
Information about joining The Villages Pops Chorus

The Villages Pops Chorus performs 3 concerts a year in late March/early April, Late July/early August, and early December.  We have about 165 people who have sung with us in the past and continue to sing with us, some of whom are available for all our concerts, some only available at certain times of the year.  We have a maximum of 145 singers for each concert (the summer concert is usually less just due to availability).  

So about a month before we are going to start rehearsals for a concert, we  ask our current singers, and those who have sung with us before, if they are available.  From those responses we start to fill out and balance the sections.  

If we have openings after that process, we work from our waiting list and bring in people who have the most experience singing in a chorus or other group, and the ability to read choral music.   We have found that people who have sung in choruses before often read better than they think they do.  We have a simple audition process to verify voice range and reading ability, which would take place if we have openings for a given concert.  

So the first step in joining our group is to be added to our waiting list.  To be added, please send an email to the Director, Bill Davis at  Bill will respond with additional information and a form for you to complete and return.