English V-VI

English V-VI: §§ c, d, & sometimes r (再)



Common resources

Discussion venues

Here be dragons!

I've just created two topics in Flipgrid to get short video reflections from students about online classes this year (2020.08.21). The link to the Flipgrid for Engl_5-6_20-21 students is: https://flipgrid.com/515bda9a

Other resources and activities

VocabularySize Test (remote site): https://my.vocabularysize.com/

  • Choose your native language (menu button, top right);

  • Click the "Start the test now!" button; there is no need to login;

  • Finish the test;

    • Write down the number of words shown at the end of the test–

      • before you close the browser tab or window!

        • You'll need those numbers for the EnglishCentral Pre- & Post-Use Surveys.

EnglishCentral (EC) Pre-Use Survey (Google form): https://forms.gle/CHmGpvLn4run6LC8A

  • Take the VocabularySize Test (above) first.

  • Then complete the EC Pre-Use Survey:

    • Answer all required questions;

      • Enter the number of words from the end of your VocabularySize test; &

    • Submit the survey form, then

  • Login to EnglishCentral with your PUK email address:

    • Read or review announcements on your My Class page.

    • Start any courses and videos set for your class:

      • Watch short video clips and

        • Take short quizzes afterwards, then

      • Study vocabulary, and

      • Practice speaking.

        • Once EC has a suitable sample of your speech, the My English: My Pronunciation display will show which English sounds you should study (red, orange or yellow buttons).

ACTIVE readership surveys

  1. After previewing front matter in the textbook (Anderson, 2013, pp. 0-9), check mark (✓) all true items in the "Start of course" column of the Are You an ACTIVE Reader? survey (p. 10); then ...

  2. After marking true items on p. 10, complete the online ACTIVE Readership Survey (Google form):

Unit preferences and reading habits q'aire (Google form): https://goo.gl/forms/mpc5HegquhFWEsrt1

  • You'll need the textbook: ACTIVE Skills for Reading 1, 3rd Edition (Anderson, 2013)

    • Preview the Contents, pp. 4-5, as you ...

      • Complete the survey, then

        • Submit the survey form.

What's the diff? Comparison worksheet

  • Cupcakes and muffins: http://bit.ly/cupcakes-muffins_compare (2019.07.05)

    • Peruse resource citations at the foot of the worksheet;

      • List similarities in the intersection of the two circles;

        • Make notes of differences in the outer parts of the diagram; &

          • Prepare to share your findings orally at the next class meeting.

Reading journals: Form entries (Google form): https://goo.gl/forms/8qvDSmmu0yqiRK8F2

  • After completing Real Life Skill exercises A to C ( Anderson, 2013, p. 40), please submit your draft reading journal entry via the Google form.

EnglishCentral (EC) Post-Use Survey (Google Form): https://forms.gle/E6oEhHM19FqRMJjq8

  • Retake the VocabularySize Test (above) first.

  • Then complete the EC Post-Use Survey:

    • Answer all required questions;

      • Enter the number of words from your VocabularySize test; &

    • Submit the survey form.

Mind-mapping tools for word web assignment (Anderson, 2013, p. 67)



Please use tabs at the foot of the schedule spreadsheet to select semesters, and remember that this projected schedule is subject to change while classes are underway.

English V-VI: Schedule of meetings


  • Anderson, Neil J. (2013). ACTIVE Skills for Reading, 3rd Edition, Student Book 1. Boston, MA: National Geographic Learning.

Creative Commons license

CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0 button