
Four Yellow Roses

Reimer Kordes Germany, 1973

'Graceland' 1988

Hybrid Tea
William Warriner, US, 1983.

A favorite in the garden. 'Graceland' is tall, handsome, and blooms profusely. Hear Elvis sing "Mama liked the roses" and why stop there? Listen to "Burning Love"?


"Big Yellow" from the Lost AARS Test Garden


from the Lost AARS Test Garden

Plantings in 1996

The beds 2F, 2G, and 2H in 1996. 'Pinkie' and 'Lady Anne' and 'Graceland' might already be there in the back bed. The wisteria is still there today, but much smaller. They must have had a support. Or no one pruned it for a long time!

The Friends of Heirloom Flowers tended the old beds and weeded from 1994 to 2010.

The wisteria tree is a neighbor of 'Big Yella'.


This old wisteria lost its support some years ago and was basically a ground-dwelling weed. A couple of main stems were selected and it is now being trained to tree form.

In April 2021, on a Sunday, visitors seemed to be enjoying its dangling flowers again!

Many videos of wisteria pruning will guide the new wisteria pruner.

Two Post-WWII Polyanthas

Herbert Swim, US, 1947

'Pinkie' in 1948

Frances Roeding might have arranged this photograph of the 'Pinkie' rose in the 1948 Spanish language catalog.

Alfred Krebs

1948, USA