly, PA, USA (Bortle Class 4).

Photo Release: April 10, 2024

Solar Eclipse Collage

Here is a collage of eclipse images taken in Erie, Pennsylvania on April 8, 2024. A mix of images using a Redcat telescope and Canon 6D camera. Probably the most awe inspiring thing I have ever witnessed. If you get a chace to experience something like this, put the camera down and absorb it, you will not regret it.

Photo Release: April 6, 2024

Spiral Galaxy Messier 100 in Canes Venatici

Messier 100 (also known as NGC 4321 or the Mirror Galaxy) is a grand design intermediate spiral galaxy in the southern part of the mildly northern Coma Berenices. It is one of the brightest and largest galaxies in the Virgo Cluster and is approximately 55 million light-years from our galaxy, its diameter being 107,000 light years. (ref: Wikipedia) The last time I imaged this galaxy was March 2023 when the dwarf planet Ceres was passing between the Earth and Messier 100 spiral arms.
Observation data (J2000 epoch)Constellation: Coma BerenicesRight ascension: 12h 22m 54.9sDeclination: +15° 49′ 21″Distance: 55 MlyGroup or cluster: Virgo ClusterApparent magnitude (V): 9.3
Tech Specs: Orion 8” RC Telescope, ZWO ASI2600MC camera running at -10F, 162 x 60 seconds (2 hours and 42 minutes), Celestron CGEM-DX pier mounted, ZWO EAF and ASIAir Pro, processed in DSS and PixInsight. Image Date: February 5, 2024. Location: The Dark Side Observatory (W59), Weatherly, PA, USA (Bortle Class 4).

Photo Release: April 3, 2024

Galaxy Messier 106 in Canes Venatici

Messier 106 (also known as NGC 4258) is an intermediate spiral galaxy in the constellation Canes Venatici. M106 is at a distance of about 22 to 25 million light-years away from Earth. M106 contains an active nucleus classified as a Type 2 Seyfert, and the presence of a central supermassive black hole has been demonstrated from radio-wavelength observations of the rotation of a disk of molecular gas orbiting within the inner light-year around the black hole. NGC 4217 is a possible companion galaxy of Messier 106. (ref: Wikipedia)
Observation data (J2000 epoch)Constellation: Canes VenaticiRight ascension: 12h 18m 57.5sDeclination: +47° 18′ 14″Distance: 23.7 ± 1.5 MlyApparent magnitude (V): 8.4Size: 135,000 ly (in diameter)Apparent size (V): 18′.6 × 7′.2
Tech Specs: Orion 8” RC Telescope, ZWO ASI2600MC camera running at -10F, 108 x 60 seconds, Celestron CGEM-DX pier mounted, ZWO EAF and ASIAir Pro, processed in PixInsight. Image Date: March 7, 2024. Location: The Dark Side Observatory (W59), Weatherly, PA, USA (Bortle Class 4).

FLICKR Image of the Day - April 3, 2024

Photo Release: March 30, 2024

The Black Eye Galaxy - Messier 64

The Black Eye Galaxy (also called Sleeping Beauty Galaxy or Evil Eye Galaxy and designated Messier 64, M64, or NGC 4826) is a relatively isolated spiral galaxy 17 million light-years away in the mildly northern constellation of Coma Berenices. A dark band of absorbing dust partially in front of its bright nucleus gave rise to its nicknames of the "Black Eye", "Evil Eye", or "Sleeping Beauty" galaxy. (ref: Wikipedia)
Observation data (J2000 epoch)Constellation: Coma BerenicesRight ascension: 12h 56m 43.696sDeclination: +21° 40′ 57.57″Distance: 17.3 MlyApparent magnitude (V): 8.52
Tech Specs: Orion 8” RC Telescope, ZWO ASI2600MC camera running at -10F, 120 x 60 seconds, Celestron CGEM-DX pier mounted, ZWO EAF and ASIAir Pro, processed in PixInsight. Image Date: March 7, 2024. Location: The Dark Side Observatory (W59), Weatherly, PA, USA (Bortle Class 4).

