Miraculous Poem / Bài Thơ Nhiệm Mầu
thơ Thái Tú Hạp, nhạc Vĩnh Điện

Miraculous Poem / Bài Thơ Nhiệm Mầu
thơ  Thái Tú Hạp, nhạc Vĩnh Điện
Translated  by Vuong Thanh, 2020

Trình bày: Ngọc Quy - Diệu Hiền

Opening the door this morning, I feel a little wistful. 

Yellow leaves have been falling in autumn forever.

Waning moon shines dimly on the rows of trees. 

A world of poetry carried away in the river of Life.

Oh Love, you lies inclined like the sea wave. 

To shake my soul on the shore of love 

Giving me all the innocence of a young woman

Beautiful happiness for a hundred years with love and dreams. 

Do you know: autumn’s just outside the windowsill

The wheel of time rolls by so quickly. 

Like the sparkling dewdrops on the leaves. 

Please be happy, don’t think too much or worry.

Don’t trouble your mind with where I’m coming from. 

Although each love story has an ending.

But our love for each other is ageless. 

Never were there any regrets with us. 

The little bird last night just sang. 

The love song since we first love each other. 

In my autumn years, but my heart’s full of warm fire.

My poetry realm of you is my source of miraculous happiness.