Rose and Plant Care and Weeds

Winter Pruning versus Summer Pruning

There are some similarities. However in one case you are doing a winter cleanup and damage control and in the other case you are pruning to encourage new growth.

General Care

Pruning & Deadheading

Old roses

Modern roses




Visit Other Rose Gardens

Bulb Care 

Insects & weeds

Rose Propagation - Karen J's recommendations

Both of these products can be purchased at most hydroponics stores. Here is a link  to the Fox Farm website.  


Mt. Diablo Rose Society uses these vendors:

Also suggested

The 'Niles Cochet' at the Sacramento Historic Rose Garden.

Rose Deadheaders, Wonder No More!

Until we have every single rose named, we won't know exactly who is who, but we do know what kind of rose it is. While we are in rose blooming season, focus on the modern repeat-bloomers. This will give the visitors the best chance of seeing a beautiful display. The old once-bloomers can be pruned up to August. Pruning at the wrong time will cut off the blooms.

Complaints? Please note the bed number painted on the end bricks which correspond to the rose map. A bed is dry? Report it.

 Note that Valve 10 is incorrectly located. It is in the bed below in same position as valve 11