Photo Release: March 11, 2024

Spiral Galaxy Messier 101 in Ursa Major

The Pinwheel Galaxy (also known as Messier 101, M101 or NGC 5457) is a face-on spiral galaxy 21 million light-years from Earth in the constellation Ursa Major. The giant spiral disk of stars, dust and gas is 170,000 light-years across — nearly twice the diameter of our galaxy, the Milky Way. M101 is estimated to contain at least one trillion stars. The galaxy’s spiral arms are sprinkled with large regions of star-forming nebulas. These nebulas are areas of intense star formation within giant molecular hydrogen clouds. Brilliant, young clusters of hot, blue, newborn stars trace out the spiral arms. (ref: Wikipedia and NASA)
Observation data (J2000 epoch)Constellation: Ursa MajorRight ascension: 14h 03m 12.6sDeclination: +54° 20′ 57″Distance: 20.9 ± 1.8 MlyApparent magnitude (V): 7.9
Tech Specs: Orion 8” RC Telescope, ZWO ASI2600MC camera running at -10F, 47 x 60 seconds, Celestron CGEM-DX pier mounted, ZWO EAF and ASIAir Pro, processed in DSS and PixInsight. Image Date: February 5, 2024. Location: The Dark Side Observatory (W59), Weatherly, PA, USA (Bortle Class 4).

Photo Release: March 8, 2024

Supernova 2024bch in Galaxy NGC 3206

This is the galaxy designated NGC 3206 in the constellation Ursa Major. The galaxy currently has a supernova designated as SN 2024bch. It was discovered on January 29, 2024 by Patrick Wiggins from the University of Utah (USA). During my 60-minutes of collected data, SN 2024bch showed a magnitude of 14.7, dimming from its peak magnitude in early February 2024.
Tech Specs: Orion 8” RC Telescope, ZWO ASI2600MC camera running at -10F, 60 x 60 seconds, Celestron CGEM-DX pier mounted, ZWO EAF and ASIAir Pro, processed in DSS and PixInsight. Image Date: March 7, 2024. Location: The Dark Side Observatory (W59), Weatherly, PA, USA (Bortle Class 4).

Photo Release: March 6, 2024

NGC 1333 - Reflection Nebula in Perseus

NGC 1333 is a reflection nebula located in the northern constellation Perseus. The nebula is visible as a hazy patch in a small telescope, while a larger aperture will show a pair of dark nebulae designated Barnard 1 and Barnard 2. It is associated with a dark cloud L1450 (Barnard 205). Estimates of the distance to this nebula range from 980–1,140 ly.
This nebula is in the western part of the Perseus molecular cloud and is a young region of very active star formation, being one of the best-studied objects of its type. It contains a fairly typical hierarchy of star clusters that are still embedded in the molecular cloud in which they formed. 
Observation data: J2000.0 epochRight ascension: 03h 29m 11.3sDeclination: +31° 18′ 36″Distance: 967 lyApparent magnitude (V): 5.6Apparent dimensions (V): 6′ x 3′Constellation: Perseus
Tech Specs: Sky-Watcher Esprit 120ED Telescope, ZWO ASI2600MC camera running at -10F, 6 Hours using 60 second single exposures, Sky-Watcher EQ6R-Pro pier mounted, ZWO EAF and ASIAir Pro, processed in PixInsight. Image Date: December 15, 2023. Location: The Dark Side Observatory (W59), Weatherly, PA, USA (Bortle Class 4).

Photo Release: March 3, 2024

NGC 5907 - The Splinter Galaxy of Draco

NGC 5907 (also known as Knife Edge Galaxy or Splinter Galaxy) is a spiral galaxy located approximately 50 million light years from Earth. Imaged with an 87% full moon causing a bit of processing anxiety.
Observation data (J2000 epoch)Constellation: DracoRight ascension: 15h 15m 53.8sDeclination: +56° 19′ 44″Distance: 53.5 ± 8.1 MlyApparent magnitude (V): 11.1
Tech Specs: Orion 8” RC Telescope, ZWO ASI2600MC camera running at -10F, 117 x 60 seconds, Celestron CGEM-DX pier mounted, ZWO EAF and ASIAir Pro, processed in DSS and PixInsight software packages. Image Date: January 22, 2024. Location: The Dark Side Observatory (W59), Weatherly, PA, USA (Bortle Class 4).

