Nightfall's Compassion...

 Phùng Duy Tân

Pic I take tonight...where I live..

As I walk through the twilight's tender grasp,

Where nightfall and water in silence meet,

The cool air wraps around me like a clasp,

And the sky welcomes me with a hug so sweet.

Beneath this vast expanse of starry sky,

I, a weary soul, find solace and peace.

The pain and the cancer, they amplify

The beauty of this night, my temporary lease.

Here, where light and shadow dance in embrace,

My heart, heavy with life's unyielding toll,

Finds in this tranquil night a sacred place,

A balm soothing the aches of my soul.

In the quiet of this serene, starlit dome,

I find a world where my spirit can roam.

In this realm where pain and beauty entwine,

Where every tear sparkles under the moon's gaze,

I walk this path, my fleeting time to define,

Embracing the night's comforting, gentle blaze.

This journey, marked by the cancer's cruel hand,

Transforms each moment into a poignant art.

Under this starlit canopy, I stand,

Feeling the universe's pulse in my heart.

In the stillness of this night, my fears resign,

For here, amidst the stars, my spirit shines.

In this sacred dance of light and dark,

I leave my mark, a luminous, eternal spark.
