Articles and links

The Boss Boxing is a 2023 Queensland Reconciliation Awards  FINALISt

Read more about our nomination here

Boxing boss urges community to embrace Reconciliation Awards

November 18, 2022 - Aaron Bloch, National Indigenous Times

Read full article here.

TBB Fight Night 2022

The Boss Boxing was proud to present its inaugural 'Fight Night' in 2022! It was a sold out event which showcased some of Queensland's best talent. We would like to thank all of our generous sponsors and look forward to growing this event into the future. Click here to watch the recap!

TBB WINs - Health and Wellbeing 2022

In the program’s 20th year, the Queensland Reconciliation Awards continues to recognise the many inspiring collaborations and projects advancing reconciliation through businesses, community organisations, educational institutions and government agencies. These recipients are going above and beyond their core business to foster reconciliation and pave the way for a better future. 

2021 Winner! Sammy Leone

Westfield 2021 Local Heroes. Former boxing champion Sammy Leone is a proud Aboriginal man who has supported the Zillmere community for more than a decade, using his sport to empower people and transform lives.

Let's Talk about racism in australia

29th January 2021. Join Communify for a family-friendly fundraising event to discuss and reflect on racism in Australia. PRESENTATION by Sammy Leone, founder of The Boss Boxing, which aims to get youth off the streets and into its culturally safe and inclusive gym that fosters healthy and positive relationships.

Youth Yarning with Elders - Children's Rights Qld 

25th October 2021. The event creates an opportunity for young First Nations children from the local area to get together and sit down with respected community Elders in a Yarning Circle so they can learn more about their most ancient culture.

Let's Talk! 

Sam 'the boss' Leone

27th October 2019. In this episode of Let’s Talk, Boe Spearim speaks with Sammy Leone from The Boss Boxing, 12 months ago Sammy came in to the 989fm studios to talk about his dream of opening his own Boxing gym and why he turned to Boxing now he has the opportunity to inspire the next generation of Aboriginal Boxers.

Monthly coffee with a cop at Zillmere 

27th September 2019. On the last Friday of every month, police from the Gateway Crime Prevention office, along with the Police Liaison Officers meet at up for a coffee or a cup of tea and a yarn at Jaaffas Fine Foods at Zillmere with members from the multicultural suburb of Zillmere.

NAIDOC Week 2019

12th July 2019. Gadens celebrates the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in NAIDOC Week. The keynote speaker at the launch was Sammy Leone. Gadens provided a contribution to Sammy to assist with the fantastic work that Sammy and his team at The Boss Boxing are doing with the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community in the north of Brisbane.

Let's Talk! Sammy Leone

14th May 2018. On let’s talk this morning Boe speaks with Sam the boss Leone from the northside of Brisbane, we yarned about his boxing career and his new boxing gym called the boss boxing.