Welcome to the #BoltShow web page. It is a game show for telegram users and winners are paid in Bitcoin via the Lightning Network. All payouts are done via Coinkit If you don't have Coinkit you can sign up in most countries @Coinkitbot in telegram or at https://app.coinkit.de/signup Also do payouts on CCtip Ztip and Lightning tip bot all available in telegram app.

I am your Host @Kenslog

Note From Ken

Hello Friends, Thanks for stopping by. I have stopped running the Boltshow for now as I feel I am not achieving my goal of adaption. That said I am still a giver and I am still a gamemaster. I have something in the works but it needs a lot of time for pre production. Stay Tuned friends.

Note From Ken

Hello Gus! Thanks for stopping by. We are now in week 3 of the Bolt show Season 2. Be sure you're joining us Every Sunday at 9am PST or 17:00 UTC 

Note From Ken

Hello Gus! Thanks for stopping by. I hope you're having a wonderful summer! 8/14/22


Trade in is Live Click here to redeem you NFT for sats! 8/14/22

Season 2 in coming.....Stay Tuned 8/14/22

Fun games  -red light/green light - The game of the future -Number Games Pick a number and pick a multiplier

Progressive games With jackpot winner - Random games Ladder Game - The Sam Game - The Box Games

Trivia Sooper Hard Trivia  - User interaction games - Semi Sponsored games - Everyone Wins Rains!

Grand Prize drawing at end of game for all winners

Climb the ladder of fabulous fun and awesome prizes!  We are going to start you with 50 sats and see how much you can grow it!
********S.A.M. Game******** Pick an number between 1-50 closest pick Plays! You have picked the closest number!  Sats and Cats! Who wins our attention! Both Sats and Cats love to get our attention at random times.  We are going to Egypt to watch 5 of these competitions and will write down who wins. Your job is to predict the winners!  Please write your prediction like this S C S S C or ⚡️ 😸 ⚡️ ⚡️ 😸 indicating the winner in each battle. For each one you get right, you'll win 50 sats, get all 5 right and you win 500 Sats!
Ok let’s play guess❓ 🌮 35 sats to a max 5 winners, 30 seconds Gus  1 Beef Taco 2 Chicken Taco 3 Steak Taco 4 Choco Taco 5 Soft taco 6 no 🌮

Check out our collection on Nefty Blocks https://neftyblocks.com/c/theboltshowz

To the left are some examples of a winners NFT of the Bolt show.

Some fun with GUS

Show currently runs each Sunday at 9am (PST)  Season 1 is over and the grand prize is 10,000 Sats and a winners NFT through @coinkitbot on Telegram. Join me here t.me/boltcoiners 

Also seen here at times in this zesty channel https://t.me/MissTeenZestyChat

Free Faucets

👉 boltcoiner.io

👉 faucet.bitcoiner.me/wax

👉 faucet.bitcoiner.me/ltc

👉 faucet.bitcoiner.me/dgb

Follow me on Twitter twitter.com/Kenslog For more free sats!

Working on More NFT's next .. Stay Tuned