3 Week Diet Plan

Health and a Big Belly

Lose weight, it is something that many people want. And especially a big belly is a big problem for many people. Such a big belly is not only not so beautiful, it is really a danger to your health. how to lose weight with 3 week diet plan?


It is not just about the fat that is visible from the outside, the more dangerous is the fat that accumulates inside, in and around your organs. This can cause serious health problems. In addition, people with a lot of fat around their waist have an increased risk of high blood pressure, which gives a greater chance of heart attack and other heart disease. The increased cholesterol and triglycerides, which is usually increased with a lot of fat around the waist, also have an increased risk of heart problems. Another big danger is the increased risk of diabetes. In addition, ailments and diseases generally decrease when someone loses a lot of fat around the waist.

In addition to these life-threatening reasons for losing a big belly, there are other, less serious reasons why it is advisable to do something about your health: In the first place, such a big belly is far from comfortable. It also affects your lungs, your lung capacity is reduced by a large belly, making it more difficult to breathe deeply.

Practical Benefits

It also has practical benefits when you lose belly fat. If you fall into the big size category, it will be easier to find clothes when you lose. And for most people, the weight loss will give them more self-confidence. They have achieved something and look better than before.


Stress is an important factor that makes weight loss difficult. Stress causes the hormone cortisol to become out of balance and this hormone causes fat deposits around the waist. That is why it is important to avoid stress. In many cases this is obviously not possible and that is why it is important to find ways to deal with stress. Active exercise is a good way to combat stress. You often get a clear head again. Yoga is also an excellent activity to combat stress and it also ensures a smoother body.


When someone starts losing weight, it is important that the person is really motivated. That there are no deeper reasons why someone ultimately does not fall. Losing weight is not always an easy way, the motivation is very important. Most people know best how to lose weight, but they can not manage it. If this also applies to you, it may be good to write down what you hold against. Make a list with the negative feelings that weight loss calls for you. That can be very enlightening.

For some people it may be that they make them insecure, they may be rejected and can no longer shirk their overweight. For others there may be financial reasons, they see up against the money that it will cost them to buy a new wardrobe. It can be different for everyone, but it is important to know for yourself those hidden reasons. If you know what your reason is, then you can do something about it and then fall off with success. In practice, it usually turns out to be quite up to date with the things you have feared. Now that you know what your pitfall is, you can pay attention and from that moment on you will be dependent on your willpower and endurance.