Photo Release: February 29, 2024

Planetary Nebula NGC 2022 in Orion

NGC 2022 is a planetary nebula in the constellation of Orion, located at a distance of 8210 light-years from the Sun. 
NGC 2022 is a vast orb of gas in space, cast off by an aging star. The star is visible in the orb's center, shining through the gases it formerly held onto for most of its stellar life. When stars like the Sun grow advanced in age, they expand and glow red. These so-called red giants then begin to lose their outer layers of material into space. More than half of such a star's mass can be shed in this manner, forming a shell of surrounding gas. At the same time, the star's core shrinks and grows hotter, emitting ultraviolet light that causes the expelled gases to glow. This type of object is called, somewhat confusingly, a planetary nebula, though it has nothing to do with planets. The name derives from the rounded, planet-like appearance of these objects in early telescopes. (REF:
Observation data: J2000 epochRight ascension: 05h 42m 06.19056sDeclination: +09° 05′ 10.5843″Distance: 8.21 klyApparent magnitude (V): 11.6Apparent dimensions (V): 28″Constellation: Orion
Tech Specs: Orion 8” RC Telescope, ZWO ASI2600MC camera running at -10F, 81 x 60 seconds, Celestron CGEM-DX pier mounted, ZWO EAF and ASIAir Pro, processed in DSS and PixInsight. Image Date: January 31, 2024. Location: The Dark Side Observatory (W59), Weatherly, PA, USA (Bortle Class 4).

Photo Release: February 26, 2024

The Seagull Nebula Region and IC2177

IC 2177 is a region of nebulosity that lies along the border between the constellations Monoceros and Canis Major. The region is often referred to as the Seagull Nebula, and includes a larger nebulous region as well and open clusters NGC 2335 and NGC 2343 and a small reflection nebula named NGC 2327 (in the wing of the Seagull). The open cluster Messier 50 (M50 or NGC 2323) can be seen in the upper left corner.
Tech Specs: Williams Optics Redcat 51 Telescope, ZWO ASI071MC camera running at -10F, total capture 2 hours and 10 minutes using 300-second exposures, Optolong L-eXtreme 2” filter, Sky-Watcher EQ6R-Pro mount, ZWO EAF and ASIAir Pro, processed in DSS and PixInsight. Image Date: February 4, 2024. Location: The Dark Side Observatory (W59), Weatherly, PA, USA (Bortle Class 4).

Photo Release: February 23, 2024

Star Shots - Arcturus (α Boötis)

Arcturus is the brightest star in the northern constellation of Boötes. With an apparent visual magnitude of −0.05, it is the fourth-brightest star in the night sky, and the brightest in the northern celestial hemisphere. The name Arcturus originated from ancient Greece; it was then cataloged as α Boötis by Johann Bayer in 1603, which is Latinized to Alpha Boötis. Arcturus forms one corner of the Spring Triangle asterism.
Located relatively close at 36.7 light-years from the Sun, Arcturus is a single red giant of spectral type K1.5III—an aging star around 7.1 billion years old that has used up its core hydrogen and evolved off the main sequence. It is about the same mass as the Sun, but has expanded to 25 times its size and is around 170 times as luminous. Its diameter is 35 million kilometers. Thus far no companion has been detected. (REF: Wikipedia)
Tech Specs: Sky-Watcher Esprit 120ED Telescope, ZWO ASI2600MC camera running at -10F, 22 x 60 second exposures, Sky-Watcher EQ6R-Pro pier mounted, ZWO EAF and ASIAir Pro, processed in PixInsight. Image Date: December 14, 2023. Location: The Dark Side Observatory (W59), Weatherly, PA, USA (Bortle Class 4).

