Table of Contents

Yellow - Anonymous

Yellow is

Lemon ginger tea,

Sand rolling under the sea,

A bird’s nest high in a tree.

Yellow is

the smiling sun,

Neon sneakers on a run,

Squirt guns firing having fun.

Yellow is

The perfect dream,

A walk on the balance beam,

Skipping rocks in the stream.

Dead at 16 - Kerri Huang

Dead at 16

And we all pretend to mourn her

always dancing, skipping classes to

Taunt us with the trills of her harmonica, staring

At leaves and people way too long

As if we were the aliens and not the opposite

She’ll be ashes tomorrow

But we see her today

kicking ankles laid limp and bare

hair woven with leaves dulled to brown

the beauty boys whispered about but never dared approach

Someone has closed the staring eyes, but forgotten

To pinch the parted lips

It was the dancing, they say,

She’s burnt herself to death from it

Their pitiful expressions do not hide

The relief they feel inside

Dead at 16, and I can’t help thinking

That she’s lived longer than any of us will

Lived more moments of her 16-year-old life

Than we will ever have the wisdom to cherish

And perhaps, now,

She laughs at us from upon the skies

Sacrifice - Oliver Donovan

Poem inspired by Salvo D’Acquisto

As I watched the men dig their own graves,

I felt guilt and pity come in spades,

What would those watching above think of me letting them die,

There was no sabotage,

they weren’t that sly.

Was there a way to save the innocent men,

If there were I’d do it then,

There was only one way,

To allow the 22 men to walk away,

More tears that I wish I cried,

More time till I’d want to die,

Everything was taken into account,

Is there any other way left to save them

Is this sacrifice or suicide?

Is this the only way to abide my morals;

I have assessed all solutions there only is one,

Admit to the crime I didn’t commit and let it be done

“It was me” I called out,

“ Please let them go free”,

“By the firing squad” their officer decreed.

Let my sacrifice not be for naught I silently plead

And then there was nothing but darkness for which I could see

There was Me - Oliver Donovan

I am from colorful hard covered books, from Nintendo and Switches. I am from the snow which looked as if it had been laid there by God himself oh so carefully treating the light and fluffy substance like a child. I am from the blackberry bushes, daisies, streams , the maple trees who’s beautiful leaves bless me with their presence during the autumn, wild flowers whose vibrant presence makes my day brighter than the sun, bright yellow beautiful buzzing bees whose only purpose is to bring food to their colony more selfless than any human I’ve ever known spending their lives feeding others with no recognition or thanks.

I am from Thanksgiving and brown eyes like chocolate and hazelnuts, from Zary and Jerre and James. I am from war and revolution. From no whining and family is always first.

I am from eid, halfsins and love. When the world starts to spiral out of control you can hang on to what you believe in. I’m from Iran, and lubia polo, and scallops. From the great uncle who went crazy after world war two, my mother's father who died when she was just a kid, and the great great aunt who hated Chinese food.

I am basements, bookshelves, albums which are worth the world to me. Photos are memories that can’t be forgotten and memories are history in just a few years. Our youth is fleeing almost gone and when I’m old beyond compare with wrinkly skin and beyond white hair. I want to remember the good old days when not every day might be my last and the only worry I had was for the future. Before work there was me, before college there was me, before death there was me. Until that day comes when I die, I’ll live my life to the fullest and my well of kindness will never run dry. I’ll persevere through the hardest events, I’ll laugh, I’ll love and I’ll live while I can.

America - Jordana Blankstein

I wake up and see our country

I see the peace and joy

I see children playing completely ignorant of their surroundings

I see people who just got into college

I see people that just got there first job

I see people having a picnic on the grassy field that is slightly damp

But then I close my eyes and see the dark side

I see protests

I see people fighting for their lives

I see racism and hate

I see people who are in danger

I see people that are clinging on to there last hope of life

I see people who just lost a life

But then I look to the other side

I see good change

I see the world becoming a better place

I see people who just resolved a big problem

I see people that just beat an illness

I see people who are ready for exciting adventures

I see people who are excited to see what their future brings for them

I see hope

Haikus - Jennifer Leung

The struggles and hate

assuming what others ate,

when they can’t relate.

Life is now different,

Wearing masks when we go out.

Everything online.

