Hot, Too Hot!

Global Warming & How We Can Help

By Ori Grabow

Already Too Warm for Some

Warmer is not always better! Our planet is getting warmer- too warm for its own good. In fact, it is getting so warm that some ecosystems are already falling apart. For example, warmer temperatures may force some species to leave their normal habitats because they are no longer a good fit for them. Species are sometimes forced to migrate to higher latitudes or higher elevations where temperatures are more suitable to their survival. In a worse scenario, when a species cannot find a suitable new habitat, they become extinct.

What Causes Global Warming?

Global warming is caused by few separate factors. First, too many trees are being cut down. We need the trees in order to exchange harmful carbon dioxide into oxygen in the air we breathe. As a result of industrial and everyday activities such as factories and driving cars, harmful chemicals including carbon dioxide, greenhouse gases, and pollutants accumulate in Earthś atmosphere. And now, there are less trees to deal with the increasing amount of carbon dioxide. The gases accumulating in the atmosphere absorb sunlight and solar radiation that bounce off the Earth's surface making temperatures rise.That's what's known as the greenhouse effect.

What are the Consequences of Global Warming?

Global warming can cause many problems. The challenges it presents to animal species are partly discussed above. Some scientists think that we are currently going through a period of mass extinction. Hundreds of species have already been wiped out and many more are pushed to the brink of extinction because of pollution and habitat loss. In addition, global warming harms people, including peopleś health. For example, it can cause cancer, in fact people living in polluted areas are 20% more likely to get lung cancer. Global warming also changes our weather and Earth in general. It causes more hurricanes and tornadoes and many times they are more violent. As the polar ice caps melt they cause the ocean to rise possibly flooding coastal areas. Overall, global warming is deeply affecting everyone on earth.

What Can We Do To Help?

  • The biggest thing we can do is try to lower our carbon footprint by biking or walking instead of driving to and from school.

  • Use a reusable water bottle instead of single-use plastic bottles.

  • Turn off lights and computers when they are not in use.

  • Recycle.

  • If possible- plant a tree!