Photo Release: February 20, 2024

NGC 3184 - The Little Pinwheel Galaxy

NGC 3184, the Little Pinwheel Galaxy, is a spiral galaxy approximately 40 million light-years away in the constellation Ursa Major. Its name comes from its resemblance to the Pinwheel Galaxy. 
Observation data (J2000 epoch)Constellation: Ursa MajorRight ascension: 10h 18m 17.0sDeclination: +41° 25′ 28″Distance: 39.8 ± 12 MlyApparent magnitude (V): 10.4Apparent size (V): 7.4′ × 6.9′
Tech Specs: Orion 8” RC Telescope, ZWO ASI2600MC camera running at -10F, 108 x 60 seconds, Celestron CGEM-DX pier mounted, ZWO EAF and ASIAir Pro, processed in DSS, PixInsight, and Tycho software packages. Image Date: January 22, 2024. Location: The Dark Side Observatory (W59), Weatherly, PA, USA (Bortle Class 4).

FLICKR Image of the Day - February 22, 2024

Photo Release: February 17, 2024

Starless Rosette Nebula in Hubble Palette

The Rosette Nebula (also known as Caldwell 49 or Sharpless 275) is a large spherical ionized atomic hydrogen region (H II region) that is circular in appearance and located near one end of a giant molecular cloud in the Monoceros region of the Milky Way Galaxy. The open cluster NGC 2244 (Caldwell 50) is closely associated with the nebulosity, the stars of the cluster having been formed from the nebula's matter (from Wikipedia). The nebula is about 5,200 light-years away and spans nearly 65 light-years. This version has been processed using the Hubble Palette and the stars have been removed from the image..
Observation data: J2000.0 epochRight ascension: 06h 33m 45sDeclination: +04° 59′ 54″Distance: 5,200 lyApparent magnitude (V): 9.0Apparent dimensions (V): 1.3 °Constellation: Monoceros
Tech Specs: Williams Optics Redcat 51 Telescope, ZWO ASI071MC camera running at -10F, total capture 5 hours and 30 minutes using 300-second exposures,  Optolong L-eXtreme 2” filter, Sky-Watcher EQ6R-Pro mount, ZWO EAF and ASIAir Pro, processed in DSS and PixInsight. Image Date: February 4, 2024. Location: The Dark Side Observatory (W59), Weatherly, PA, USA (Bortle Class 4).

Photo Release: February 14, 2024

The Crystal Ball Nebula of Taurus - NGC 1514

This planetary nebula is located right on the border of Taurus and Perseus. It is cataloged as NGC 1514 and is also known as the Crystal Ball Nebula. The magnitude, depending on the source, is listed at 10.9.
Observation data: J2000 epochRight ascension: 04h 09m 16.98573sDeclination: +30° 46′ 33.4699″Distance: 1520 lyApparent magnitude (V): 9.27Apparent dimensions (V): 2.2′Constellation: Taurus
Tech Specs: Orion 8” RC Telescope, ZWO ASI2600MC camera running at -10F, 68 x 60 seconds, Celestron CGEM-DX pier mounted, ZWO EAF and ASIAir Pro, processed in DSS and PixInsight. Image Date: January 2, 2024. Location: The Dark Side Observatory (W59), Weatherly, PA, USA (Bortle Class 4).

Photo Release: February 11, 2024

Open Clusters NGC 6940 in Vulpecula

NGC 6940 is an open cluster in the constellation Vulpecula. It was discovered by William Herschel in 1784. The cluster is nearly a billion years old and it is located 2,500 light years away. 
Tech Specs: Sky-Watcher Esprit 120ED Telescope, ZWO ASI2600MC camera running at 0F, 52x60 second, Sky-Watcher EQ6R-Pro pier mounted, ZWO EAF and ASIAir Pro, processed in DSS and PixInsight. Image Date: October 4, 2023. Location: The Dark Side Observatory (W59), Weatherly, PA, USA (Bortle Class 4).

Photo Release: February 9, 2024

Galaxy NGC 4216 and Supernova 2024gy

This is an updated view of galaxy NGC 4216 currently containing a bright supernova designated as 2024gy. 
Observation data (J2000 epoch)Constellation: VirgoRight ascension: 12h 15m 54.4sDeclination: +13° 08′ 58″Distance: 55 MlyApparent magnitude (V): 11.0Apparent size (V): 8.1′ × 1.8′
Tech Specs: Orion 8” RC Telescope, ZWO ASI2600MC camera running at -10F, 120 x 60 seconds, Celestron CGEM-DX pier mounted, ZWO EAF and ASIAir Pro, processed in DSS, PixInsight, and Tycho software packages. Image Date: February 4, 2024. Location: The Dark Side Observatory (W59), Weatherly, PA, USA (Bortle Class 4).

