Old School New Body

Lose Weight by Boxing

Many people think that boxing can only be practiced by muscular cage fighters and professional boxers, nothing is less true. Boxing is one of the most effective total body workouts because the entire human body is put to work during boxing training. Boxing is a sport that delivers great results in the field of burning calories and increasing strength. That's why boxing is a good sport to lose weight! Download Best Body Fitness E-Book Visit - Weighty-Z Website

The Basis of Boxing

Boxing is a sport to defend yourself against an opponent's punches. Boxing matches take place in a ring, but boxing to stay fit can also take place in a fitness studio or classroom, without additional equipment in the field of boxing.

Lose Weight by Boxing

During boxing you burn a lot of calories because you are constantly in motion during boxing training. There are few breaks during a boxing training so your body must continue to work and your heart rate remains high, this is the key to weight loss. The total number of calories burned during a boxing training depends on your weight and the intensity of the workout.

Strong muscles by Boxing

By boxing all muscles in the body become stronger because the entire body is trained. With boxing you increase your muscle mass, which will increase the speed with which your body burns calories. Even at rest, your body will burn more calories, causing you to burn even more fat. The result is even more weight loss!

The Punching Bag

A punching bag can be used to practice combinations. For example a simple left direct or a combination left, right. You can adjust the level of difficulty yourself on a punching bag, depending on your level. For example, if you have been boxing for a bit longer, you can perform more difficult combinations on the punching bag such as double left, right, left corner, right direct.

Boxing at Home

Boxing with goal weight can also be easy at home. For example, if you purchase a punching bag and hang it up at home, you can easily box at home. It is also possible to shadow box in front of a mirror to work on your technique. In the mirror you can clearly see how you box, and how your technique looks for another.

Boxing at Fitness Centers

Boxing is becoming increasingly popular. Nowadays, boxing lessons are offered at fitness centers. These can be regular boxing lessons but also boxing lessons in the form of Kick-Fun in which punches are combined with steps on a punching bag. There are also personal trainers who offer boxing lessons, so you can learn combinations and take them on the pads of the personal trainer.

Boxing at a Boxing School

Several boxing schools are present in the Netherlands where the boxing sport is taught. Training boxers train as well as recreationists at these boxing schools. The vast majority of training boxers are recreational players and will never enter the ring to box a match.

Eating less does not help with weight loss

Lose weight due to less food: it sounds logical, but in reality less food often does not result in weight loss and a better figure. By taking less food you do not burn body fat, but your body gets calories from your muscles. Your metabolism will also work more efficiently, making losing weight more difficult. Little food also ensures that you have less energy to undertake activities with which you could burn extra calories. And finally, the chances are that you will experience a feeling of hunger, so that you will decay in your old diet. But what do you have to do if you want to lose weight?

Less food causes loss of muscle

When you start eating less, there is a shortage of calories and your body starts to appeal to reserves. Unfortunately, body fat is not the only energy source that your body can address. The body can also extract energy from muscle tissue. And that is exactly what happens when you start eating less.

Muscles are energy gators: the more muscle tissue you have around your body, the more calories you need. A large amount of muscles can therefore help when you want to lose weight. But your body does not 'know' that you want to lose weight. This only finds a shortage of food. The alarm bells are ringing: food scarcity means danger. The body responds to this by being careful with stored body fat, and instead using muscles to get energy. Because of the loss of muscle you need less energy and the body can last longer in times of scarcity.

By losing muscle you lose weight. Muscles are even heavier than fat. But you probably can not achieve what you want with that. You retain the stored body fat (in times of scarcity your body will retain as much fat as possible), and despite a possible weight loss due to the decrease of muscle, you do not get a slimmer figure.

A more efficient digestion by eating less

Another reaction of the body to the signal of food scarcity is a more efficient digestion. If you start to eat less structurally, your body will switch to a more efficient metabolism. You therefore need fewer calories for the same activities. That ensures that you have to eat less and less to lose weight. Losing weight becomes difficult in this way. You want your body to burn more calories, and that fat burning is stimulated.

Eating less causes problems with weight loss

Consuming muscles and making the metabolism more efficient is not without a struggle. The body is protesting against this. You get a lot faster than normal headaches, a listless feeling, dizziness and illness. This can easily result in you becoming much less active. And less activity also means burning fewer calories. That includes not only less sports, but also fewer daily activities: one time extra up and down the stairs, taking the bike instead of the car, etc. It is precisely these daily activities that can make a difference when losing weight. Less eating can also lead to sleep problems. And adequate sleep is important if you want to lose weight .

Little food and hunger

Little food also causes a hunger . In itself, a hunger need not be a problem if you want to lose weight, but the problem is that it often gnaws for a long time. And it constantly focuses your thoughts on food. At the same time you get tired , which also does not help to keep your motivation high. No matter how much willpower you have: at a certain point in time (which can take weeks or months), you give in to the need to eat more. And once you cross that border, it is often very difficult to eat less again.

Since your digestive system has started to work more efficiently and you may have lost the necessary muscle tissue, chances are that you will arrive soon and possibly even exceed your original weight.