Just love my Davin

 Phùng Duy Tân

Just love my Davin

By Grandpa Tan Phung

In the twilight of my years, under time's relentless sway.

In a room where shadows dance, and memories softly play.

I hold you close, my dear Davin, in this tender, fading light.

Feeling the tremor of my heart, in the quiet of the night.

Your tiny body in my arms, a fragile, precious weight, 

A life so new, so full of hope, at this somber, twilight gate. 

I feel your breath, soft and warm, a whisper against my skin, 

A bittersweet reminder of what will never be again.

Your hair, a gentle halo, ...soft beneath my trembling hand, ..

A symbol of the life that flows, like time's unending sand. 

In your eyes, the innocence, the wonder yet unspent, 

Reflects back my journey, my years of love and lament.

This hug, ...a fortress of our love, a haven from all fears, 

(..A moment frozen in its grace, .....as I fight back the tears....

For in your embrace, my dear child, I find a love so deep, 

It stirs the wells of my soul, makes even the stoic weep.

Your presence, a reminder of the love I've sown and reaped, 

In this embrace, a lifetime's joy, and promises to keep. 

Though my journey nears its end,... and yours has just begun, 

In this embrace, our souls speak, transcending time and sun.

So cry with me, my little one, for this moment, pure and true, 

For in these tears, we share a love that forever will renew. 

And though I leave, ..my love remains, in every breath you take, 

In every step, in every dream, in every bond you make.

*  For in this hug,*  we've found a truth, as old as time and tide, 

That love transcends, it never ends, 

it forever will abide. 

So remember this embrace, my child, when I'm no longer near, 

In your heart, I'll always stay, in every smile, every tear.

Grand pa crying..and grand kid davin..cry too.. a moment of sadness...

Chau va ong ngoai om nhau khoc...vi biet rang..se khong ....

Davin grand pa alway love you and always be with you no matter where i will..

I love you ..