Photo Release: February 6, 2024

The Fish Head Nebula (IC1795) in Cassiopeia

This is a view of IC 1795 - The Fish Head Nebula, and is part of a huge star forming system of gas and dust located along the Perseus spiral arm of our Milky Way galaxy.  The nebula is located in the constellation Cassiopeia approximately 6000 light-years from the Earth and is adjacent to the much larger Heart Nebula.  This image was designed around the Hubble Palette of colors, splitting my image into artificial Sulfur II, Hydrogen Alpha, and Oxygen III channels. The image was then reassembled giving these hues that are typical of images from the HST.
Tech Specs: Sky-Watcher Esprit 120ED Telescope, ZWO ASI2600MC + Optolong L-eXtreme glass filter, running at 0F, 41 x 300 second exposures, Sky-Watcher EQ6R-Pro pier mounted, ZWO EAF and ASIAir Pro, processed in PixInsight. Image Date: September 16, 2023. Location: The Dark Side Observatory (W59), Weatherly, PA, USA (Bortle Class 4).

Photo Release: February 2, 2024

Comet C/2022 E2 in Cancer

This is Comet C/2022 E2 (ATLAS) currently moving through the constellation Cancer and sporting a nice tail. 60-minute stacked image.
Tech Specs: Orion 8” RC Telescope, ZWO ASI2600MC camera running at -10F, 60 x 60 seconds, Celestron CGEM-DX pier mounted, ZWO EAF and ASIAir Pro, processed in DSS and PixInsight. Image Date: January 31, 2024. Location: The Dark Side Observatory (W59), Weatherly, PA, USA (Bortle Class 4).

Photo Release: February 1, 2024

Comet C/2022 E2 Time Lapse Video

This is Comet C/2022 E2 (ATLAS) currently moving through the constellation Cancer and sporting a nice tail. This is a one-hour video compilation from last night.
Tech Specs: Orion 8” RC Telescope, ZWO ASI2600MC camera running at -10F, 60 x 60 seconds, Celestron CGEM-DX pier mounted, ZWO EAF and ASIAir Pro, processed in Tycho Tracker software and recorded with OBS. Image Date: January 31, 2024. Location: The Dark Side Observatory (W59), Weatherly, PA, USA (Bortle Class 4).

Photo Release: January 29, 2024

The Pleiades - Messier 45 - Seven Sisters

The Pleiades, also known as the Seven Sisters and Messier 45, is an open star cluster located in the constellation Taurus. Robert Burnham states in his Celestial Handbook, "undoubtedly the most famous galactic star cluster in the heavens, known and regarded with reverence since remote antiquity." This was a two panel mosaic, each panel collected 3 hours and 36 minutes of data for just over 7 hours total time.
Observation data (J2000 epoch)Constellation: TaurusRight ascension: 03h 47m 24sDeclination: +24° 07′ 00″Distance: 444 ly on averageApparent magnitude (V): 1.6Apparent dimensions (V): 110' (arcmin)
Tech Specs: Sky-Watcher Esprit 120ED Telescope, ZWO ASI2600MC camera running at -10F, 216 x 60 second exposures for each panel, Sky-Watcher EQ6R-Pro pier mounted, ZWO EAF and ASIAir Pro, processed in PixInisght. Image Date: December 13, 2023. Location: The Dark Side Observatory (W59), Weatherly, PA, USA (Bortle Class 4).

