
The currency used in The Celestial Council is Alexandrite Gems. Everyone starts out with 50 Gems, though you can get more from purchasing them, from trades, and from Events, Contests, and Raffles.

Currency Transfers


PayPal/USD: $1 = 100 Gems

Deviant Art Points (pts.): 100pts. = 100 Gems

Chicken Dollars (C$): 20C$ = 100 Gems

Flight Rising Treasure (t): 100,000t = 100 Gems

Flight Rising Gems (g): 100g = 100Gems

MYO Tickets


Allows you to make one Tikry Kahvmas with no Diseases or General, Specific, and Unseen Mutations. You can use Non-Rarity Mutations.

200 Gems


Allows you to make one Sivk Kahvmas with no Diseases or General, Specific, and Unseen Mutations. You can use Non-Rarity Mutations.

300 Gems


Allows you to make one Rih Kahvmas with no Diseases or General, Specific, and Unseen Mutations. You can use Non-Rarity Mutations.

400 Gems


Allows you to make one Quetil Kahvmas with no Diseases or General, Specific, and Unseen Mutations. You can use Non-Rarity Mutations.

600 Gems

Mutation Tickets

Uncommon General Mutation

Allows you to add one Uncommon General Mutation to an already existing Kahvmas or can be used with a MYO.

50 Gems

Rare General Mutation

Allows you to add one Rare General Mutation to an already existing Kahvmas or can be used with a MYO.

100 Gems

Legendary General Mutation

Allows you to add one Legendary General Mutation to an already existing Kahvmas or can be used with a MYO.

150 Gems

Tikry Specific Mutation

Allows you to add one Tikry Specific Mutation to an already existing Kahvmas or can be used with a MYO.

50 Gems

Sivk Specific Mutation

Allows you to add one Sivk Specific Mutation to an already existing Kahvmas or can be used with a MYO.

75 Gems

Rih Specific Mutation

Allows you to add one Rih Specific Mutation to an already existing Kahvmas or can be used with a MYO.

100 Gems

Quetil Specific Mutation

Allows you to add one Quetil Specific Mutation to an already existing Kahvmas or can be used with a MYO.

150 Gems

Nychta Disease Infected Specific Mutation

Allows you to add one Nychta Disease Specific Mutation to an already existing Kahvmas or can be used with a MYO.

185 Gems

Figurine Disorder Infected Specific Mutation

Allows you to add one Figurine Disorder Specific Mutation to an already existing Kahvmas or can be used with a MYO.

185 Gems

Breeding Tickets

Basic Breeding Ticket

Allows you to Breed two of your Kahvmas. 

250 Gems

Major Fertility Breeding Ticket

Allows you to Breed two of your Kahvmas. Guarantees at least three Kits.

350 Gems

Control Breeding Ticket

Allows you to Breed two of your Kahvmas. You have control over the Gender, Type, and Mutations (if the parents have them) of the Kits.

500 Gems

Health Potions

Nychta Disease Infection Potion

Gives one of your Kahvmas Nychta Disease.

750 Gems

Figurine Disorder Infection Potion

Gives one of your Kahvmas Figurine Disorder.

750 Gems

Cleansing Potion

Removes Nychta Disease from one of your Kahvmas.

750 Gems


Simple Accessory

Gives one of your Kahvmas a Simple Accessory.

10 Gems

Medium Accessory

Gives one of your Kahvmas a Medium Accessory.

20 Gems

Complex Accessory

Gives one of your Kahvmas a Complex Accessory.

30 Gems


Check with a Staff Member or Rights Holder for their information if they do Customs


Tikry Rights

Allows you to make Tikry Kahvs, make Healthy Kahvs, and use Non-Rarity Mutations. Can not make Sivk, Rih, and Quetil Kahvs, make any Infected Kahvs, use Uncommon, Rare, and Legendary General Mutations, use Tikry, Sivk, Rih, Quetil, any Infected Specific Mutations, and use Unseen Mutations.

1,000 Gems

Sivk Rights

Allows you to make Tikry and Sivk Kahvs, make Healthy Kahvs, use Non-Rarity Mutations, and use Uncommon General Mutations. Can not make Rih and Quetil Kahvs, make any Infected Kahvs, use Rare and Legendary General Mutations, use Tikry, Sivk, Rih, Quetil, and any Infected kind Specific Mutations, and use Unseen Mutations.

1,500 Gems

Rih Rights

Allows you to make Tikry, Sivk, and Rih Kahvs, make Healthy Kahvs, use Non-Rarity Mutations, and use Uncommon and Rare General Mutations. Can not make Quetil Kahvs, make any Infected Kahvs, use Legendary General Mutations, use Tikry, Sivk, Rih, Quetil, and any Infected Specific Mutations, and use Unseen Mutations.

2,000 Gems

Quetil Rights

Allows you to make Tikry, Sivk, Rih, and Quetil Kahvs, make Healthy Kahvs, use Non-Rarity Mutations, and use Uncommon, Rare, and Legendary General Mutations. Can not make any Infected Kahvs, use Tikry, Sivk, Rih, Quetil, and any Infected Mutations, and use Unseen Mutations.

2,500 Gems

Unlimited Rights

Allows you to make Tikry, Sivk, Rih, and Quetil Kahvs, make Healthy and Infected of any kind Kahvs, use Non-Rarity Mutations, and use any Mutations of any Rarity and Specifics. Can not use Unseen Mutations.

Not Available