Normal school is gone.

Having school online is hard.

Sleep schedule. Ruined.

Priceless - Vicky Shadah-Alcade

She is a diamond.




Held with awe




(stop dreaming, little girl)

She does not


To stop





That after dreaming

She has to wake up

And see that it was all in her head.

But it’s lovely while it lasts.


(get out of your head, darling)

She wants to stay in her head.

Her head is safe

Her world does not


She wishes the world was


The one she’s made




Her world is


(out of the clouds too, sweetheart)

She wants to stay in the clouds.

In the clouds,

She is a diamond.








(she’d be ten cents at most.)



(maybe five, for a thing like her.)

How does a ten-cent fish

Leave a sea of priceless coral?

It gets caught.

(come to the surface, love)

The surface is unforgiving

But she is caught


She doesn’t think she can

She doesn’t think she




She’s been caught in her head

Where she is



Where I'm From - Jennifer Leung

I am from (the lucky candies), from (chopsticks) and (the rice cooker). I am from the (house filled with the redness of color). I am from the (the long green bamboos, to the black and white bear like creature), the (beautiful land of red like a rose).

I am from (the red, white, and green land of the north pole) and (the family who have charcoal hair), from (the ABC cousins) and (the aunts and uncles who don't live far) and (the grandparents who are all still alive). I am from the (pollen allergies) and (the family whom everyone has glasses). From (writing your name in pink or red is bad luck) and (the number 4 in chinese means death).

I am from (chinese new year)and (big family gatherings at chinatown). I’m from (Massachusetts(Boston)), and (the white rice which is for lunch and dinner everyday and the small swimming species of animals which go quack). From the (grandparents who don't know english but lives in America), the (brother who is really hyper), and the (parents who were born in China).

I am (family pictures with cousins and relatives and the pictures that are hanging on the walls, for every view you take, it will bring the memories and stories back in the future for your family to understand).

From a 7th grade assignment

Backyard Poem- Sarah Hemment

Breezy trees sway outside

A leaf begins to fall

Clouds in the sky puffy and full

Kicking over pebbles as you walk across the ground

Yellow sun radiant and round

A bird soars by with its feathery wings

Rustling branches from a big gust of wind

Daylight dwindles and it’s time to go in

Blackout Poem - Eliza Kane

Eliza Kane - Blackout Poem

Words - Maialen Alawam

Shadows of Hate - Misaki Imai

Slave ship, Atlantic Ocean, 1829

Rows of feet chained together

Urine mixing with vomit as the ship swings side to side

The moans joining a chorus of suffering

The stench trapped in the lower deck

And the tightened fist chained to a limp cold hand

Only to be sold

In a land where profit comes before

human decency

Auschwitz, Germany 1941

Marched into lines deprived of dignity

striped rags clothing emaciated bodies

Betrayed by people

Who once were their neighbors,



Their beliefs being their crimes

That put them behind barbed wire fences

Punished with torture and systematic extermination

By men whose hatred defined their morality

America, my life time

Slave plantations have become museums

Holocaust victims have memorials across the globe

And yet

Confederate and Nazi flags are still raised

Unarmed black men are still unjustly killed

And the gunshots that ring through a jewish temple

reminds us that hatred persists

We will end this cycle


Seasons - "Anonymouse"

"Anonymouse" is a pseudonym used by a current Bigelow Middle School student

Summer was a locked room,

made of clear windows,

a million little views of the world,

a million little thin walls.

Fall was a hammer

smashing panes of glass,

a thousand windows broken,

a thousand new doors created.

Winter is a candle

illuminating a new path,

lighting the way,

through one window

I escape.

Spring will be freedom

letting me pick

my own path.

Out of the forest

I will run

free, not yet.

Life will be many

Forks in the road,

Locked doors,

Broken mirrors,

Shattered dreams.

Life is a long crumbled road,

but we walk only forward.

And forward I

walk until even

the ground

crumbles to


Middle School Vibes - Anonymous

Middle School Vibes (Part 1):

Middle school vibes

Making friends and living lives

All to the fullest

Middle School Vibes (Part 2):

Rapping in the halls

No more lines, no baby talk

We just be ourselves

Middle School Vibes (Part 3):

Friends talk happily

Surroundings will soon melt

Now they simply fade