Please Forget Me, My Love / Xin Người Hãy Quên
thơ Thái Tú Hạp, nhạc Vĩnh Điện

Please Forget Me, My Love /
Xin Người Hãy Quên
thơ  Thái Tú Hạp, nhạc Vĩnh Điện
Translated  by Vuong Thanh, 2020

Trình bày: Anh Dũng

What’s left on the empty row of chairs

when the acting director walked away.

Life is an unfinished play

and we are the actors. 

Vestiges of eroding riverbank slides

swept away after the flooding season.

I’m  just like a bird

Flew over the place once

Then to disappear forever

Without leaving a trace. 

Gone forever…

Life doesn’t know when I arrived, or when I leave

No one would remember me in the sea of people

Only a speck of dust

where I sit, feels the loneliness and sorrow. 

Please forget me, my love

Just like forgetting the days of bitter hardships

Just like forgetting those afternoons in the quiescent library

I seek out old books to read:

the ancient writings,

 the epic songs of heroes,

those history pages stained with blood of the people.  

Please forget me, my love

Just like forgetting some morning at the city market

Since the withering of Spring, 

you have been treading a rocky road,

in a homeland full of pains and sorrows. 

I promised one day to return to my homeland

In some future, to live the life of a bird

I’ll carry pieces of dry grass to a warm nest

and feel the spring forest

flowing new sunshine into my heart.

Let’s forget. The world is ephemeral.

Let’s forget those months and days

of drowning in the sea of love.