Jackie Charlton

9th Dec 1949 - 9th Nov 2018

It's with great sadness the CSSA heard of the recent death of Jackie Charlton.

Leading to her retirement Jackie worked closely with primary schools as a primary link teacher and then as the PE primary advisor for Camden. Over 20 years Jackie did more than any other secondary teacher to support the CSSA with sports competitions (and primary schools with the wider PE curriculum). Her passion for sport (in particular rounders and netball) was infectious and her firm no-nonsense approach was invaluable in running many competitions - in the sun, in the rain and once, in a typhoon. Jackie was always professional, completely reliable, highly knowledgeable and fun to have around. Even after her retirement Jackie helped us, on a voluntary basis, with many events. Jackie was not a close friend, but was always so enthusiastic and friendly - our sadness at the news of her death reflects the respect we had for her and the feeling that we likely missed out. To Jackie's close friends and family we offer our condolences and sympathy for what must have been a very hard last few weeks. Yesterday, I suddenly remembered the first time I met Jackie on a course she was running for primary school teachers. Logically, I knew it couldn't be true, but had a bizarre pre-conception I would be meeting a northern ex-footballer with a comb-over and a 1966 world cup medal. Jackie's name, like her personality, was quirky and idiosyncratic - but her absolute conviction about the importance of passing on to children her enthusiasm and love for sport was the one thing that always shone through. She will be missed.

Camden New Journal Obituary