FLICKR Image of the Day - January 29, 2024

Photo Release: January 26, 2024

Star Shots – Rigel (Beta Orionis)

This is something I started 10 years ago called Star Shots, doing an occasional look at a bright star instead of clusters, nebulae, etc. This is the star Rigel and it is a blue supergiant star in the constellation of Orion. It has the Bayer designation β Orionis, which is Latinized to Beta Orionis and abbreviated Beta Ori or β Ori. Rigel is located at a distance of approximately 860 light-years from the Sun (Wikipedia). Rigel is also the 7th brightest star in our skies.
Hidden in the view is a pair of galaxies designated LEDA 1015512 and LEDA 16941, I’ve included a heavily processed image of these galaxies along with an image taken by Pan-STARRS (a 1.8-meter diameter telescope located near the summit of Haleakala on the Island of Maui). Not sure if these are interacting galaxies or not, if you know the answer, please drop a comment!
Tech Specs: Sky-Watcher Esprit 120ED Telescope, ZWO ASI2600MC camera running at -10F, 54 x 60 second exposures, Sky-Watcher EQ6R-Pro pier mounted, ZWO EAF and ASIAir Pro, processed in PixInisght. Image Date: December 14, 2023. Location: The Dark Side Observatory (W59), Weatherly, PA, USA (Bortle Class 4).

Photo Release: January 23, 2024

Galaxy NGC 4216 and Supernova 2024gy

This is NGC 4216 currently containing a bright supernova designated as 2024gy. This is two hours of collected data showing the visual magnitude to be 12.8. 
Observation data (J2000 epoch)Constellation: VirgoRight ascension: 12h 15m 54.4sDeclination: +13° 08′ 58″Distance: 55 MlyApparent magnitude (V): 11.0Apparent size (V): 8.1′ × 1.8′
Tech Specs: Orion 8” RC Telescope, ZWO ASI2600MC camera running at -10F, 120 x 60 seconds, Celestron CGEM-DX pier mounted, ZWO EAF and ASIAir Pro, processed in DSS, PixInsight, and Tycho software packages. Image Date: January 22, 2024. Location: The Dark Side Observatory (W59), Weatherly, PA, USA (Bortle Class 4).

Photo Release: January 22, 2024

Messier 97 - The Owl Nebula

The Owl Nebula (also known as Messier 97, M97 or NGC 3587) is a planetary nebula located approximately 2,030 light years away in the constellation Ursa Major. The owl-like appearance is caused by various formed shells expanding away from the central star.
Observation data: J2000.0 epochRight ascension: 11h 14m 47.734sDeclination: +55° 01′ 08.50″Distance: 2,030 lyApparent magnitude (V): 9.9Apparent dimensions (V): 3′.4 × 3′.3Constellation: Ursa Major
Tech Specs: Sky-Watcher Esprit 120ED Telescope, ZWO ASI2600MC camera running at -10F, 239 x 60 second exposures, Sky-Watcher EQ6R-Pro pier mounted, ZWO EAF and ASIAir Pro, processed in PixInisght. Image Date: December 19, 2023. Location: The Dark Side Observatory (W59), Weatherly, PA, USA (Bortle Class 4).

Photo Release: January 19, 2024

Open Cluster Messier 37 (M37) in Auriga

Messier 37 (also known as M37 or NGC 2099) is the second Messier open in the constellation of Auriga and is the brightest and richest of the three open clusters found there. M37 also hosts at least a dozen red giant stars. Admiral William Henry Smyth observed M37 in October 1836 and provided the following description, “A magnificent object, the whole field being strewed as it were with sparkling gold-dust.”
Observation data (J2000.0 epoch)Right ascension: 5h 52m 18sDeclination: +32° 33′ 02″Apparent magnitude (V): 6.2Apparent dimensions (V): 24′
Tech Specs: Sky-Watcher Esprit 120ED Telescope, ZWO ASI2600MC camera running at -10F, 81 x 60 seconds, Sky-Watcher EQ6R-Pro pier mounted, ZWO EAF and ASIAir Pro, processed in DSS and PixInisght software. Image Date: November 13, 2023. Location: The Dark Side Observatory (W59), Weatherly, PA, USA (Bortle Class 4).

Photo Release: January 16, 2024

The Cave Nebula (Sh2-155) in Cepheus

This is a view of Sh2-155 - The Cave Nebula, found in the constellation Cepheus. This is just over 9-hours of collected data in 2022 and 2023 which I have finally combined. The Cave Nebula is a dim and very diffuse bright nebula within a larger nebula complex containing emission, reflection, and dark nebulosity. It is located in the constellation Cepheus and is approximately 2400 light years from Earth.
Tech Specs: Sky-Watcher Esprit 120ED Telescope, ZWO ASI2600MC + Optolong L-eXtreme glass filter, running at 0F, 9 hours and 5 minutes using 300-second exposures exposures, Sky-Watcher EQ6R-Pro pier mounted, ZWO EAF and ASIAir Pro, processed in PixInisght. Image Date: October 2022 and September 2023. Location: The Dark Side Observatory (W59), Weatherly, PA, USA (Bortle Class 4).

