Pillowcase Finishing Method

This is a clean & easy way to finish small quilt projects such as table runners, placemats, table toppers & wall hangings. There is no need to use binding or any other edge finish. With this finishing method, the quilt top is turned ever so slightly to the back. So, the backing won't be visible from the front of the finished project. Make sure your quilt top has at least a 1/2" seam allowance on all four sides.

When you finish piecing the top, trim the edges & press with a little spray starch. Make a sort of sandwich with the quilt batting at the bottom, the backing fabric face-up in the middle, and the quilted top on the stack facing down against the backing fabric. Smooth out the layers without stretching them too tight. This would cause the quilting to scrunch up a bit. We want all the layers nice and smooth.

Next, sew side seams along the two longer sides, leaving the shorter sides open. I like to leave allowance for a 1/2" seam, because the seams lay smoother. But, if the pattern is using 1/4" seams it's just easier to have 1/4" side seams. Trim and layer the edges of the seams to help them lay flat & smooth.

Now, turn it right side out, straighten & iron it without distorting the shape. Press moving the iron straight up & down. Don't push, pull, stretch or pucker the fabric. Using sharp safety pins, pin through all layers to keep them from shifting while quilting. At this point you can turn the edges of the open sides in & topstitch them closed. I prefer to quilt first, so I can still reach in to adjust the way the seams of the top are laying, or pull out any stray threads, etc. Just remember if you leave the seam allowance at each end open, don't stitch all the way to the end when quilting. Trim off the batting at the fold line for the hem, again to make it lay as smooth as possible. Pin each opening closed, topstitch across each end.

Another way to finish the ends is with binding. Cut matching or contrasting fabric in strips of whatever width you'd like and about 1-1/2" longer than the unfinished ends. Cut a separate strip for each end. Fold the strips in half lengthwise with wrong sides together. Press, then align the binding's raw edge with the quilt's raw edge, leaving an equal amount of extra strip on each end. Sew the binding to the top of the quilted layer first, using a 1/4" seam. Then wrap the excess strip length to the back at each end. Bring the folded edge of the binding to the back and blind stitch it in place by hand.