LICW Certificate Prototype

Fun Art Leads to a Certificate Prototype

Around Dec 24, 2019 - I did some LICW fun art and it led to an invitation to provide Completion awards to students

   While LICW was on a code break and I made a spoof "certificate" for LICW Club and posted it on their Google Groups forum.  They had no such thing, it was just for fun.   I also set it as my profile pic on, but upon being commissioned to make the class awards I took it down and put up another art graphic I made.   I felt I shouldn't post somthing so similar to the completion award when I have not finished the course yet.  I must finish the course and receive it like everyone else.

   Dec 29, 19 On seeing my spoof art the LICW founders decided to base a  new certificate to be given when a member 'Has Completed the Beginners 1 or 2 Class on' the late March 2020 class.  They also want me to fill out the awards and email them to the students.  Upon being commissioned to make the class awards I took my 'spoof art' down and put up another art graphic I had made.   I felt I shouldn't post somthing so similar to the completion award when I have not finished the course yet.  I must finish the course and receive it like everyone else.  My 'spoof' art and actual certificate sample I made for LICW are below:

   Jan 4 ,2020 LICW Club asked for the original file so they can do the editing.  So they now have them and can change them and any art as they need.  I am glad to be able to concentrate on other things than filling out forms for them.

  Dec 30, 2019 - LICW requested a CW QSO Award to give  students upon their first on the air CW QSO.  They gave me the color blue, what they wanted it to say, and to have two signature lines.   Which led to this document.

  June, 2020 The instructors have taken the idea and created their own awards. :)

  Feb 16. 2023 They have long since moved on from this style.   I do not know if they currently do any awards.