Photo Release: January 13, 2024

Open Clusters NGC 129 in Cassiopeia

NGC 129 is an open cluster in the constellation Cassiopeia. It was discovered by William Herschel in 1788. It is located almost exactly halfway between the bright stars Caph (β Cassiopeia) and γ Cassiopeia. It is large but not dense and can be observed by binoculars, through which the most obvious component is a small triangle of stars of magnitude 8 and 9, located in the center of the cluster (Wikipedia).
Tech Specs: Sky-Watcher Esprit 120ED Telescope, ZWO ASI2600MC camera running at 0F, 54x60 second, Sky-Watcher EQ6R-Pro pier mounted, ZWO EAF and ASIAir Pro, processed in DSS and PixInsight. Image Date: October 4, 2023. Location: The Dark Side Observatory (W59), Weatherly, PA, USA (Bortle Class 4).

Photo Release: January 10, 2024

Open Clusters Messier 35 and NGC 2158 in Gemini

These are the open clusters Messier 35 and the compact open cluster designated NGC 2158, both found in the constellation Gemini.  This is a huge open cluster that almost fills the same size in the sky as a full moon and it is about 2,800 light-years from Earth. As with any wide-field image of this open cluster, you get the added benefit of catching NGC 2158 nearby, not related to M35 as it lies about 9,000 light-years further away.
Tech Specs: Sky-Watcher Esprit 120ED Telescope, ZWO ASI2600MC camera running at 0F, 139x60 second, Sky-Watcher EQ6R-Pro pier mounted, ZWO EAF and ASIAir Pro, processed in DSS and PixInsight. Image Date: October 11, 2023. Location: The Dark Side Observatory (W59), Weatherly, PA, USA (Bortle Class 4).

FLICKR Image of the Day - January 11, 2024

Photo Release: January 7, 2024

Brocchi's Cluster in Vulpecula - The Coathanger Asterism

Here is a two panel mosaic of the Coathanger cluster. It is not a true open cluster as the stars are just a random alignment. The Coathanger is actually an asterism, a pattern of stars that form a shape but are not a constellation. Off to the right is the open cluster NGC 6802.
Tech Specs: Sky-Watcher Esprit 120ED Telescope, ZWO ASI2600MC camera running at 0F, 31 x 60 seconds for each panel, Sky-Watcher EQ6R-Pro pier mounted, ZWO EAF and ASIAir Pro, processed in DSS and PixInsight. Image Date: August 18, 2023. Location: The Dark Side Observatory (W59), Weatherly, PA, USA (Bortle Class 4).

Photo Release: January 4, 2024

Open Cluster Messier 36 (M36) in Auriga

Messier 36 (M36 or NGC 1960) is the first of three large open clusters found in the constellation called Auriga. It lies at a distance of about 4,100 light years away from Earth and is about 14 light years across. There are at least sixty members in the cluster. The cluster is very similar to the Pleiades cluster (M45), and if it were the same distance from Earth it would be of similar magnitude. Burnham states, “The group makes its best impression with a fairly low power (20X to 50X)”. I would add that the entire area looks fantastic through a good pair of binoculars.
Observation data (J2000.0 epoch)Right ascension: 05h 36m 18.0sDeclination: +34° 08′ 24″Apparent magnitude (V): 6.3Apparent dimensions (V): 12'
Tech Specs: Sky-Watcher Esprit 120ED Telescope, ZWO ASI2600MC camera running at -10F, 81 x 60 seconds, Sky-Watcher EQ6R-Pro pier mounted, ZWO EAF and ASIAir Pro, processed in DSS and PixInisght software. Image Date: November 13, 2023. Location: The Dark Side Observatory (W59), Weatherly, PA, USA (Bortle Class 4).

Happy New Year

A collage of galaxy images from 2023.