Welcome to the Race to Mars!

The awesome Twitter game where you can win big #Bitcoin prizes!

The Race to Mars - Want a chance to win 25,000 #Bitcoin #Sats? All those who fill out the form correctly will be entered into the race to reach Mars finish line first! The Race will have 3 stages before the finish line. At the end each of the stages, the race leaders will be awarded #Bitcoin Sats as a bonus. 

Winner will receive 25,000 #Bitcoin #Sats and receive 50 race points

2nd place will receive 5,000 #Bitcoin #Sats and receive 10 race points

3rd place will receive 2,500 #Bitcoin #Sats and receive 5 race points

4th-6th will receive 3 race points. 

7th-8th will receive 2 race points. 

9th-10th will receive 1 race point. 

Race Points are used to upgrade your ship (game piece) 1 point Rookie 25 points Pro 50 points All Pro and 100 points to be a Champion

If you achieve a perfect race time of  under 7.8 hours You will win the progressive race reward which is at 102,000 sats and will grow by 1000 sats every race.

All ties will split the prize

The Story

It's 2055 and Elon's dream of Mars colonization by 2050 has come to fruition. In honor of this great achievement, a multi stage race is held.  All spaceships are now run on autopilot. This race is a test of programming the perfect race. Make the correct decisions and enjoy the ride through space! The Race starts on Earth and players chose 1 of 21 launch cities for Stage 1. These launch events are often treated like tailgate parties and pilot's are cheered on as they load into their ships.

Stage 1 Moon: 

Welcome to Dust City, the very first city settled on the Moon. This settlement was the very first to use the now common atmosphere creation tool called LazrDome. A combination of lasers and refraction create a perfect dome environment that simulates the atmosphere on earth all without having a physical dome.  Oxygen machines then go to work creating oxygen for humans while the carbon emissions are recycled for use Martian gardening. Gravity increasers were the last installation and terra-formation began in 2028. Currently, Dust city is the only city on the Moon with a population of 175,000 earthlings. This trip takes about 2 hours depending on where you launch from.   We will be landing on the edge of Dust city for refueling and rest before the next stage of the race when you team up with your hired navigator.

Stage 2 Gates Asteroid Belt: 

This belt between the Moon and  the Interplanetary Refueling System (IRS) in one of the harshest in the galaxy. You must have a navigator in order to get through the belt unharmed. Each navigator has a different skill level and will determine your time on this leg of the journey. This leg of the race takes roughly 2 hours. At the end of the belt is Aster Space Station. A secret mining  project of the Peruvian government that has now become an Interplanetary metropolis. Peru secretly built a mining station on the biggest asteroid in between Earth and Mars. While the exploration was not a success, Aster has become a major hub in Interplanetary travel. 

Stage 3 Interplanetary Refueling System (IRS): 

The system was created by Elon Musk to finish the supply chain to Mars. The system is 100% supplied by The Funj. The Station has 21 Spaceports which hold a rotating balanced orbit between Earth and Mars. You must reserve your port pre-flight so your auto pilot is set to connect with that port.  

To save time and to maintain proper mechanics, the IRS can only refuel one port at a time. Once refueled, the port opens and all vessels in that port can leave saving time. Depending on which port you choose, you can cut up to 30 minutes off your time. Once all refueling is completed, a leaderboard will be posted.

Stage 4 Mars: 

Terraforming Mars has proven to be a massive challenge. Most people who live on Mars actually live "in" Mars. After not being able to promote massive terraforming, tunnels began to connect existing caves and caverns. The Biggest cavern is near Mars core and can be reached by 21 entry tunnels around the planet. This cavern is called Musk after its founder. That is our finish line and a massive celebration awaits us. This trip takes about 4 hours give or take depending on which tunnel you reserve.

Current Top 10 after last race 26/3/23 

Overall Place
























Race Ship

All Pro

All Pro

All Pro

All Pro








Race Points












The Spaceships

Rookie, Pro, All Pro and Champion.

Want your own Ship? Got something to advertise? You have the opportunity to make your own ship! Send me your own ship design and 10,000 sats and you will get to see your design if chosen to race. If you want to replace your ship you have to pay the fee again. 

Post your logo right on your own ship! 

Ship must be suitable for all ages and will be shrunk to 300*300px. send me a DM on Twitter and once approved I will send an invoice. 

Want to advertise or sponsor the Race? DM me on Twitter friend! Twitter 

Images from www.rawpixel.com