How to setup a Coinkit giveaway on Twitter

Sign up  for these 2 apps. 

After you have both of these ready let's go ahead and get your tweet ready. Make sure to announce your prize and your terms. Lastly, give directions on how to enter.


Hello Twitter. I am giving away 10,000 $sats to one lucky person to celebrate #theBIGgive Follow me and retweet for your chance. Drawing will be in 24 hours. 

Now we need to head over to the Coinkit App and get things set up.

First of all lets make sure your giveaway funds are in the twitter wallet on the Coinkit App. You can always transfer more if need be.

Now that you've gotten your funds ready, lets get your giveaway code.

1. In the App, click or tap on Tweet Creation

2. Now click or tap Giveaway

3. Enter your giveaway amount per person (10,000)

4. Enter the amount of people who will win the giveaway (1)

5. Copy your giveaway code. @coinkit_ give 10000 1 #BTC

Now lets add it to the tweet

Now post your Tweet. You will receive a DM on Twitter from @coinkit_

This DM will give you instruction on how to finalize your giveaway.

Once you respond properly, Coinkit will choose your winners and respond to the tweet!