
If you wish to make a donation to benefit the gardens at the California Nursery Historical Park, please print this page, fill it in, and send your tax-deductible donation to the address below:

Designation (Optional) _______________________________________________________________________

To designate your donation for a specific fund or purpose, please enter a description of how you'd like your donation to be used: Roses, Succulents, Education, Tours, etc.

Donor Name _________________________________________________________________________________

Street Address _______________________________________________________________________________

City, State, Zipcode ___________________________________________ ______ ____________

If we have questions, please provide one of the following so we may contact you:

Phone number: _______________________________________________________________________________

Email Address: ________________________________________________________________________________

Send your donation to:

MSN-DONATIONS-California Nursery Gardens

4074 Eggers Drive

Fremont, CA 94536


Math Science Nucleus is the 501(c)(3) entity that manages the gardens at the park.

EIN 94-2862140

For more information contact:

MSN DONATIONS (510) 790-6284 Fax: (510) 790-6089 Email:

Thank you!