In the Heart of a Warrior: A Renewed Resolve

 Phùng Duy Tân

In twilight's grasp, where shadows merge and sway,

Nine months of war, in night and day.

Chemo's fiery arrows, CART-T's unmet dream,

Yet still I stand, against the relentless stream.

Each sunrise brings a world reborn,

A precious gift, though my body's worn.

The path is rugged, the winds do chide,

But within my soul, a relentless tide.

Enough of pain, of stress, of tears that fall like rain,

Enough of silent screams, the endless, aching strain.

Yet I know the morrow brings more than yesterday's sorrows,

More trials, deeper pains, unknown tomorrows.

But in this moment, I choose to rise,

To seize each second under the skies.

A warrior's heart, a warrior's creed,

To face each challenge, to plant a seed.

Love's embrace, from kin and kind,

A fortress of hope, in heart and mind.

From every nook of our vast world's embrace,

Voices rally, a steadfast base.

Digital waves carry their fervent cries,

From Facebook's haven, where support never dies.

A network of hearts, a bond so wide,

In life's fiercest storms, they're by my side.

I'm not just a patient, in illness confined,

But a warrior of spirit, of heart, of mind.

I embrace my journey, with all its strife,

A testament to the enduring will of life.

Read my tale, in its lines you'll find,

A saga of courage, of an indomitable kind.

Through pain and laughter, darkness and light,

A warrior's journey, an unending fight.

Phùng Duy Tân
